

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

26 Oct 2016
The selection: Wednesday, 26 October 2016 Underway, in Nairobi: TFTA committee of senior officials, in preparation for the 10th meeting of the Tripartite Council of Ministers Per...
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SADC, EAC and COMESA seek to implement Tripartite Free Trade Area

SADC, EAC and COMESA seek to implement Tripartite Free Trade Area

26 Oct 2016
The 10th EAC-COMESA-SADC Tripartite Committee of Senior Officials for Trade, Customs, Finance, Economic matters and Internal Affairs meeting opened in Nairobi, Kenya on Tuesday to ...
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Trade Policy Review: Democratic Republic of the Congo

Trade Policy Review: Democratic Republic of the Congo

26 Oct 2016
The second review of the trade policies and practices of the Democratic Republic of the Congo takes place on 25 and 27 October 2016. The basis for the review is a report by the WTO...
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Sub-Saharan Africa: Policy adjustment way out of growth slump

Sub-Saharan Africa: Policy adjustment way out of growth slump

26 Oct 2016
Growth in sub-Saharan Africa is set to slow to its lowest level in more than two decades, the IMF said in its latest Regional Economic Outlook for Sub-Saharan Africa. The rep...
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Experts warn Kenya against costly transport of crude oil by trucks

Experts warn Kenya against costly transport of crude oil by trucks

26 Oct 2016
The Kenyan government has been urged to consider a pipeline for oil exports to reap maximum benefit from the proposed early production. According to oil and gas experts, the...
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Rwandan govt moves to regulate warehouse business for commodities exchange

Rwandan govt moves to regulate warehouse business for commodities exchange

26 Oct 2016
The Government has tabled a Bill before Parliament that seeks to regulate the business of providing warehouse services and value certificates for stored agricultural produce in a m...
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African economies adopt record number of reforms, says Doing Business 2017 report

African economies adopt record number of reforms, says Doing Business 2017 report

25 Oct 2016
Sub-Saharan Africa economies carried out a record number of reforms in the past year to improve the business climate for local entrepreneurs, says the World Bank Group’s annual e...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

25 Oct 2016
The selection: Tuesday, 25 October 2016 Featured tweet, @ThulasSims: ’Dlamini Zuma; ‘We’ve lost 40% of our aviation market, because as Africans we don’t make agreements wi...
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Rwanda maintains second spot in 2017 World Bank Doing Business report

Rwanda maintains second spot in 2017 World Bank Doing Business report

25 Oct 2016
The 2017 World Bank Doing Business Report has ranked Rwanda 2nd in Africa after Mauritius. And globally, Rwanda has improved six places ranking 56th out of 190 countries. The late...
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EAC/JICA Automotive industry expert meeting kicks off in Nairobi

EAC/JICA Automotive industry expert meeting kicks off in Nairobi

25 Oct 2016
A broad spectrum of stakeholders and experts from the Automotive Industry, Finance, Customs and Trade sectors as well as vehicle manufacturing company representatives from the EAC ...
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Weak data buries the shine of Kenya’s huge mineral resource

Weak data buries the shine of Kenya’s huge mineral resource

25 Oct 2016
Kenya has vast mineral deposits that remain largely unexploited as data gaps keep the country’s undiscovered underground wealth out of the economic system. A report releas...
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We need to up our game to provide support to exporters – Director-General October

We need to up our game to provide support to exporters – Director-General October

25 Oct 2016
The Director-General for the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti), Mr Lionel October says government needs to up its game to provide support for exporters to ensure increased...
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Report charts path for a “nutrition revolution” in Africa

Report charts path for a “nutrition revolution” in Africa

25 Oct 2016
The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) is having a positive impact in countries that have implemented its recommendations, according to the 2015 An...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

24 Oct 2016
The selection: Monday, 24 October 2016 Events this week: In Geneva – the DRC’s Trade Policy Review (25, 27 October); In Maputo – Open forum on macroeconomic scenarios a...
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How can trade policy be used to transform African livelihoods?

How can trade policy be used to transform African livelihoods?

24 Oct 2016
How can African countries and the international community overcome the existing challenges to building the poverty-reducing trade needed to meet the poverty-related Sustainable Dev...
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Intra-BRICS trade: An Indian perspective

Intra-BRICS trade: An Indian perspective

24 Oct 2016
Executive Summary In the recent years, developing countries have increasingly emerged as regional and global growth engines, reflecting higher growth in economic activity and trad...
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Smuggling eats into Uganda tax revenue

Smuggling eats into Uganda tax revenue

24 Oct 2016
Uganda is losing tax revenue in a lucrative underground trade of smuggled goods, consisting mainly of cosmetics and motorcycles. Sources at the Uganda Revenue Authority said...
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Rwanda, DR Congo sign deal to ease cross-border trade

Rwanda, DR Congo sign deal to ease cross-border trade

24 Oct 2016
Rwanda and DR Congo have signed a new agreement establishing a framework for bilateral cooperation in the area of cross-border trade and elimination of non-tariff barriers. Offici...
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How digital finance could boost growth in emerging economies

How digital finance could boost growth in emerging economies

24 Oct 2016
Delivering financial services by mobile phone could benefit billions of people by spurring inclusive growth that adds $3.7 trillion to the GDP of emerging economies within a decade...
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Global cooperation through carbon markets could cut climate mitigation costs dramatically: World Bank report

Global cooperation through carbon markets could cut climate mitigation costs dramatically: World Bank report

24 Oct 2016
101 Countries consider carbon pricing as part of their Paris Agreement commitments Greater cooperation through carbon trading could reduce the cost of climate change mitigation by...
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