

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

Tag: World Trade Organisation

Global e-commerce policy work to continue despite no deal at WTO’s MC11 meeting

Global e-commerce policy work to continue despite no deal at WTO’s MC11 meeting

15 Dec 17  News
UNCTAD Secretary-General Mukhisa Kituyi says talk of inclusive e-commerce and development must go beyond words if developing countries are to reap the benefits. Hopes that Wo...
At MC11, new research shows convergence on rules of origin is happening

At MC11, new research shows convergence on rules of origin is happening

15 Dec 17  News
A new study presented at the World Trade Organisation’s (WTO) 11th Ministerial says countries’ rules for determining a product’s origin are increasingly similar, which is goo...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

14 Dec 17  News
Featured tweets on MC11 dynamics, outcomes: @sdonnan: There’s an alternative narrative emerging this morning [Wednesday] at WTO MC11. Just had someone make case to me that we ar...
WTO Ministerial: In landmark move, country coalitions set plans to advance on new issues

WTO Ministerial: In landmark move, country coalitions set plans to advance on new issues

14 Dec 17  News
The WTO’s Eleventh Ministerial Conference has drawn to a close, capping a busy week of talks which saw members only able to endorse limited substantive outcomes at the multilater...
Global civil society reactions to end of WTO Ministerial Conference

Global civil society reactions to end of WTO Ministerial Conference

14 Dec 17  News
The World Trade Organization (WTO) ministerial conference in Buenos Aires concluded without a formal statement, reflecting the deep divide between poorer countries who have demande...
Kenya’s trade in agricultural exports hampered by pesticide residue

Kenya’s trade in agricultural exports hampered by pesticide residue

14 Dec 17  News
Kenya’s trade in agricultural exports is greatly hampered by perceived high pesticide residue in crops destined for key markets. Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary Ambassador Ami...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

13 Dec 17  News
ABCA call for papers: Examining the challenges and opportunities of firms’ productivity in Africa Consultancy opportunity: Develop a SADC trade development and trade promot...
Buenos Aires Declaration on Women and Trade outlines actions to empower women

Buenos Aires Declaration on Women and Trade outlines actions to empower women

13 Dec 17  News
For the first time in the history of the World Trade Organization, WTO members and observers have endorsed a collective initiative to increase the participation of women in trade. ...
Fisheries subsidies at the Eleventh WTO Ministerial Conference – Deal or no deal?

Fisheries subsidies at the Eleventh WTO Ministerial Conference – Deal or no deal?

13 Dec 17  News
On Monday at the Eleventh WTO Ministerial Conference, the UNCTAD event on ‘Trade, Fisheries Subsidies and SDG14’ provided a platform for discussion to give a deeper understandi...
Public and private sector leaders exchange best practices to implement Trade Facilitation Agreement

Public and private sector leaders exchange best practices to implement Trade Facilitation Agreement

13 Dec 17  News
Public and private sector leaders on 12 December exchanged insights on implementing the World Trade Organisation’s landmark Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) to fully reap the b...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

12 Dec 17  News
Featured tweets: @AUC_MoussaFaki: #SDGsAfricaRoundtable: Leadership in Africa must speak, act local to galvanise intra-African trade, stronger political commitment to address the ...
WTO, World Economic Forum and eWTP launch joint public-private dialogue to open up e-commerce for small business

WTO, World Economic Forum and eWTP launch joint public-private dialogue to open up e-commerce for small business

12 Dec 17  News
A new initiative designed to drive public-private dialogue on e-commerce was launched on Monday, 11 December 2017 by the World Trade Organization, the World Economic Forum and the ...
At MC11, new report reveals that trade regulations are costlier for developing countries than tariffs

At MC11, new report reveals that trade regulations are costlier for developing countries than tariffs

12 Dec 17  News
Joint UNCTAD-World Bank Group findings confirm that non-tariff measures (NTMs) affect 77% of world trade and are more important than tariffs in trade policy. A new report by UNCTA...
More than 40 ministers issue joint statement affirming support for the WTO

More than 40 ministers issue joint statement affirming support for the WTO

12 Dec 17  News
Ministers from 44 World Trade Organisation (WTO) members issued a joint statement on 11 December underlining their support for the WTO and reaffirming the “centrality” of the r...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

11 Dec 17  News
2017 PIDA Week is underway in Swakopmund. Profiled, recent PIDA documentation: PIDA Progress Report 2017 (pdf); Evaluation of PIDA water projects and formulation of respective...
Ministerial Conference opens with signing of presidential declaration in support of WTO

Ministerial Conference opens with signing of presidential declaration in support of WTO

11 Dec 17  News
The World Trade Organization’s 11th Ministerial Conference opened in Buenos Aires on 10 December with a forceful declaration by four Latin American presidents pledging support fo...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

08 Dec 17  News
China’s double-digit trade jump pairs global and domestic demand (Bloomberg) China’s trade engine remained in high gear with a surprise export surge accompanied by further acc...
International customs community adopts the Luxor Resolution on cross-border e-commerce and issues a communiqué to the WTO MC11

International customs community adopts the Luxor Resolution on cross-border e-commerce and issues a communiqué to the WTO MC11

08 Dec 17  News
The WCO Policy Commission (PC) has seized the momentum garnered in the domain of electronic commerce and has unanimously adopted the Luxor Resolution at its meeting held this week ...
11th WTO Ministerial Conference – Buenos Aires: Resource box

11th WTO Ministerial Conference – Buenos Aires: Resource box

08 Dec 17  News
World Trade Organisation (WTO) members wrapped up their 11th Ministerial Conference (MC11) in Buenos Aires, Argentina on 13 December 2017, having brought together nearly 4,000 mini...
Group of WTO Members: Time to focus on gender as critical inclusion issue

Group of WTO Members: Time to focus on gender as critical inclusion issue

06 Dec 17  News
A coalition of developed and developing economies is expected to unveil a declaration in Buenos Aires outlining several steps they plan to take over the coming two years towards in...


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