

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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M-Pesa and the rise of the global mobile money market

M-Pesa and the rise of the global mobile money market

14 Aug 2015
Most people probably don’t think of Kenya as an innovation and technology hub, but in 2007 it became the launching pad for M-Pesa, a transformative mobile phone-based platform fo...
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Joint submission on the out-of-cycle review on South Africa’s eligibility for benefits under AGOA

Joint submission on the out-of-cycle review on South Africa’s eligibility for benefits under AGOA

14 Aug 2015
Joint submission by the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC), SECTION27, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), and the Stop Stock Outs Project (SSP) on the out-of-cy...
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MDGs’ uneven success: Key gaps left unfilled

MDGs’ uneven success: Key gaps left unfilled

14 Aug 2015
When the final report on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) was released recently, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon described the campaign as the “most successful anti-pover...
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What Pan Africanism means in the context of regional integration

What Pan Africanism means in the context of regional integration

14 Aug 2015
African people, both on the African continent and in the diaspora, share not merely a common history or heritage, but a common destiny. This sense of interconnected pasts and futur...
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tralac’s Daily News selection: 13 August 2015

tralac’s Daily News selection: 13 August 2015

13 Aug 2015
The selection: Thursday, 13 August Strengthening citizen participation on matters affecting regional integration in Sub-Saharan Africa (NANGO) The SADC Treaty Article 16A provide...
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CSOs expected to shape TFTA negotiations

CSOs expected to shape TFTA negotiations

13 Aug 2015
CUTS-Nairobi held project inception meetings under ‘Integrating the Voice of CSOs in Regional Integration Process in Eastern and Southern Africa’ (IVORI-ESA) project in Nairobi...
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The role of Standards in promoting sustainable Agriculture and food security in Africa: Opening remarks of the ARSO President

The role of Standards in promoting sustainable Agriculture and food security in Africa: Opening remarks of the ARSO President

13 Aug 2015
Opening remarks of the ARSO President at the 52nd ARSO Council Meeting, 10-11 August 2015, African Union Commission, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia under the theme “The rol...
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Endemic poverty, high unemployment Africa’s greatest challenges due to corruption – Muneku

Endemic poverty, high unemployment Africa’s greatest challenges due to corruption – Muneku

13 Aug 2015
Endemic poverty and high levels of unemployment are the greatest challenges facing Africa due to widespread corruption and illicit financial flows, says Southern Africa Trade Union...
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South Africa under pressure to implement US poultry trade agreement

South Africa under pressure to implement US poultry trade agreement

13 Aug 2015
South Africa must open its markets to US poultry or risk losing its benefits from the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), the president of the US’ National Chicken Council...
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Request for Proposals: COMESA Business Visa

Request for Proposals: COMESA Business Visa

13 Aug 2015
The COMESA Treaty envisages a fully integrated, internationally competitive regional community within which goods, services, capital and labour are free to move across national bor...
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We can learn a lot from China – Ramaphosa

We can learn a lot from China – Ramaphosa

13 Aug 2015
Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa has called on South Africans not to scoff at the government’s close relationship with China because China was bound to be the biggest economy in ...
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SADC in food deficit

SADC in food deficit

13 Aug 2015
All Southern African Development Community (SADC) member states except Zambia, Tanzania and South Africa will this agricultural season experience food deficit due to poor rain...
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TFTA: Africa’s crucial inflection point

TFTA: Africa’s crucial inflection point

13 Aug 2015
On June 10, 2015, at the 25th African Union Summit in Cairo, Egypt, African leaders signed the Tripartite Free Trade Agreement (TFTA). Prior to its signing, the agreement had been ...
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tralac’s Daily News selection: 12 August 2015

tralac’s Daily News selection: 12 August 2015

12 Aug 2015
The selection: Wednesday, 12 August First Annual Southern Africa Business Forum: Savuti Declaration The Southern Africa Business Forum proposes [inter alia] the following as a wa...
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Southern Africa Business Forum: Savuti Declaration

Southern Africa Business Forum: Savuti Declaration

12 Aug 2015
The Savuti Declaration details the findings of the Southern Africa Business Forum and commitment of the private sector to act towards regional economic integration in the...
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Win for Museveni as Kenya cedes sugar regulation

Win for Museveni as Kenya cedes sugar regulation

12 Aug 2015
Kenya is set to cede regulation of its sugar industry to a regional agency in the latest bid to end a long running market access war with Uganda. The joint agency, described by ...
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SADC to set new Customs Union deadline

SADC to set new Customs Union deadline

12 Aug 2015
After missing the 2010 deadline, the South African Development Community (SADC) will now negotiate a new target date for the transformation of the organisation into a Customs Union...
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Egypt seeks to strengthen trade with rest of continent

Egypt seeks to strengthen trade with rest of continent

12 Aug 2015
Egypt’s Ministry of Industry and Foreign Trade is looking to double its exports of agricultural crops and is looking to African markets to realise this goal. Through free trade ...
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Development strategies in a globalized world: Multilateral processes for managing sovereign external debt

Development strategies in a globalized world: Multilateral processes for managing sovereign external debt

12 Aug 2015
Document prepared for the sixty-second session of the Trade and Development Board, to be held on 14 to 25 September 2015 in Geneva The present document summarizes the main aspects...
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Government on mission to achieve higher impact industrial development

Government on mission to achieve higher impact industrial development

12 Aug 2015
The Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr Rob Davies says government has embarked on a mission to take the country’s industrialisation to the next level by ensuring that the Industr...
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