

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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The Economic Impact of the SADC EPA Group-EU Economic Partnership Agreement

The Economic Impact of the SADC EPA Group-EU Economic Partnership Agreement

11 Oct 2016
An analysis prepared by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Trade On 3 April 2014, Heads of State and Governments of Africa and of the European Union gathered at t...
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36th Meeting of the COMESA Intergovernmental Committee opens in Antananarivo

36th Meeting of the COMESA Intergovernmental Committee opens in Antananarivo

11 Oct 2016
Industrialization in focus as COMESA Policy organs begin meeting COMESA leaders have begun meeting in Madagascar to set the programme for the next one year for the 19 member regio...
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EAC Secretary General Amb. Liberat Mfumukeko addresses the media on his priorities for the next five years

EAC Secretary General Amb. Liberat Mfumukeko addresses the media on his priorities for the next five years

11 Oct 2016
Address by Secretary General, Amb. Liberat Mfumukeko, during the Press Conference on 10th October 2016 at the East African Community (EAC) Headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania I warml...
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Maritime safety, security and development in Africa

Maritime safety, security and development in Africa

11 Oct 2016
Africa boasts of an abundance of natural resources, in particular aquatic and marine resources, with a potential that has not yet been fully tapped in the context of economic growt...
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Opening ‘Africa Week’ at UN, Ban highlights importance of partnerships with and for the continent

Opening ‘Africa Week’ at UN, Ban highlights importance of partnerships with and for the continent

11 Oct 2016
Noting the socio-economic progress made by African countries and their centrality in major sustainable development discourses, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moo...
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WIPO workshop: African states are themselves to blame, should compile, publicize IP statistics

WIPO workshop: African states are themselves to blame, should compile, publicize IP statistics

11 Oct 2016
Each year, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Economic and Statistics Division sends out questionnaires, which intellectual property offices worldwide are expected...
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New ICC survey finds worsening global shortage of trade finance

New ICC survey finds worsening global shortage of trade finance

11 Oct 2016
Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and African countries are suffering the most from a deepening global trade finance gap according to the ICC 2016 Global Survey on Trade F...
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Global FDI to fall 10-15% in 2016, road to recovery looks bumpy

Global FDI to fall 10-15% in 2016, road to recovery looks bumpy

11 Oct 2016
Global FDI flows are expected to drop to between $1.5 and $1.6 trillion in 2016, a fall of 10% to 15% from 2015, before recovering in 2017 and 2018, according to estimates from UNC...
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WTO, IMF and World Bank leaders: “Trade must be an engine of growth for all”

WTO, IMF and World Bank leaders: “Trade must be an engine of growth for all”

11 Oct 2016
WTO Director-General Roberto Azevêdo, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Christine Lagarde and World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim came together on 7 October ...
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AfDB to launch an Africa Investment Forum

AfDB to launch an Africa Investment Forum

11 Oct 2016
The  Board of the African Development Bank (AfDB) has approved the institution’s proposal to launch an ‘Africa Investment Forum (AIF)’ – a meeting place for investors ...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

10 Oct 2016
COMESA’s Intergovernmental Committee starts Policy Week proceedings (COMESA) The Intergovernmental Committee that brings together Permanent/Principal Secretaries was the first t...
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Note on the 3rd Meeting of the CFTA-NF

Note on the 3rd Meeting of the CFTA-NF

10 Oct 2016
The 3rd meeting of the negotiating forum of the CFTA-Negotiating Forum (CFTA-NF) was held from the 3rd to 7th of October 2016 at the headquarters of the African Union Commission (A...
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Entry into force of the SADC-EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)

Entry into force of the SADC-EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)

10 Oct 2016
Joint Press Release from the Department of Trade and Industry of the Republic of South Africa and the EU Delegation to the Republic of South Africa Benefits of a new trade de...
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Declaration on the African Union Border Programme and measures for its consolidation

Declaration on the African Union Border Programme and measures for its consolidation

10 Oct 2016
The African Union Border Programme (AUBP) held, on 6 October 2016, a Meeting of Ministers on African Border Issues at the African Union Headquarters in Addis Ababa to review the pr...
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Development Committee: World Bank urged to expand work on global risks

Development Committee: World Bank urged to expand work on global risks

10 Oct 2016
The World Bank Group must become “better, stronger, and more agile” to confront major global challenges over the next 15 years, while also working to end extreme poverty, boost...
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SA, Namibia seek improved intra-African trade

SA, Namibia seek improved intra-African trade

10 Oct 2016
Intra-African trade must become the new economic paradigm for the continent, as it will help stimulate economic growth and improve the continent’s capacity to resolve its own cha...
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Commodities, rainfall, instability biggest challenges – African Ministers

Commodities, rainfall, instability biggest challenges – African Ministers

10 Oct 2016
Low commodity prices, climate change, and insecurity are forcing many countries to make significant fiscal adjustments, African finance ministers said during the IMF-World Bank Spr...
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Repurposing the World Bank and the MDBs to meet 21st century challenges

Repurposing the World Bank and the MDBs to meet 21st century challenges

10 Oct 2016
Finance and development ministers gathered in Washington this weekend at the World Bank’s annual meetings had an ambitious agenda of topics to discuss. But the truth is, it is no...
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IMFC calls for strengthening foundations for inclusive and sustainable growth

IMFC calls for strengthening foundations for inclusive and sustainable growth

10 Oct 2016
Finance ministers and central bank governors representing the International Monetary Fund’s 189 member countries convened on 8 October 2016 as the policy-guiding International Mo...
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Statement by Multilateral Development Banks: Delivering on the 2030 Agenda

Statement by Multilateral Development Banks: Delivering on the 2030 Agenda

10 Oct 2016
9 October 2016 The Heads of the African Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Developmen...
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