

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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The Global Forum releases new compliance ratings on tax transparency

The Global Forum releases new compliance ratings on tax transparency

04 Aug 2015
The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes published new peer review reports on 3 August for 12 countries or jurisdictions, moving furt...
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Central Corridor poised to become regional trade hub

Central Corridor poised to become regional trade hub

04 Aug 2015
A renewed sense of urgency to get things done characterised last Friday’s inter-state council meeting of ministers from Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Tanzania and DR Congo as they dis...
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tralac’s Daily News selection: 3 August 2015

tralac’s Daily News selection: 3 August 2015

03 Aug 2015
The selection: Monday, 3 August Structural transformation is happening, but needs accelerating (UNECA) Sub-regional perspectives on structural change (UNECA/University of No...
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Structural transformation is happening, but needs accelerating

Structural transformation is happening, but needs accelerating

03 Aug 2015
Structural transformation has been one of the most talked about concepts among development practitioners in recent years – especially since the work of Margaret McMillan and Dani...
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South Africa: Merchandise Trade Statistics for June 2015

South Africa: Merchandise Trade Statistics for June 2015

03 Aug 2015
The South African Revenue Service (SARS) on 31 July released trade statistics for June 2015 that recorded a trade surplus of R5.80 billion. This figure includes trade data with Bot...
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Experts and policymakers re-imagine African agriculture in face of climate change

Experts and policymakers re-imagine African agriculture in face of climate change

03 Aug 2015
Over 1,200 experts, policy makers and participants on 31 July 2015 adopted the Nairobi Action Agenda on Ecosystem based Adaptation for food security and formed the Ecosystem Based ...
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Ban hails UN Member States’ agreement on ‘people’s agenda’ to end poverty, promote sustainability

Ban hails UN Member States’ agreement on ‘people’s agenda’ to end poverty, promote sustainability

03 Aug 2015
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has praised UN Member States for reaching agreement on the draft outcome document that will constitute the new sustainable de...
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EAC region launches online trading platform to connect farmers with grain buyers

EAC region launches online trading platform to connect farmers with grain buyers

03 Aug 2015
A platform to connect farmers to grain buyers in the region was launched on 31st July 2015 in Nairobi, Kenya. The platform, dubbed G-Soko, was developed by a Kenyan-based IT firm V...
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Nairobi to open fresh talks with South Africa on visa rules row

Nairobi to open fresh talks with South Africa on visa rules row

03 Aug 2015
Kenya and South Africa are expected to open fresh talks in Nairobi on Monday in a bid to resolve a visa standoff that has threatened their bilateral relations since last year. T...
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COMESA Annual Research Forum to be held in Kampala, Uganda

COMESA Annual Research Forum to be held in Kampala, Uganda

03 Aug 2015
The COMESA Council of Ministers during its 34th meeting held in Addis Ababa in March 2015, directed the Secretariat to convene a meeting of the policy think tanks and the private s...
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tralac’s Daily News selection: 31 July 2015

tralac’s Daily News selection: 31 July 2015

31 Jul 2015
The selection: Friday, 31 July SA's June trade data posted by SARS WTO updates its Statistics Database with revised 2014 data The WTO updated on 30 July 2015 its Statistics...
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UN Summit to adopt the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Intergovernmental negotiations on the outcome document produce text for adoption

UN Summit to adopt the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Intergovernmental negotiations on the outcome document produce text for adoption

31 Jul 2015
The United Nations is in the process of defining a post-2015 development agenda. This agenda will be launched at a Summit in New York in September 2015, currently being elaborated ...
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From evidence to policy – Innovations in shaping reforms in Africa

From evidence to policy – Innovations in shaping reforms in Africa

31 Jul 2015
Addressing global development issues often requires effective policy reforms. Some of these reforms are justified from a fiscal and macroeconomic perspective, but may have unintend...
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Africa50, a step change for infrastructure financing and development in Africa

Africa50, a step change for infrastructure financing and development in Africa

31 Jul 2015
Africa50, the new and innovative infrastructure investment platform promoted by the African Development Bank (AfDB) held its Constitutive General Assembly on the 29th of July ...
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Momentum gathers for international agreement to combat rogue fishing

Momentum gathers for international agreement to combat rogue fishing

31 Jul 2015
FAO assists countries in implementing the ports accord on illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing A growing number of countries are ratifying an international agreement to com...
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Amid ‘steady rise’ in rhino poaching and elephant killings, UN urges action to tackle illegal wildlife trade

Amid ‘steady rise’ in rhino poaching and elephant killings, UN urges action to tackle illegal wildlife trade

31 Jul 2015
Recognizing that wild animals and plants are an “irreplaceable part of the natural systems of the Earth,” the United Nations General Assembly on 30 July urged its Member States...
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Communiqué on the Regional Conference on Building Democratic Developmental States for Economic Transformation in Southern Africa

Communiqué on the Regional Conference on Building Democratic Developmental States for Economic Transformation in Southern Africa

31 Jul 2015
Preamble The Regional Conference on Building Democratic Developmental States for Economic Transformation in Southern Africa was organised by the United Nations Economic Commis...
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Kenya industry safeguards place it on a collision path with WTO over free trade

Kenya industry safeguards place it on a collision path with WTO over free trade

31 Jul 2015
Kenya faces a dilemma over continued protection of its manufacturers amid risk of reprisals from other World Trade Organisation (WTO) members aggrieved by its actions. The globa...
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tralac’s Daily News selection: 30 July 2015

tralac’s Daily News selection: 30 July 2015

30 Jul 2015
The selection: Thursday, 30 July The Tripartite Free Trade Agreement: results of Phase One of the negotiations (tralac) An important question to be answered is whether this ...
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Actions for inclusion amid rising inequality

Actions for inclusion amid rising inequality

30 Jul 2015
Concerns over inclusion feature in 10 of the 17 sustainable development goals that are set to replace the Millennium Development Goals, which expire this year. Such a focus on incl...
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