

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

Tag: World Trade Organisation

Community groups call for fairer trade rules at WTO meeting

Community groups call for fairer trade rules at WTO meeting

09 Oct 17  News
Today, Trade Ministers from only 35 countries will attend a “mini-Ministerial” in Morocco which is intended to solidify the agenda for the upcoming 11th Ministerial Confer...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

05 Oct 17  News
Starting today, in Accra: The WIDER Development Conference on migration and mobility (jointly organized with the African Research Universities Alliance). Downloads: poster presenta...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

02 Oct 17  News
Launching today, in Geneva: UNCTAD’s Information Economy Report 2017. The Report will examine how increased digitalization is influencing international trade and what the implica...
E-Commerce: Some developing countries push back on idea of new WTO rules

E-Commerce: Some developing countries push back on idea of new WTO rules

02 Oct 17  News
While the profile of electronic commerce is rising in diverse international fora, some developing countries are saying they do not want to discuss a new negotiating mandate for e-c...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

29 Sep 17  News
Today, in Lusaka: Zambia’s Minister of Finance, Felix Mutati, delivers the 2018 national budget Yesterday, in Maseru: The first sitting of the Lesotho Coordinating Committee on ...
Role of trade key in achieving UN Sustainable Development Goals

Role of trade key in achieving UN Sustainable Development Goals

29 Sep 17  News
Trade will play a key role in achieving the United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and both governments and the private sector need to be more active in ensur...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

28 Sep 17  News
tralac’s weekly e-Newsletter is posted. The featured commentary is by Prof Gerhard Erasmus: Is the WTO under threat? Tomorrow in Johannesburg: How to succeed in doing ...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

27 Sep 17  News
UNCTAD’s first Non-Tariff Measures Week concludes today in Geneva: an overview; an interview with Dr Manish Pande (Director of Quality Council of India) The WTO Public Foru...
WTO launches 2017 World Trade Report on trade, technology and jobs

WTO launches 2017 World Trade Report on trade, technology and jobs

27 Sep 17  News
Technology and trade have propelled the global economy through a period of great dynamism over the past quarter of a century but – as with any economic advance – there has also...
Is the WTO under threat?

Is the WTO under threat?

26 Sep 17  Discussion
Gerhard Erasmus, tralac Associate, comments on the state of the multilateral trading system Since its inception in 1995 the World Trade Organization (WTO) has been the formal cust...
African Union Commission, Member States and RECs urge the implementation of Trade Facilitation measures

African Union Commission, Member States and RECs urge the implementation of Trade Facilitation measures

25 Sep 17  News
The African Union Commission in collaboration with the Mauritius Revenue Authority organized the 3rd African Union Customs Experts’ Trade Facilitation Forum from 20-22 September ...
WTO upgrades forecast for 2017 as trade rebounds strongly

WTO upgrades forecast for 2017 as trade rebounds strongly

21 Sep 17  News
WTO economists have issued a strong upward revision to their forecast for 2017 trade expansion following a sharp acceleration in global trade growth in the first half of the year. ...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

20 Sep 17  News
African statements to UNGA’s debate: updated resource page Starting today, in Mauritius: 3rd AU Customs Expert Trade Facilitation Forum. The Forum will develop a set of recommen...
African Union Ministers of Trade meet to come up with a common position prior to the 11th WTO Ministerial Conference

African Union Ministers of Trade meet to come up with a common position prior to the 11th WTO Ministerial Conference

20 Sep 17  News
The African Union Commission in collaboration with the Government of South Africa organized a Special Meeting of African Union Ministers of Trade, on 18 September 2017 in Addis Aba...
WTO Ministerial Conference in Buenos Aires: What’s at stake for small, least developed and sub-Saharan African countries?

WTO Ministerial Conference in Buenos Aires: What’s at stake for small, least developed and sub-Saharan African countries?

20 Sep 17  News
The World Trade Organization (WTO) Geneva preparatory process is sine qua non for all WTO Ministerial Conferences. It has nevertheless proven challenging for small delegations, giv...
African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States’ agricultural trade and the World Trade Organization negotiations

African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States’ agricultural trade and the World Trade Organization negotiations

20 Sep 17  News
The long-running World Trade Organization (WTO) Doha negotiations remain unresolved. The stumbling block in 2008 was the intransigence of the United States of America over domestic...
Kenya forms team to negotiate international trade deals

Kenya forms team to negotiate international trade deals

20 Sep 17  News
The Government has formed a multi-agency council to coordinate bilateral, regional, inter-regional and multilateral trade. In a gazette notice on 15 September 2017, Industry, Trad...
Trade ministers talk global developments at AU meeting

Trade ministers talk global developments at AU meeting

19 Sep 17  News
African Ministers of Trade on Monday met in Ethiopia on priority issues for the continent in the current Doha Development Round. The Ministers used their gathering to also discuss...
10th Session of the Committee on Regional Cooperation and Integration to focus on CFTA shared gains

10th Session of the Committee on Regional Cooperation and Integration to focus on CFTA shared gains

19 Sep 17  News
The 10th Session of the Committee on Regional Cooperation and Integration (CRCI10) will be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from October 31 to November 2, 2017, under the theme ‘Imp...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

18 Sep 17  News
Today, in Addis: Informal meeting of AU Ministers of Trade The main objectives of the meeting are to: (i) take stock of recent developments in the negotiations at the WTO since th...


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