

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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Global imbalances: Avoiding a tragedy of the commons

Global imbalances: Avoiding a tragedy of the commons

01 Aug 2017
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has just released its latest assessments of external positions for the 29 largest economies. As discussed in this year’s External Sect...
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Lesotho Budget Speech 2017-18

Lesotho Budget Speech 2017-18

01 Aug 2017
“Pursuing fiscal sustainability within the context of political instability and insecurity” Delivered to Parliament by Honourable Dr. Moeketsi Majoro, Minister of Finance, in ...
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USTR publishes 2017 National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers

USTR publishes 2017 National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers

01 Aug 2017
The 2017 National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers (NTE) is the 32nd in an annual series that highlights significant foreign barriers to U.S. exports. This...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

31 Jul 2017
Uganda Bureau of Statistics: Imports exports by region and country of origin, 2011 – 2016 South Africa: June 2017 trade surplus (SARS) The R10.67bn trade balance surplus for Ju...
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South Africa Merchandise Trade Statistics for June 2017

South Africa Merchandise Trade Statistics for June 2017

31 Jul 2017
South Africa trade surplus higher than expected South Africa’s trade surplus increased to ZAR 10.67 billion in June of 2017 from a downwardly revised ZAR 7.22 billion surplus in...
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‘A two-speed economy’: Mozambique Economic Update

‘A two-speed economy’: Mozambique Economic Update

31 Jul 2017
Mozambique is increasingly “A two-speed economy” as extractives and mega projects drive recent growth whilst other sectors lag behind, according to the third edition of the Wor...
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BRICS countries: Emerging players in global services trade

BRICS countries: Emerging players in global services trade

31 Jul 2017
BRICS countries – Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, China, and South Africa – have emerged as important players in global services trade in the past decade. BRICS services...
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Regional action crucial for financial inclusion of small enterprises in Africa

Regional action crucial for financial inclusion of small enterprises in Africa

31 Jul 2017
Accounting and insurance regulators and practitioners have outlined potential interventions for the increased access to financial services for Micro, small and medium-sized enterpr...
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National policy on services trade will ensure competitiveness in the sector

National policy on services trade will ensure competitiveness in the sector

31 Jul 2017
A service is an intangible transaction between the consumer and the provider. It is a vital source of income and employment to our economies and in some countries, over two thirds ...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

28 Jul 2017
Starting on Monday: 2nd SADC Industrialisation Week: Partnering with the private sector in developing industry and regional value chains. Southern Africa Trust briefing 37th Ordin...
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UN urges legal interventions to transition Africa to green economy

UN urges legal interventions to transition Africa to green economy

28 Jul 2017
Africa urgently requires policies and regulatory frameworks to be able to resolve threats posed by environmental degradation to fasten a switch to green economy, a UN official said...
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Secretary-General highlights challenges posed by trade fragmentation

Secretary-General highlights challenges posed by trade fragmentation

28 Jul 2017
Trade governance structures must be “fit for purpose” to address the changing global landscape and benefit Commonwealth member countries, Secretary-General Patricia Scotland ha...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

27 Jul 2017
The Continental Free Trade Area in Africa: a human rights perspective (pdf) This human rights impact assessment, like others, advocates for the prioritization of concerns of all m...
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Kenyan products blocked as Tanzania ignores trade truce

Kenyan products blocked as Tanzania ignores trade truce

27 Jul 2017
The long-running cross-border trade spat between Kenya and Tanzania has resumed barely four days after the two countries signed a pact removing restrictions that had cost traders b...
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Members issue joint call for safeguarding the WTO-based global trading system

Members issue joint call for safeguarding the WTO-based global trading system

27 Jul 2017
Azevêdo reports on status of negotiations; stresses continued importance of transparency In a gathering of all WTO members on 25 July, Director-General Roberto Azevêdo called fo...
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Time for Ethiopia to enhance regional economic integration

Time for Ethiopia to enhance regional economic integration

27 Jul 2017
International trade never used to be an issue, at least, not one borne out of apathy or misrepresentation. Ancient civilisations seldom traded with outsiders, but rarely because th...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

26 Jul 2017
Concluding today, in Addis: AU Specialized Technical Committee on Transport, Trans-Regional and Interregional Infrastructure, Energy and Tourism Next week, in Shanghai: BRICS trad...
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WTO’s negotiating Committee on Agriculture holds special session

WTO’s negotiating Committee on Agriculture holds special session

26 Jul 2017
New proposals in agriculture talks form “tangible steps” forward WTO members welcomed, at an informal agriculture negotiating session on 19 July, a recent surge of proposals a...
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Global infrastructure investment need to reach $97 trillion by 2040

Global infrastructure investment need to reach $97 trillion by 2040

26 Jul 2017
A ground-breaking new report by the G20’s Global Infrastructure Hub (GI Hub) outlines infrastructure investment needs globally and individually for 50 countries and seven sectors...
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What party manifestos say on industrialisation in Kenya

What party manifestos say on industrialisation in Kenya

26 Jul 2017
The rising wages in Asia, the rebalancing underway in China, and the strong growth in Africa provide a window of opportunity for Kenya to expand its capabilities and global presenc...
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