

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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New report on Social Cohesion in Eastern Africa

New report on Social Cohesion in Eastern Africa

18 Feb 2016
Poverty, inequality, migration and political unrest have all threatened social cohesion in Eastern Africa, as well as many other threats. Yet the region has proved remarkably ...
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Financing mechanism top agenda of next EAC summit

Financing mechanism top agenda of next EAC summit

18 Feb 2016
The forthcoming 17th Ordinary East African Community (EAC) Heads of State Summit, scheduled February 29 in Arusha, Tanzania, will discuss the best sustainable financing mechanism f...
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Ministers agree on fast-tracking Central Corridor railway line project

Ministers agree on fast-tracking Central Corridor railway line project

18 Feb 2016
Infrastructure projects undertaken by the Central Corridor states, including the railway line, will be fast-tracked, ministers for infrastructure from Rwanda, Tanzania and Burundi ...
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Twenty-first annual review of the implementation and operation of the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade

Twenty-first annual review of the implementation and operation of the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade

18 Feb 2016
The WTO Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade will conduct its Twenty First Annual Review of the Implementation and Operation of the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade...
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Alternative dispute resolution mechanism should be made accessible to all

Alternative dispute resolution mechanism should be made accessible to all

18 Feb 2016
The Acting Deputy Director-General of Consumer and Corporate Regulation at the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti), Mr MacDonald Netshitenzhe says Alternative Dispute Resolu...
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Minister Ebrahim Patel: Debate of the State of the Nation Address

Minister Ebrahim Patel: Debate of the State of the Nation Address

18 Feb 2016
Remarks by Minister of Economic Development, Ebrahim Patel in the Debate of the State of the Nation Address, 17 February 2016 The State of the Nation Address and yesterday’s deb...
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Agricultural biotechnologies: Giving voice to family farmers’ needs and concerns

Agricultural biotechnologies: Giving voice to family farmers’ needs and concerns

18 Feb 2016
Debate and sharing of knowledge at FAO-hosted symposium FAO is committed to bring the debate on agricultural biotechnologies to regions and family farmers from around the world to...
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The change in demand for debt: The new landscape in low-income countries

The change in demand for debt: The new landscape in low-income countries

18 Feb 2016
Many low-income developing countries have joined the group of Eurobond issuers across the globe – in sub-Saharan Africa (for example, Senegal, Zambia, and Ghana), Asia (for examp...
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Prime for investment, COMESA countries must be more than export market

Prime for investment, COMESA countries must be more than export market

18 Feb 2016
Egypt’s African offices will maximise benefit of storage areas for Egyptian exports, making them serve as starting points for the distribution Egyptian investors are seeking fur...
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tralac’s Daily News selection

tralac’s Daily News selection

17 Feb 2016
The selection: Wednesday, 17 February 2016 South Africa’s trade at a glance - update of recent developments (tralac infographics): Big picture, Intra-SACU trade, SACU trade with...
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Kenya tops East Africa with most infrastructure projects last year

Kenya tops East Africa with most infrastructure projects last year

17 Feb 2016
Kenya had the highest number of infrastructure deals in East Africa last year on the back of mega real estate projects and the standard gauge railway, says a report by financial co...
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Aid-for-Trade Work Programme 2016-2017: “Promoting Connectivity”

Aid-for-Trade Work Programme 2016-2017: “Promoting Connectivity”

17 Feb 2016
Overview At the 10th Ministerial Conference (MC10) held in Nairobi, Kenya on 15-18 December 2015, Ministers agreed the following text on Aid for Trade as part of the Ministerial ...
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West Africa-EU prepare for final signatures towards implementation of the EPA

West Africa-EU prepare for final signatures towards implementation of the EPA

17 Feb 2016
West Africa and the European Union (EU) are gearing up for the finalisation of the signatures for the onward commencement of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA). To this end,...
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Unconventional gas is structurally changing global gas markets

Unconventional gas is structurally changing global gas markets

17 Feb 2016
The growth of unconventional gas is spreading across the world with major implications over many years for markets and prices according to a new World Energy Council study ‘...
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DG Azevêdo welcomes Côte d’Ivoire’s efforts in trade facilitation

DG Azevêdo welcomes Côte d’Ivoire’s efforts in trade facilitation

17 Feb 2016
WTO Director-General Roberto Azevêdo visited Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, on 16 February as part of his current visit to West Africa. The Director-General met with President Alassa...
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New report tracks the rapid growth of sustainable markets

New report tracks the rapid growth of sustainable markets

17 Feb 2016
Survey results from 14 sustainability standards for nine commodities point to emerging trends for sustainable-certified production Worldwide cultivation and trade of agricultural ...
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Kenya signs global tax deal to crackdown on multinationals

Kenya signs global tax deal to crackdown on multinationals

17 Feb 2016
Kenya has signed a global tax deal that will help to crackdown on multinationals and individuals keen on evading taxes and curtail the use of tax havens. The law will make i...
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tralac’s Daily News selection

tralac’s Daily News selection

16 Feb 2016
The selection: Tuesday, 16 February 2016 Diarise? Unleashing the next engine of growth: a services trade agenda beyond Doha and the TPP (webstreaming, 7 March, Washington) Robert...
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From fragility to resilience: Managing natural resources in fragile situations in Africa

From fragility to resilience: Managing natural resources in fragile situations in Africa

16 Feb 2016
New report urges Africa to address fragility through natural resources management The African Development Bank Group (AfDB) and the Washington-based Environmental Law Institute (E...
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DG Azevêdo visits Abuja to discuss how trade can support Nigeria

DG Azevêdo visits Abuja to discuss how trade can support Nigeria

16 Feb 2016
WTO Director-General Roberto Azevêdo visited Abuja, Nigeria, on 15 February to meet with President Muhammadu Buhari and discuss how trade, and the WTO, can serve Nigeria in the ye...
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