

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

Tag: World Trade Organisation

Southern Africa University Professor Training Programme on the WTO and Sustainable Development, 11-14 December 2006

Southern Africa University Professor Training Programme on the WTO and Sustainable Development, 11-14 December 2006

12 Oct 06  Event
The University Professor Training Programme on the WTO and Sustainable Development for Southern Africa was held in Cape Town, South Africa from 11-14 December 2006. The workshop wa...

Initiation of WTO Trade Disputes by the private sector by SADC/COMESA countries

11 Oct 06  Publications
WTO dispute settlement is inter-governmental in nature since the rules and procedures apply to the settlement of disputes between Members concerning their rights and obligations un...

The ability of select sub-Saharan African countries to utilise TRIPs Flexibilities and Competition Law to ensure a sustainable supply of essential medicines: A study of producing and importing countries

20 Sep 06  Publications
The impact of the WTO Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) on access to essential medicines in the developing world is an issue that has gripp...
Workshop on Aid for Trade and the Doha Agenda: Implications for Southern Africa, 23-24 August 2006

Workshop on Aid for Trade and the Doha Agenda: Implications for Southern Africa, 23-24 August 2006

25 Aug 06  Event
On 23 to 24 August 2006, the South African National Treasury, the Commonwealth Secretariat (Comsec) and the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) organized a wor...

The WTO Trade Policy Review Mechanism: Application and benefit to SACU

09 Jun 06  Publications
If you are trading into a country, you want to know as much as possible about the conditions of trade that exist in that country. Trade policies and practices are valuable sources ...

The WTO ten years on: Trade and Development

18 May 06  Publications
Development issues have long been a component of the multilateral trading system and it is widely recognised that there is a strong link between trade and development. The nature o...
The Multifibre Agreement – WTO Agreement on Textiles and Clothing

The Multifibre Agreement – WTO Agreement on Textiles and Clothing

28 Apr 06  Publications
Quantitative restrictions to limit international trade in certain goods have existed for a long time already, but in no sector have they been as common and broadly applied as in th...
Post-Hong Kong Africa Regional Workshop on WTO Negotiations, 10-11 April 2006

Post-Hong Kong Africa Regional Workshop on WTO Negotiations, 10-11 April 2006

18 Apr 06  Event
The Commonwealth Secretariat (Comsec) and Trade Law Centre for Southern Africa (tralac) organised a meeting for the African Region last year in preparation for the WTO Hong Kong Mi...
Regional Strategy Meeting on Hong Kong Trade Ministerial Conference Outcomes: Implications for Poverty Reduction in SADC, 6-7 April 2006

Regional Strategy Meeting on Hong Kong Trade Ministerial Conference Outcomes: Implications for Poverty Reduction in SADC, 6-7 April 2006

10 Apr 06  Event
The Doha Development package: Did the Hong Kong WTO conference bring the Doha round any closer to conclusion? tralac was invited to make a presentation at a meeting convened ...

Trade and competitiveness in African fish exports: Impacts of WTO and EU negotiations and regulation

23 Sep 05  Publications
Exports of inland and marine capture fish and fishery products (thereafter ‘fish’) are of integral importance to government revenues and income and employment generation in Sub...
Africa Regional Workshop on WTO Negotiations, 31 August-2 September 2005

Africa Regional Workshop on WTO Negotiations, 31 August-2 September 2005

02 Sep 05  Event
The Africa Regional Workshop on WTO Negotiations was convened by tralac and the Commonwealth Secretariat (COMSEC), to coincide with the end of the summer break for Geneva-based del...
Textiles and clothing: Reflections on the sector integration into the post-quota environment

Textiles and clothing: Reflections on the sector integration into the post-quota environment

30 Mar 05  Publications
Quotas to restrict imports of textiles and clothing into developed countries, notably Europe and the United States, have been in place for at least the past four decades. ...


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