

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

Government calls for conducive environment for local businesses


Government calls for conducive environment for local businesses

Government calls for conducive environment for local businesses
Photo credit: IPP Media

The government has stressed the need to put in place a conducive environment for all businesses including small and medium entrepreneurs (SMEs) to enable them to conduct most of their activities under one umbrella for reduction of bureaucracies.

The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment, Prof Adolf Mkenda (pictured), made the remarks in Dar es Salaam over the weekend when wrapping up a local expo and ARSO standard celebration day.

The four-day event which started last Wednesday was organised by Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF ) in collaboration with Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS).

Prof Mkenda said the government has now started taking measures to reduce unnecessary procedures being taken by various people especially those seeking services from government departments. 

“We have started with the Business Registration and Licencing Agency (BRELA) where most of the activities there are conducted under one window,” he said. 

He said the government was looking at how institutions like TBS, TFDA or TIRDO could provide services to customers without interruptions.

“We want our people to be served under one umbrella organisation that would reduce unnecessary delays and costs,” he said. 

He also urged workers under his ministry to improve their performance and  stick to professionalism. 

“You have to conduct your activities with more professionalism, but do it without fear or favour for the betterment of our economy,” he insisted. 

For his part, TBS director general Joseph Masikitiko urged SMEs to maintain high standards to encourage consumers to go for locally-made brands as they will have confidence in them as far as quality is concerned. 

He said the bureau, in collaboration with TPSF, has embarked on a special drive aimed at empowering local entrepreneurs on the need to observe standards as they mobilise the public to purchase local goods.

The expo is aimed at promoting local products and high standards as well as quality to win local and international markets. 

 During the exhibition a special team picked the best 50 top brands which would be marketed at an African Standards event and continental free area exhibitions as a move to promote local products. 

The picked brands will be awarded during the climax of an African event in which Tanzania will host in June, this year. 

However, he urged manufacturers to continue producing goods according to the required standards to enable them get reliable markets locally and abroad. 

He said Tanzania was one of the economically developed countries in Africa, an important country in the East African Community as well as entry point and an important trade centre in East Africa with a great market potential.


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