

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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Nigeria’s oil industry in disarray as illicit trade booms

Nigeria’s oil industry in disarray as illicit trade booms

07 Aug 2015
The Nigerian president’s sudden, unexpected and seemingly unilateral decision to ban nearly 100 oil tankers from the country’s waters has sown confusion in the operations of Af...
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tralac’s Daily News selection: 6 August 2015

tralac’s Daily News selection: 6 August 2015

06 Aug 2015
The selection: Thursday, 6 August Sh850bn Suez Canal opens today (Business Daily) Thousands of regional dignitaries and millions of Egyptians gather Thursday as the country opens...
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Aid should be seen as foreign public investment, not just charity

Aid should be seen as foreign public investment, not just charity

06 Aug 2015
As new players from the emerging economies enter the aid arena, the thinking that underpins much development cooperation needs to change International development has reached a cr...
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Policy guidelines if adopted could ease doing business in the counties

Policy guidelines if adopted could ease doing business in the counties

06 Aug 2015
Governors and various stakeholders have welcomed the launch of policy guidelines for the drafting of County Revenue Laws saying these guidelines if well implemented would help faci...
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Kenya loses its position among Africa’s top 10 foreign investment destinations

Kenya loses its position among Africa’s top 10 foreign investment destinations

06 Aug 2015
Kenya has fallen behind Tanzania and Rwanda as the top investment destination in East Africa, dampening the country’s ambition to become a regional leader in tapping foreign dire...
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In Africa, progress in country-led government reforms

In Africa, progress in country-led government reforms

06 Aug 2015
The overall quality of government policies and institutions designed to spur development and reduce poverty in African countries remained steady in 2014, with the greatest progress...
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tralac’s Daily News selection: 5 August 2015

tralac’s Daily News selection: 5 August 2015

05 Aug 2015
The selection: Wednesday, 5 August Is the World Bank’s ‘Doing Business’ report at odds with how business is done in the developing world? (Wall Street Journal) The Doing Bu...
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A Free Trade Area with unlimited liquidity

A Free Trade Area with unlimited liquidity

05 Aug 2015
Since the launch of the Tripartite Free Trade Area in June this year, a voluminous body of scholarly work has been generated by many tertiary institutions and by international bodi...
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World Bank Board Committee authorizes release of revised draft Environmental and Social Framework

World Bank Board Committee authorizes release of revised draft Environmental and Social Framework

05 Aug 2015
The World Bank is in the process of reviewing, updating and strengthening its environmental and social policies that serve to protect vulnerable people and the environment in World...
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Digital solutions to steer financial inclusion in Africa

Digital solutions to steer financial inclusion in Africa

05 Aug 2015
ICT can radically transform the market for financial products and services for poor Africans The linkages between digital financial services (DFS) and the development agenda in Af...
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Environmental Goods Agreement trade talks eye August list

Environmental Goods Agreement trade talks eye August list

05 Aug 2015
The chair of talks designed to liberalise environmental goods trade will compile and circulate a draft consensus list of products slated for tariff cuts in the coming weeks, trade ...
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Nigeria to lose billions without oil sales reforms, report says

Nigeria to lose billions without oil sales reforms, report says

05 Aug 2015
Nigeria must urgently reform the way it sells oil to prevent Africa’s biggest crude producer losing billions of dollars of revenue, according to a new report. The approach of th...
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The role of big data in Africa’s regional integration

The role of big data in Africa’s regional integration

05 Aug 2015
The ambitions of a young Ugandan entrepreneur to expand his coffee processing business will soon be within reach. East Africa’s accelerated integration process is opening up poss...
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SADC showcases the region in China, seeks investment in infrastructure

SADC showcases the region in China, seeks investment in infrastructure

05 Aug 2015
Southern Africa has taken its multi-billion-dollar infrastructure development plan to potential funders in China – a country that is now the leading investor in Africa. In the l...
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SADC Ministers of Finance and Central Bank Governors meet in Bulawayo

SADC Ministers of Finance and Central Bank Governors meet in Bulawayo

05 Aug 2015
The SADC Third Peer Review Panel meeting of Ministers of Finance and Central Bank Governors commenced in Bulawayo, Republic of Zimbabwe on 3 August 2015 to deliberate on key aspect...
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tralac’s Daily News selection: 4 August 2015

tralac’s Daily News selection: 4 August 2015

04 Aug 2015
The selection: Tuesday, 4 August Botswana to host SADC Summit: 7-18 August Southern African Business Forum: 11-12 August The 2015 SADC Peoples’ Summit: 15-16 August SADC: Thi...
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Bold approach to capacity building needed to foster regional integration

Bold approach to capacity building needed to foster regional integration

04 Aug 2015
Support and political will of African leaders is very critical in order to effectively promote regional integration but also allow capacity building institutions and development pa...
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ECA publishes report on International Transport and Trade Facilitation

ECA publishes report on International Transport and Trade Facilitation

04 Aug 2015
The Economic Commission for Africa has published its report on International Transport and Trade facilitation in North Africa. In this study, the ECA office for North Africa analys...
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WTO Trade Policy Review programme for 2016

WTO Trade Policy Review programme for 2016

04 Aug 2015
Surveillance of national trade policies is a fundamentally important activity running throughout the work of the WTO. At the centre of this work is the Trade Policy Review Mechanis...
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Somalia reaches milestone with first IMF review in decades

Somalia reaches milestone with first IMF review in decades

04 Aug 2015
Somalia should focus on strengthening the key building blocks for stability and growth as it recovers from more than two decades of civil war, the IMF says in its first review of t...
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