

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

Tag: World Trade Organisation

tralac Daily News

tralac Daily News

24 Mar 22  News
Local news South African Investment Conference highlights nation’s resilience (AfDB) African Development Bank Group President Dr. Akinwumi A. Adesina has pledged his institutio...
tralac Daily News

tralac Daily News

21 Mar 22  News
Local news Zim only processing two percent tobacco (The Herald) Zimbabwe has earned US$245 million after exporting 48 000 tonnes of tobacco, as the country is only processing two...
tralac Daily News

tralac Daily News

24 Feb 22  News
Country-related news SA’s agricultural exports hit a new record high (Cape Business News) The need to improve logistics efficiency and curb the deterioration of infrastructure ...
tralac Daily News

tralac Daily News

18 Feb 22  News
Country-related news Disruptions in South Africa’s Rail Network Supply Chain | Crisis24 (Crisis24) Transnet, South Africa’s state-owned logistics company, has experienced sig...
tralac Daily News

tralac Daily News

15 Feb 22  News
Country-related news New gas report says LNG pathway ‘optimal’ for South Africa as it lower stranded-asset risk (Engineering News) A new report on ‘The role of gas in South...
tralac Daily News

tralac Daily News

26 Jan 22  News
Country-related news Mantashe: SA must oppose ‘investment killing’ foreign-funded lobby (Engineering News) South Africa must oppose a foreign-funded anti-development agenda i...
tralac Daily News

tralac Daily News

25 Jan 22  News
Country-related news Investments worth more than R26bn in SA’s ocean economy unveiled (Moneyweb) A package of investments worth more than R26 billion in South Africa’s oceans...
tralac Daily News

tralac Daily News

13 Dec 21  News
National Address by Fikile Majola, Deputy Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition delivered on the occasion of the Virtual Colloquium: Opportunities in mobile applications dev...
tralac Daily News

tralac Daily News

08 Dec 21  News
National Economist: COVID effects will be determining factor in SA’s economic growth (Eyewitness News) Economists say the effects of the Omicron variant and the ability of busi...
tralac Daily News

tralac Daily News

03 Dec 21  News
National South Africa is failing to ride the digital revolution wave. What it needs to do (The Conversation Africa) Workplaces are adopting new forms of advanced automation at a ...
tralac Daily News

tralac Daily News

01 Dec 21  News
National SA’s trade surplus narrows to R19.78bn in October (Moneyweb) South Africa’s trade surplus narrowed to R19.78 billion ($1.23 billion) in October from a revised surplu...
tralac Daily News

tralac Daily News

29 Nov 21  News
National Cyril Ramaphosa | Let’s focus on the continent for renewed trade and investment opportunities (News24) Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic last year, which coi...
tralac Daily News

tralac Daily News

26 Nov 21  News
National CSIR’s initial circular economy study shows potential to create economy-wide value (Engineering News) The initial findings from the Council for Scientific and Industri...
Ambiguities about the WTO Farm Subsidies for Food Security Purposes

Ambiguities about the WTO Farm Subsidies for Food Security Purposes

26 Nov 21  Blog
The WTO negotiations on Public Stockholding (PSH) for food security purposes is one of the highly contested topics in the agriculture negotiations. PSH programmes are instruments t...
tralac Daily News

tralac Daily News

19 Nov 21  News
National Additive manufacturing in South Africa boosted by local technology developments (Engineering News) Although the Covid-19 pandemic has had a very real impact on the secto...
tralac Daily News

tralac Daily News

18 Nov 21  News
National South Africa urges careful planning for end of coal (Engineering News) South Africa’s energy department has said it will start preparing for the end of coal-for-power ...
tralac Daily News

tralac Daily News

17 Nov 21  News
National Tanzania’s exports to Kenya double to Sh20 billion in six months (Business Daily) Kenya’s imports from Tanzania doubled to Sh20.5 billion in the first half of the ye...
tralac Daily News

tralac Daily News

16 Nov 21  News
National Maersk - Grindrod JV to offer end-to-end logistics in South Africa (Logistics Update Africa) A. P. Moller - Maersk announced its intention to form a joint venture with G...
Prospects and Developments in the WTO talks on Export Restrictions

Prospects and Developments in the WTO talks on Export Restrictions

16 Nov 21  Blog
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the limitations in the WTO rules on export restrictions. Consequently, the food importing countries such as Japan, Singapore, ...
tralac Daily News

tralac Daily News

15 Nov 21  News
National Traxtion prepares to make use of ‘rare’ private sector rail opportunity (Engineering News) Private rail freight operator Traxtion sees the national government’s st...


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