

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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A new plan to support action on climate change in the Arab World

A new plan to support action on climate change in the Arab World

16 Nov 2016
World Bank steps up climate funding in the MENA region; target set of US$1.5 billion per year to support climate action The World Bank Group on 15 November 2016 announced a new pl...
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WTO-UNCTAD launch new guide to trade policy analysis

WTO-UNCTAD launch new guide to trade policy analysis

16 Nov 2016
A new book on trade policy analysis was launched on 15 November by the WTO and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). “An Advanced Guide to Trade Policy...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

15 Nov 2016
The selection: Tuesday, 15 November 2016 Starting on Thursday, in Cape Town: tralac’s roundtable A Continental Free Trade Area to support Africa’s industrial development objec...
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Book highlights “real world” gains from Trade Facilitation Agreement

Book highlights “real world” gains from Trade Facilitation Agreement

15 Nov 2016
Implementation of the WTO’s Trade Facilitation Agreement would provide a huge boost to trade, foreign investment, export diversification and participation in global value chains,...
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Cotton export subsidies, domestic support and market access: Background paper by the WTO Secretariat

Cotton export subsidies, domestic support and market access: Background paper by the WTO Secretariat

15 Nov 2016
The following background paper has been prepared by the WTO Secretariat for the Committee on Agriculture Special Session – Sub-Committee on Cotton The Ministerial Decision on Co...
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Report identifies reasons for Africa’s low internet use

Report identifies reasons for Africa’s low internet use

15 Nov 2016
Despite recent improvements in infrastructure and affordability, internet adoption in Sub-Saharan Africa is not growing rapidly, a report says. The report says...
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COP22: Geneva-based agencies highlight important role of trade in addressing climate change

COP22: Geneva-based agencies highlight important role of trade in addressing climate change

15 Nov 2016
Trade is a powerful tool to lower the cost of key green technologies Trade has an important role to play in addressing climate change and helping countries meet their commitments ...
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The African Union Commission’s Africa Business Directory: Toward the facilitation of growth, partnership and global inclusion

The African Union Commission’s Africa Business Directory: Toward the facilitation of growth, partnership and global inclusion

15 Nov 2016
The African Union is rapidly increasing its partnerships with global regional and leading country partners, while simultaneously developing and promoting strategic sector plans for...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

14 Nov 2016
The selection: Monday, 14 November 2016 Analysts recommend African Marshall Plan (DW) A study by the Club of Rome think tank and the Senate of the Economy (Senat der Wirtschaft) ...
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Analysts recommend African Marshall Plan

Analysts recommend African Marshall Plan

14 Nov 2016
The United States helped to rebuild Europe after World War Two. Germany’s development minister wants a similar initiative to kick-start African development. A study by the Club ...
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Zambia to cut budget deficit, sees higher 2017 GDP growth

Zambia to cut budget deficit, sees higher 2017 GDP growth

14 Nov 2016
Zambia has proposed measures to curb its budget deficit at a time when slumping commodity prices have seen the country face mine closures, rising unemployment, power shortages and ...
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Trade in services and economic transformation

Trade in services and economic transformation

14 Nov 2016
While much of the debate on economic transformation centres around transforming agriculture and moving into manufacturing, the potential of services is often left unexplored. ...
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Illicit flows and trade misinvoicing: Are we looking under the wrong lamppost?

Illicit flows and trade misinvoicing: Are we looking under the wrong lamppost?

14 Nov 2016
Illicit financial flows (IFFs) have become a high profile issue in recent years. The Sustainable Development Goals include a target (16.4: significantly reduce illicit financi...
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Universality: What the Sustainable Development Goals mean to business

Universality: What the Sustainable Development Goals mean to business

14 Nov 2016
New report by the United Nations’ SDG Fund offers private sector perspective on development goals and how companies align The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Fund (...
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Drylands are key to global food security, says new IFAD report

Drylands are key to global food security, says new IFAD report

14 Nov 2016
A new report launched on 11 November 2016 by the UN’s International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) reveals the crucial role the world’s drylands play in buffering the...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

11 Nov 2016
The selection: Friday, 11 November 2016 Featured tweets: @BaldwinRE: Mega-regionalism, the big trend in global trade governance for 10 yrs, died this week (Trump). => Breathi...
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New OECD-UNDP report examines progress: Is development co-operation becoming more effective?

New OECD-UNDP report examines progress: Is development co-operation becoming more effective?

11 Nov 2016
A new report finds that 99 percent of the 81 low and middle-income countries and territories participating in a recent monitoring process have national development strategies in pl...
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Donald Trump and Africa

Donald Trump and Africa

11 Nov 2016
For Africa, at stake in this election of Donald Trump is the strong bipartisan consensus in Congress that has been the cornerstone of U.S. policy toward the continent for the last ...
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East African Common Market Scorecard 2016

East African Common Market Scorecard 2016

11 Nov 2016
Tracking EAC compliance in the movement of capital, services and goods Achieving regional integration is not easy, but has a significant pay-off. The objective of establishing the...
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New report ‘Transitioning from the MDGs to the SDGs’ calls for collaboration to ‘Deliver as One’

New report ‘Transitioning from the MDGs to the SDGs’ calls for collaboration to ‘Deliver as One’

11 Nov 2016
UNDP and the World Bank released its new report ‘Transitioning from the MDGs to the SDGs’ on 10 November 2016, coinciding with the UN System Chief Executives Board for Coo...
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