

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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WTO Members reaffirm commitment to Aid for Trade and to development support

WTO Members reaffirm commitment to Aid for Trade and to development support

14 Jul 2017
WTO members reaffirmed their commitment to the Aid for Trade initiative and to the development dimension of the organization at the closing session of the Aid for Trade Global Revi...
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Information and communication technologies heralded by UN chiefs as critical to fast-forward achievement of Sustainable Development Goals

Information and communication technologies heralded by UN chiefs as critical to fast-forward achievement of Sustainable Development Goals

14 Jul 2017
Information & communication technologies (ICTs) now form the backbone of today’s economies – providing individuals with access to such vitally important resources as employ...
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IMF Executive Board 2017 Article IV Consultation with Rwanda

IMF Executive Board 2017 Article IV Consultation with Rwanda

14 Jul 2017
On July 12, 2017, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) concluded the 2017 Article IV consultation with Rwanda and completed the seventh review of Rwand...
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Trade facilitation key to addressing needs of developing countries

Trade facilitation key to addressing needs of developing countries

14 Jul 2017
Trade facilitation can be a key contributor to sustainable development as speedier border crossings for goods and services help address poverty alleviation and even humanitarian cr...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

13 Jul 2017
Reminder: Today’s out-of-cycle hearing on AGOA eligibility for Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania Commentary by Fredrick Kamusiime: The Review of AGOA Eligibility Status fo...
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Countries urged to reap benefits of food trade by engaging in standards setting

Countries urged to reap benefits of food trade by engaging in standards setting

13 Jul 2017
FAO and WTO facilitate developing nations’ participation in fast-moving $1.7 trillion global food trade Participation in the development of international food standards for trad...
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Aid for Trade: ITC launches Export Potential Map for more targeted trade

Aid for Trade: ITC launches Export Potential Map for more targeted trade

13 Jul 2017
New online tool makes it easier for businesses in developing countries to identify and target market opportunities. The International Trade Centre (ITC) on 12 July 2017 ...
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IMF Executive Board 2017 Article IV Consultation with Uganda

IMF Executive Board 2017 Article IV Consultation with Uganda

13 Jul 2017
On July 7, 2017, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) concluded the 2017 Article IV consultation with Uganda and completed the eighth review of Uganda...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

12 Jul 2017
UNCTAD’s Mukhisa Kituyi: The road to inclusive e-commerce in Africa According to UNCTAD’s e-commerce index, Africa is trailing far behind in terms of readiness to engage in an...
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Faster, better and together: the road to inclusive e-commerce in Africa

Faster, better and together: the road to inclusive e-commerce in Africa

12 Jul 2017
“Small is beautiful, small is powerful”. This is the creed embedded in the foundation of a global e-commerce giant: Alibaba. But the creed does not only define the genesis of a...
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Boosting intra-African trade crucial to Africa’s development, says ECA’s Stephen Karingi

Boosting intra-African trade crucial to Africa’s development, says ECA’s Stephen Karingi

12 Jul 2017
The Aid for Trade Global Review 2017 opened at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) headquarters in Geneva yesterday with the Economic Commission for Africa’s Capacity Development ...
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Connectivity and inclusiveness highlighted at opening of Aid for Trade Global Review

Connectivity and inclusiveness highlighted at opening of Aid for Trade Global Review

12 Jul 2017
Continued support is needed to improve connectivity, lower trading costs and increase women’s participation in trade, particularly in developing and least developed countries (LD...
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Regional trade agreements, integration and development

Regional trade agreements, integration and development

12 Jul 2017
Developing countries have become more active participants in regional trade agreements, which raise questions about how the benefits of integration are distributed. A key conc...
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Enhancing international cooperation in the investigation of cross-border competition cases: Tools and procedures

Enhancing international cooperation in the investigation of cross-border competition cases: Tools and procedures

12 Jul 2017
Contribution from the Competition Commission of South Africa, prepared for the UNCTAD Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Competition Law and Policy Round Table on Enhancing inte...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

11 Jul 2017
Posted: The Little Green Data Book 2017 (based on World Development Indicators 2017 and its online database) Underway, in New York: ECOSOC High-Level Political Forum review of 203...
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More inclusive global value chains can advance productivity and growth in developing countries

More inclusive global value chains can advance productivity and growth in developing countries

11 Jul 2017
Global value chains are transforming world trade, but must be more inclusive if they are to deliver greater benefits to developing countries and smaller companies, according to a n...
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Kenya launches National Trade Policy

Kenya launches National Trade Policy

11 Jul 2017
The Government of Kenya, through the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives, on Monday launched the National Trade Policy. The launch of the National Trade Policy took ...
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OECD and FAO see slower growth in demand keeping world food prices low

OECD and FAO see slower growth in demand keeping world food prices low

11 Jul 2017
Vegetable oils, sugar and dairy products are expected to be main provider of additional calories over next decade Global food commodity prices are projected to remain low over the...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

10 Jul 2017
Featured infographic: Visualizing trade flows among G20 nations Starting tomorrow, in Geneva: Sixth Global Review of Aid for Trade Lily Sommer, Heini Suominen, David Luke: Aid fo...
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The Tripartite Free Trade Area – a breakthrough in July 2017 as South Africa signs the Tripartite Agreement

The Tripartite Free Trade Area – a breakthrough in July 2017 as South Africa signs the Tripartite Agreement

10 Jul 2017
The ministerial meeting of 7 July 2017 in Kampala injected fresh momentum into the tripartite negotiations to create a free trade area covering half of Africa. South Africa signed...
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