

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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Innovation, diversification and inclusive development in Africa

Innovation, diversification and inclusive development in Africa

20 Jul 2017
A key guiding principle of the newly adopted Sustainable Development Goals is to “leave no one behind”. Bringing this vision to fruition will require eradication of poverty, fa...
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Least developed countries face challenges in funding sustainable development – UN report

Least developed countries face challenges in funding sustainable development – UN report

20 Jul 2017
Lack of funding is among the biggest challenges for the world’s 47 least developed countries (LDCs) in their implementation of sustainable development targets, according to a Uni...
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Assessing Africa’s policies and institutions: 2016 CPIA results for Africa

Assessing Africa’s policies and institutions: 2016 CPIA results for Africa

20 Jul 2017
The latest Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA) Africa results show that policy and institutional quality weakened in Sub-Saharan Africa in 2016 amid a difficult glob...
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Jack Ma’s team of Chinese billionaires arrives in Kenya to hunt for deals

Jack Ma’s team of Chinese billionaires arrives in Kenya to hunt for deals

20 Jul 2017
Jack Ma, the founder and executive chairman of Chinese e-commerce behemoth Alibaba, jetted into Nairobi Wednesday evening, starting a packed two-day visit that peaks with a public ...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

19 Jul 2017
East African Community legal notice: assorted Customs Union notices, related decisions (pdf, 30 June) East African Business Council: Annual Report 2016/2017 During the past year,...
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East and Southern Africa to develop trade database

East and Southern Africa to develop trade database

19 Jul 2017
Inadequate access to trade data has hindered free flow of goods and services in fields such as agriculture and health among countries in East and Southern African, experts say. Ho...
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Cross-border women traders call for friendly operating environment

Cross-border women traders call for friendly operating environment

19 Jul 2017
Cross-border women traders have called on the government to support them and also improve the trading environment. The women traders operating between Rusizi-Bukavu and Rubavu-Goma...
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Madagascar signs Tripartite Free Trade Agreement

Madagascar signs Tripartite Free Trade Agreement

19 Jul 2017
The Republic of Madagascar has become the 20th country to sign the Tripartite Free Trade Agreement. The agreement brings together three regional economic communities – COMESA, E...
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IMF Executive Board 2017 Article IV Consultation with Madagascar

IMF Executive Board 2017 Article IV Consultation with Madagascar

19 Jul 2017
On June 28, 2017, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) completed the first review of Madagascar’s economic performance under a program supported by an Ext...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

18 Jul 2017
From last week’s Kenya National Trade Week: the six trade policy documents (i) The National Trade Policy: Transforming Kenya into a competitive export-led and efficient domestic...
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Kenya National Trade Policy: Transforming Kenya into a competitive export-led and efficient domestic economy

Kenya National Trade Policy: Transforming Kenya into a competitive export-led and efficient domestic economy

18 Jul 2017
Preface by the Cabinet Secretary The National Trade Policy is being launched* at a time when the global trade landscape is facing emerging challenges. Over 70 percent of global tr...
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Kanimba calls on Africa to renew efforts to protect its agric sector

Kanimba calls on Africa to renew efforts to protect its agric sector

18 Jul 2017
It is high time African countries embarked on special safeguard measures (SSMs) to protect the continent’s agriculture sector, François Kanimba, the Minister for Trade, Industry...
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Coordinating public and private action for export manufacturing: issues for Rwanda

Coordinating public and private action for export manufacturing: issues for Rwanda

18 Jul 2017
One of the keys to economic transformation across Africa today is a greater role for employment-intensive, export-oriented manufacturing. After taking due account of differences i...
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WCO welcomes 2017 G20’s recognition of its work on Illicit Financial Flows

WCO welcomes 2017 G20’s recognition of its work on Illicit Financial Flows

18 Jul 2017
The G20 leaders recognize the work of the World Customs Organization (WCO) in combatting Illicit Financial Flows (IFFs) in documents agreed following the 2017 G20 Hamburg Summit. T...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

17 Jul 2017
Today, in Dar es Salaam: Development cooperation between China and Tanzania: trade and investment (ESRF, China Agricultural University). Twitter updates: #TanzaniaChinaConf Starti...
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The African trade revolution quietly afoot

The African trade revolution quietly afoot

17 Jul 2017
In a tumultuous year for the global trading landscape, negotiations for a huge Africa-wide free trade area are progressing rapidly. Across the developed world, longstanding a...
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EAC officials oppose US bid to review Agoa trade deal over mitumba ban

EAC officials oppose US bid to review Agoa trade deal over mitumba ban

17 Jul 2017
Senior officials from Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda argued in Washington on Thursday that their collective phase-out of used clothing (mitumba) imports should not result in any loss ...
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Uganda and the EAC should stand firm on the decision to progressively phase out second hand clothes

Uganda and the EAC should stand firm on the decision to progressively phase out second hand clothes

17 Jul 2017
Civil society organizations under their umbrella “Working Group on Trade & Development” have requested the government of the republic of Uganda and the East African Communi...
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The UK’s Repeal Bill: Exiting the EU with certainty

The UK’s Repeal Bill: Exiting the EU with certainty

14 Jul 2017
The Repeal Bill is designed to ensure that the UK exits the EU with maximum certainty, continuity and control. The Government on 13 July 2017 took the next step in returning ...
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Aid for Trade Global Review 2017: Sample case stories

Aid for Trade Global Review 2017: Sample case stories

14 Jul 2017
Ahead of the Aid for Trade Global Review 2017, a monitoring and evaluation exercise was conducted to survey Aid-for-Trade results and priorities. The monitoring exercise invited th...
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