

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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Africa faces five headwinds of concern

Africa faces five headwinds of concern

02 Sep 2015
With gross domestic product increases of at least fivefold since 2000, Africa’s growth story has been the good news narrative of recent years. As if little could derail the rise...
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Africa projected to have just one low income country by 2050: ReSAKSS 2014 Annual Trends and Outlook Report

Africa projected to have just one low income country by 2050: ReSAKSS 2014 Annual Trends and Outlook Report

02 Sep 2015
Large infrastructure gaps, climate change, high speed of urbanization, and a youthful and rapidly growing population will influence the future pace of growth Most African countrie...
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Adesina assumes office as 8th President of the African Development Bank Group

Adesina assumes office as 8th President of the African Development Bank Group

02 Sep 2015
“We must light up and power Africa – as a Bank we will launch a new deal on energy for Africa” Former Nigerian Agriculture Minister Akinwumi Adesina formally assumed office ...
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Is 2015 the beginning of the end for Africa’s China-led boom?

Is 2015 the beginning of the end for Africa’s China-led boom?

02 Sep 2015
Africa-focused economists caught off-guard on China weakness. Disappointing growth in Africa’s two biggest economies has highlighted the role of China in the expansion of recent...
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DG Azevêdo: “Let’s make Nairobi a success”

DG Azevêdo: “Let’s make Nairobi a success”

02 Sep 2015
In his speech in Costa Rica during his current official visit to Central America, WTO Director General, Roberto Azevêdo, talked about the importance of the early ratification of t...
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tralac’s Daily News selection: 1 September 2015

tralac’s Daily News selection: 1 September 2015

01 Sep 2015
The selection: Tuesday, 1 September Donald Kaberuka, AfDB President 2005-2015 (AfDB) Sovereign wealth funds can ease Africa risks, new AfDB head says (Bloomberg) Africa rising: ...
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Free trade can save the rhino

Free trade can save the rhino

01 Sep 2015
Is it possible that Michael Froman can succeed where both Leonardo DiCaprio and David Beckham have not? Maybe – if the job is saving the rhino, whose pop...
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South Africa: Merchandise Trade Statistics for July 2015

South Africa: Merchandise Trade Statistics for July 2015

01 Sep 2015
The South African Revenue Service (SARS) has released trade statistics for July 2015 that recorded a trade deficit of R0.40 billion. This figure includes trade data with Botswana, ...
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Trade between China and Sub-Saharan Africa: Can the reliance on raw materials be reversed?

Trade between China and Sub-Saharan Africa: Can the reliance on raw materials be reversed?

01 Sep 2015
Trade between China and Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has been asymmetric and characterised by China’s importing mainly mining and other extraction products from SSA, and the lat...
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Economic Partnership Agreements: What has Africa gained and what can it lose?

Economic Partnership Agreements: What has Africa gained and what can it lose?

01 Sep 2015
ACP countries were required for the first time to negotiate reciprocal, though asymmetric trade agreements, with a major – and developed – trading partner, the EU, giving birth...
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Regional economic blocs key to attaining Pan-Africanism

Regional economic blocs key to attaining Pan-Africanism

01 Sep 2015
Strong regional economic communities (RECs) are the key to Africa’s long term goal of creating a vibrant, united and prosperous continent. South Africa’s High Commissioner to ...
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Africa rising: The new growth agenda

Africa rising: The new growth agenda

01 Sep 2015
There is no one ‘big’ answer to how growth can be generated; instead we must break down the question, piece-by-piece, in search of the many smaller answers that together can pr...
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State bets on accurate and timely data to boost services

State bets on accurate and timely data to boost services

31 Aug 2015
With just weeks left to the signing of the new United Nations development goals, Kenya is coming up with new data collection and dissemination systems that could prove critical in ...
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New report: How Open Data can drive sustainable development

New report: How Open Data can drive sustainable development

31 Aug 2015
Open Data – data that is freely available online for anyone to use and republish for any purpose – is becoming increasingly important in today’s development agenda driven by ...
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African Caucus 2015: Angola defends financial agreement among African states

African Caucus 2015: Angola defends financial agreement among African states

31 Aug 2015
Angola defended dialogue and consultation between policy makers and technicians of the financial and monetary sectors of the African States at a meeting of regional finance ministe...
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Intra-African trade rises as market access between blocs improves

Intra-African trade rises as market access between blocs improves

31 Aug 2015
Intra-African trade increased by 50 per cent to $61 billion between 2010 and 2013, according to recent data released by the African Development Bank. The rise is attributed ...
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Exit Kenya’s sugar, enter Tanzania rice: Kampala’s new trade war

Exit Kenya’s sugar, enter Tanzania rice: Kampala’s new trade war

31 Aug 2015
Even as recent trade wars in the East African Community have mostly featured Kenya and Uganda over sugar exports, Kampala has for the past two months been locked in a dispute with ...
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China, Africa underline non-governmental exchanges to boost ties

China, Africa underline non-governmental exchanges to boost ties

31 Aug 2015
Leaders of African countries and China have vowed to enhance exchanges. Non-governmental organizations on both sides will boost people to people relations at different levels. The...
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tralac’s Daily News selection: 28 August 2015

tralac’s Daily News selection: 28 August 2015

28 Aug 2015
The selection: Friday, 28 August Raising voices for women cross border traders in West Africa: report (WCBT) The “Raising Voices for Women Cross Border Traders in West Africa P...
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China’s economic slowdown: What it means for Africa

China’s economic slowdown: What it means for Africa

28 Aug 2015
How the depreciating yuan and plummeting global commodity prices threaten to undermine investment in African people and businesses On August 24th, or what is now being referred to...
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