

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

Tag: World Trade Organisation

WTO members review regional trade agreements covering EU, Ghana and EAEU

WTO members review regional trade agreements covering EU, Ghana and EAEU

22 Nov 18  News
WTO members reviewed the interim Economic Partnership Agreement between the European Union (EU) and Ghana at the meeting of the Committee on Regional Trade Agreements on 19 Novembe...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

21 Nov 18  News
The WTO’s Dispute Settlement Body meets today: selected updates India asks WTO to set up panel against US for imposing higher duties on steel, aluminium. China, the EU, Mexi...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

19 Nov 18  News
Pan-African policy events starting today: Africa Industrialization Week 2018 [ODI blog: Five new ways to promote African industriali-sation] Workshop on Continental Tran...
WTO members adopt roadmap for reducing technical barriers to trade

WTO members adopt roadmap for reducing technical barriers to trade

19 Nov 18  News
WTO members achieved a breakthrough at a 14-15 November meeting of the Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) by agreeing on a list of recommendations that aim at reducing ...
Regional Integration as a building block for the Multilateral Trading System

Regional Integration as a building block for the Multilateral Trading System

18 Nov 18  Blog
The signing of the Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) by African countries earlier this year was a momentous decision which could potentially alter the economic growth traje...
Assuring Continuation of Effective WTO Dispute Settlement

Assuring Continuation of Effective WTO Dispute Settlement

18 Nov 18  Blog
Until the past few years, for many there was widespread complacency over the existence and state of the liberal world trading system. If progress was needed that could not be achie...
A WTO multilateral investment facilitation agreement: An African perspective

A WTO multilateral investment facilitation agreement: An African perspective

18 Nov 18  Blog
Investment at the WTO Investment was introduced onto the World Trade Organisation (WTO) agenda in 1996 at the First WTO Ministerial Conference held in Singapore, when member state...
WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement: An African perspective

WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement: An African perspective

18 Nov 18  Blog
Trade facilitation discussions at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) began in December 1996, at the Singapore Ministerial Conference, when the member states instructed the WTO Coun...
Modernisation of the multilateral trading system – WTO reforms

Modernisation of the multilateral trading system – WTO reforms

18 Nov 18  Blog
The multilateral trading system and the World Trade Organisation (WTO) are today under threat. The system is being shaken by increasing protectionism and the imposition of non-tari...
The Settlement of Trade Disputes: Where do we stand and what can be done?

The Settlement of Trade Disputes: Where do we stand and what can be done?

18 Nov 18  Blog
The crisis in the dispute settlement arrangement of the World Trade Organization (WTO) has a paralysing effect on the multilateral trade system. While the workload of the Dispute S...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

16 Nov 18  News
Mali’s parliament yesterday, 15 November, unanimously ratified the AfCFTA Agreement. @AbdoulayeDiop8: Bravo au gouvernement & a l’Assemblée nationale du Mali pour cette pr...
Joint statement of the 7th EU-South Africa Summit

Joint statement of the 7th EU-South Africa Summit

16 Nov 18  News
EU-South Africa Summit: Strengthening the Strategic Partnership At the 7th European Union-South Africa Summit held in Brussels on 15 November 2018, Leaders agreed on a number of s...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

09 Nov 18  News
Forthcoming African trade, infrastructure and industrialisation policy events Linked to implementing the WTO’s TFA and the AU’s AfCFTA (i) Southern Africa: Border agency...
Women-supporting trade policies need better data, experts say

Women-supporting trade policies need better data, experts say

01 Nov 18  News
Women’s economic empowerment is a crucial objective of the international development agenda but designing informed policies means developing better information. The idea that go...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

26 Oct 18  News
Ottawa Ministerial on WTO reform: joint communiqué (GoC) We note growing trade tensions are linked to major shifts in the global trading landscape. We also note the difficulties ...
Joint Communiqué of the Ottawa Ministerial on WTO Reform

Joint Communiqué of the Ottawa Ministerial on WTO Reform

26 Oct 18  News
DG Azevêdo welcomes commitment to strengthen the WTO Speaking at a gathering of ministers to discuss WTO reform, which was convened by the Canadian government in Ottawa on 25 Oct...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

23 Oct 18  News
The Canada-Africa Chamber of Business, Accelerating Africa conference, began today in Toronto Starting tomorrow, in Kigali: The 2018 Mid-Term Review of the African Development Fun...
Zimbabwe ratifies the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement: What does this mean for Zimbabwe?

Zimbabwe ratifies the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement: What does this mean for Zimbabwe?

23 Oct 18  Blog
On 17 October 2018, Zimbabwe deposited with the World Trade Organisation (WTO) Secretariat its instrument of ratification of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA)[1], becoming...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

22 Oct 18  News
Diarise: (i) The East African Legislative Assembly resumed its sitting in Arusha this morning: it continues until 10 November. This week’s EAC calendar of events can be accessed...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

19 Oct 18  News
Ethiopia and Rwanda, this week, announced gender parity cabinets. The key Trade and Industry portfolio in both countries is now headed by a woman: Mrs Fetlework Gebregziabher and M...


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