

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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SADC banking supervisors meet to bolster financial stability

SADC banking supervisors meet to bolster financial stability

03 Mar 2016
Banking supervisors from countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) have come together at the Eden Bleu Hotel in Seychelles for their 2016 steering and sub-comm...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

02 Mar 2016
The selection: Wednesday, 2 March 2016 Today's 17th Ordinary EAC Heads of State Summit: updates Open session proceedings can be followed live The EABC Code of Conduct and Code o...
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Fraser Institute Annual Survey of Mining Companies, 2015

Fraser Institute Annual Survey of Mining Companies, 2015

02 Mar 2016
This report presents the results of the Fraser Institute’s 2015 annual survey of mining and exploration companies. The survey is an attempt to assess how mineral endowments and p...
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At World Bank forum, UN deputy chief links importance of sustainable peace with progress on development

At World Bank forum, UN deputy chief links importance of sustainable peace with progress on development

02 Mar 2016
Speaking on 1 March at a forum aimed to end extreme poverty by 2030 and promote shared sustainable prosperity, United Nations Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson highlighted that...
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Uganda, Tanzania plan oil pipeline

Uganda, Tanzania plan oil pipeline

02 Mar 2016
Uganda and Tanzania are planning to build a pipeline from Ugandan oil fields to the Tanzanian coast in a move that could strike a blow to Kenyan pipeline plans. Statements i...
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SA-US trade deal reaches beyond Agoa

SA-US trade deal reaches beyond Agoa

02 Mar 2016
The US government through the Office of the US Trade Representative is currently seized developing a report on “Deepening and Broadening the Trade and Investment Relationship bet...
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Government calls for conducive environment for local businesses

Government calls for conducive environment for local businesses

02 Mar 2016
The government has stressed the need to put in place a conducive environment for all businesses including small and medium entrepreneurs (SMEs) to enable them to conduct most of th...
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Rapid urbanization and climate change puts strain on Durban’s environment

Rapid urbanization and climate change puts strain on Durban’s environment

02 Mar 2016
The natural environment of eThekwini, the city also known as Durban, has been put under severe pressure due to rapid urbanization and climate change. These have contributed to the ...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

01 Mar 2016
The selection: Tuesday, 1 March 2016 For updates on today's EA Business Leaders Summit: follow ‏@EABCArusha, #EABusinessSummit Industrial policy in Africa: how to overcome the ...
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CFTA negotiators establish their launch pad

CFTA negotiators establish their launch pad

01 Mar 2016
The first meeting of the Continental Free Trade Area Negotiating Forum (CFTA-NF) laid the groundwork for upcoming substantive negotiations on Africa’s largest free trade area. Ne...
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South Africa Merchandise Trade Statistics for January 2016

South Africa Merchandise Trade Statistics for January 2016

01 Mar 2016
South Africa’s trade balance swings to a deficit R17.87 billion ($1 billion) in January from a revised R7.56 billion surplus in December, the national revenue agency said on Mond...
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Namibia rakes in over $1 billion from EU Trade

Namibia rakes in over $1 billion from EU Trade

01 Mar 2016
Namibia has raked in U$1.059 billion from trade exports to the European Union (EU) almost twice as much as the U$643 million worth of goods imported from the EU for the year 2014/2...
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EAC launches first One Stop Border Post at Holili/Taveta

EAC launches first One Stop Border Post at Holili/Taveta

01 Mar 2016
The East African Community officially launched the first One Stop Border Post (OSBP) in Holili/Taveta towns on the Kenya/Tanzania border on 27 February 2016. The facility was buil...
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2016 Conference of Ministers: Towards an integrated and coherent approach to implementation, monitoring and evaluation of Agenda 2063 and the SDGs

2016 Conference of Ministers: Towards an integrated and coherent approach to implementation, monitoring and evaluation of Agenda 2063 and the SDGs

01 Mar 2016
Ministerial Conference The Ninth Joint AUC-ECA Annual Meetings of the AU Conference of Ministers of the Economy and Finance and ECA Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Pla...
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Senators announce arrival of first US poultry to South Africa in 15 years

Senators announce arrival of first US poultry to South Africa in 15 years

01 Mar 2016
US Senators Chris Coons (D-Del.) and Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.), co-chairs of the Senate Chicken Caucus, have applauded the news that the first US poultry in more than 15 years has arr...
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EAC positions itself for Nile irrigation and power projects

EAC positions itself for Nile irrigation and power projects

01 Mar 2016
East African countries are positioning themselves to benefit from irrigation and hydroelectric power projects along the River Nile. Eleven of 30 of such projects, commission...
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2030 Agenda’s promise of well-managed migration and mobility must become a reality – UN deputy chief

2030 Agenda’s promise of well-managed migration and mobility must become a reality – UN deputy chief

01 Mar 2016
The promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is that well-managed migration and mobility will benefit migrants and their families as well as countries of or...
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Carlos Lopes on Africa’s debt: They don’t believe in the future

Carlos Lopes on Africa’s debt: They don’t believe in the future

01 Mar 2016
The domino effect of five central banks – Denmark, Switzerland, the European Central bank, the bank of Japan and more recently Sweden, slashing interest rates to sub-zero levels ...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

29 Feb 2016
The selection: Monday, 29 February 2016 Later today, in Pretoria: South Africa's January 2016 trade data will be published Later today, in London: launch of the 'Smart Industrial...
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G20 to say world needs to look beyond ultra-easy policy for growth

G20 to say world needs to look beyond ultra-easy policy for growth

29 Feb 2016
The world’s top economies declared on Saturday that they need to look beyond ultra-low interest rates and printing money to shake the global economy out of its torpor, while rene...
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