

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

tralac Training: Feedback from tralac alumni

tralac Training: Feedback from tralac alumni

We are pleased to share with you feedback from some of our alumni – they reflect on the training at tralac and what this has meant for their careers. 


I am a PhD Candidate at the Institute for Globalisation and International Regulation (IGIR), Faculty of Law, Maastricht University, the Netherlands

I attended the online training “Trade in the 21st Century – Legal and Policy Considerations for Africa”. I learnt a lot on trade policy issues of interest to African countries. From the multilateral trading system to the AfCFTA. New issues especially concerning investment, competition and trade facilitation were very resourceful to me, not only during my previous job as a researcher on trade and regional integration but also for my current PhD research.

The course motivated me to explore more areas in trade and industrial policy and this is one of the reasons my PhD research focuses e-commerce agreements and development in African countries.

I would definitely recommend the programme to whoever is interested in improving their understanding of trade policy issues from an African perspective.


The tralac certificate course exposed me to the conversations in Trade Law, policies and practice. It also prepared me to engage in discussions on AfCFTA, regional integration and international relations. I have since enrolled in PhD Public Policy Studies at the Clemson University South Carolina where themes drawn from my learning at tralac guide my research. I would recommend tralac to anyone that wants to know, learn and understand the opportunities in the multidisciplinary practice of trade and international engagement.


I am currently working as a Legal Research Officer at the Centre for Applied Legal Research (CALR). CALR is an independent research institute that empowers people, organizations and governments with sound and evidence-based legal and policy solutions and services that enhance development. CALR seeks to ensure that the law is utilized to respond to everyday societal challenges. As such, CALR offers legal expertise, resources, tools and technical support to governments, developmental partners, and civil society organizations. Its work links the law (as it is and as it ought to be) with developmental needs across the multiple sectors of a country’s economy. In this manner its inter-disciplinary work revolves around two thematic areas, namely: (a) Law, Democracy and Governance (b) Law, Economics and Science.

As a Legal Research Officer at CALR, I am responsible for inter alia; conducting timely and accurate research and analysis on various areas of the law, determining and designing research methodologies for research assignments, professional review and editing of CALR research outputs and legal publications, assisting in the preparation of draft legislative texts and specialised legal training and capacity development

I am also part of a group of Zimbabweans who contribute articles and blogs for publication in the Trade Eye – published by the Africa Centre for Customs and Excise Studies (ACCETS).

I am also currently developing a proposal for a PhD in international trade law.

My experience of the Internship programme at tralac

I still remember my daily routine at tralac like it was yesterday. Every day I spent at tralac was a learning experience which helped to map my career path in the field of international trade law. Today I am part of the tralac Alumni network in Zimbabwe which started a training institute to carry out capacity building initiatives in Zimbabwe as well as research in international trade related issues.

The internship programme was well balanced in that it provided an opportunity to forge relationships and networks with like-minded individuals from different countries who participated in the training course – International Trade Law and Policy for Africa’s Development.

What I learned during the internship programme?

  • I learnt how to analyse and interpret trade data. One of the first tasks I did was to prepare an infographic on Gambia’s trade profile for 2017. At first, it seemed like a nightmare since I had very little experience using Excel. However, after a few days of practice and guidance from the tralac team, I was able to prepare a complete infographic with all the components (e.g. value of exports, imports and the applicable tariffs).

  • I was able to appreciate the significance of trade data in making informed trade policy decisions. I applied the knowledge and experience in trade data analysis and interpretation this year when I conducted research on opportunities for Zimbabwe post-Brexit.

  • The internship also sharpened my research and writing skills. In particular, while working on different tasks (particularly the Dispute Settlement Book, blogs) I improved how I present my arguments in a coherent and clear manner.

  • Through participating in the Trade Law and Policy for Africa’s development course, I learnt several things such as the importance of formulating specific sector policy strategies before engaging in trade negotiations as well as how the different sectors impact on each other. The course gave me a new perspective on how to look at trade governance. In particular, implementation of trade commitments is largely a domestic matter, which means countries have to prepare to effectively implement their commitments by making necessary legislative changes in domestic law. This is because effectiveness of trade governance is dependent on transparency, accountability and constant trade reviews.

I strongly recommend everyone who has an interest in trade policy and Africa’s development to apply for the internship. It is an opportunity that will set the foundation for a career in international trade.


tralac course was a key that opened my door to endless opportunities:

I did a Master of Commerce Degree specialising in Management Practice in the field of Trade Law and Policy. I graduated in June 2014. I have also attended a number of Tralac workshops and annual conferences.

The knowledge I acquired through Tralac courses gave me confidence to face the future with confidence. I no longer wait for opportunities in life but I now create them (opportunities). Instead of looking for employment, I now create employment. I run my customs and trade facilitation consultancy firm in Zimbabwe. I have registered an Africa Centre for Customs, Excise and Trade Studies (ACCETS) in Zimbabwe and a Southern Africa Customs Academy in Botswana. The Academies will have ripple effect on Tralac courses as I and other Tralac Alumni will share the knowledge we got from Tralac with our students.

I have been and will continue recommending others to take Tralac courses.

Photo: At UCT GSB, packing my bag on the last day of our lectures


I am a tralac alumnus from Rwanda, and I have had several opportunities from tralac to attend different trainings and conferences, and I have to confess through the training on trade policy, tralac graciously offered me the opportunity to grow in my new career as a lawyer specialized on Trade and Commercial issues, because this opened my career horizons and extended my opportunities, and I am forever indebted to tralac for every connection, for contacts, conversation and opportunity.

Without an ounce of doubt, I will recommend tralac for anyone who wishes to grow in his/her career. tralac is a unique centre of reference in regard to Trade Law and Policy at the continental level which offers unique insights and expertise in terms of trade law and policy.


It was a formidable experience to be part of tralac Certificate Programme of 2019. The 2019 group portrayed the inclusive nature of tralac in the structural transformation of Africa. It was a great moment to meet fellows from almost all the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) which are the building blocks of the AFCFTA – the flagship programme of the AU.

My experience from tralac has helped me to be part of a vast network of trade experts and helped me to participate in Regional trade conferences with the AFCFTA on agenda. The experience has also permitted me to be part of trade policy with TIPS South Africa and Trade Hackathon with UN ESCAP.

The course on International Trade Law and development permitted me to garner knowledge in International Trade policy, the AFCFTA agreement and its protocols and annex. Other areas also included understanding the African regional integration agenda of the AU, functions of the WTO and Regional Trade Agreements. Trade remedies, tariffs and Non-Tariff Barriers (NTB), Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) and Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) measures were also part of the reach knowledge acquired.

It was a great experience to be involved in data analysis and interpretation as I discovered the importance of data in decision making and policy formulation. Case studies and understanding dispute settlement mechanisms and bodies greatly enriched my knowledge.

I am particularly elated because I have always recommended tralac which is a citadel of wisdom. One of the graduates of the 2020 Certificate from Cameroon has benefited from my recommendation.


Fervently, the tag I hang on my 2017 tralac experience is that it was a continuous exciting period of ‘incubation and a springboard in my career’. As a proud tralac alumnus, I Justice Mudzamiri, highly recommend, tralac’s educative and skill packed Internship Programme open for young graduates in Trade Law, Investment and Economic Policy. Through the Internship, I actively participated in many projects and training at tralac. I reaped innumerable benefits at tralac these include confidence, data analysis, improved policy reviewing and drafting skills, writing and skills. Such amassed skills have shaped my thought process especially in the pursuance of a PhD qualification and problem-solving. Many thanks to the tralac team during my stay in Stellenbosch. I strongly recommend, this Internship Programme to graduates especially those with the ambition to be great leaders!


Greetings. Ephraim Mukucha is my name. l am currently working for Zimbabwe Revenue Authority as a Legal Services Manager. Thanks to tralac for changing my life. Today l can safely debate any topic on trade and investment issues due to the knowledge gained as an intern at tralac. l am also a regular beneficiary of tralac’s capacity building programs. l have no reservations in recommending people to take part in tralac’s internship program. ln fact l have referred several students to tralac in order for them to enrich themselves with knowledge. Keep empowering people.


The training was well received and structured systematically for a new experience of virtual training which saved costs for all parties involved but remained interactive. The take outs from the programme, including the current crisis in the WTO, Africa regional economic communities and the AfCFTA as well as dispute resolution. I will definitely recommend the programme in its current online format to more participants on the continent to develop their International Trade Law and Policy Development.


I appreciated the program’s holistic perspective and emphasis on practical application of various skills and instruments o the rules-based trading system and my knowledge and understanding of the global trading system, multilateralism are stronger than ever. The participants and professors were fantastic and I have made life-long friends.


I am pleased to have had the opportunity to benefit from such a well-designed, practical, informative, educational and innovative course My horizons on trade governance, law and administration was broadened. My perspectives have been challenged and I am now fully equipped with the knowledge gained to address national, regional and global trade issues. The interactive learning approach was great coupled with a well diverse class of participants with varied experiences made the sessions so enriching.

Thank you TRALAC for making me a better trade practitioner and I sincerely hope that the journey continues.


The Trade Law and Policy for Africa’s Development enhanced my understanding of the multilateral trading system. Specifically, it helped me to increase my knowledge of, and critically analyse the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and their impact on domestic law and policymaking.

The particular focus of the course on Africa and the deep interrogation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) gave me invaluable insights into the strengths and limitations of the agreement towards the achievement of sustainable economic development on the continent.

These practical insights are going to be valuable in my daily job as an Assistant Director in the Department of International Relations and Cooperation.


I am very grateful to tralac for offering me such a rare training opportunity. It was intense, exciting yet very insightful. Now I can confidently write legal opinions and do researches on trade from a well-informed perspective.


One of the highlights of my year! This course (2020 tralac Certificate: International Trade Law and Policy for Africa’s Development) gave me a solid overview of the trade landscape across Africa, as well as insight into the important technical issues rarely discussed in the popular press. Without it, I doubt our organization – which focuses on internationalising African SMMEs – would be asking the right questions and formulating promising approaches. I highly recommend the experience and am glad the tralac team brought their best even to an online programme. We even had a community!


My TRALAC experience was very insightful, eye opening and exciting. I learnt so much in a short time and that I now consider myself a Trade Expert in African matters. Thank you... you are making the difference.


It was privileged to be part of tralac internship program between August-November, 2019. It was really a season of learning, unlearning and re-learning for me. It was characterised by new experiences, exposures and new perspectives.

During the period of the internship, I learnt how to use trade and tariff data using the ITC Market Analysis Tools –  Trade Map and Market Access Map. The knowledge so garnered helped me to know how to develop trade and tariff profiles of countries and same represented through graphical Piktochart.

Furthermore, in terms of human development and skills, I learnt the benefits of team work, coordination, excellence and professionalism from and among the members of the tralac team.

I would gladly and humbly recommend the internship program for all and sundry who desires and wants a career in international trade and other matters related.

Presently, I am a Senior Counsel in the law firm of Abiodun Dada & Co, Legal Practitioners, Consultants and Notary Public located in Ilorin, Kwara State of Nigeria.


Thank you very much for this learning experience, I do not take it lightly. The program (tralac Certificate: International Trade Law and Policy for Africa’s Development) gave me a better understanding of Africa’s trade. It opened my eyes to what is really happening in the trade world. You find that not all of us have the privilege of being taught even the fundamental principles of trade and this program closed that gap. Being involved in the Phase I AfCFTA negotiations, this came at the perfect time because now I am more knowledgeable on the subject matter.

My wish is for all my colleagues under our International Trade Law Unit to also enrol for the course. I am confident it will also be beneficial for them, as it is for me.


I am pursuing my interest in research related to intra-African trade and part-time lecturing on trade. The experience of being part of tralac’s training programme (MCom) was fantastic as it comprised participants from different countries, different cultures and different national trade experiences. The entire programme was an eye-opener to me with respect to the importance of intra-regional trade within the African regional economic communities such as SADC and COMESA and the importance of cross-trade facilitation.

General reduction of import tariffs without equally reducing the invisible trade costs in the form of Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) means that trade and transaction costs will still inhibit intra-Africa trade. NTBs greatly impede trade and frustrate cross-border trade facilitation, at the same time increasing the administrative burden on customs administrations at all ports of entries across Africa. Unless they address these issues, governments will find their objectives of economic growth and development, poverty reduction through trade, reduction of levels of unemployment and trade creation remaining ever elusive. Balancing acts are always needed if the trade locomotive is to start gaining meaningful trade traction through intra-African trade!

I highly recommend tralac’s programmes – especially to government trade policy makers, government trade negotiators, policy administrators and implementers, researchers, academia and the respective private sectors (transporters, exporters, importers, brokers or clearing agencies etc.)


This course (2020 tralac Certificate: International Trade Law and Policy for Africa’s Development) is quite relevant to trade and development in Africa. I appreciated the clarity of the WTO texts that I developed through this course, as well the discussion of what is necessary to make the AfCFTA work. The achievements and integration progress at REC levels in Africa were also well explored.

The course also satisfactorily covered very important contemporary global issues in trade such as Covid-19, the Appellate Body issue at WTO, US-China Trade war, Brexit etc.

Most important of all is the ability of tralac course coordinators to demystify trade concepts and procedures which are quite often perceived as complex, including, inter alia, trade data analysis by Investigations Authorities to effect appropriate trade remedy measures.

All in all, the course was insightful, relevant and timely, with a well-blended policy-law approach.

tralac Certificate Course: Module 1 – Feedback from the class of 2020

tralac Certificate Course: Module 1 – Feedback from the class of 2020

tralac's Certificate Course on International Trade Law and Policy for Africa’s Development for the new intake of students is underway. Module 1 took place via e-learning from 20-24 April 2020, focusing on “International Trade Policy and Law in the 21st Century – foundational disciplines”. Participants are busy with Module 2 this week (11-15 May), covering a range of substantive disciplines including trade in services, investment, competition policy and trade facilitation. Module 3 will take place during the first week of June and focus on Africa’s trade and regional integration agenda, with special focus on the African Continental Free Trade Agreement. Below is some of the feedback tralac has received from the class of 2020.

Find out more about the certificate course here.



“This past week during which we discussed the foundational principles in International trade has been particularly rewarding. Despite my past experience working in a trade and investment-oriented environment, the interactive approach employed by the Tralac team has tickled a great awareness on a number of issues that may have been lacking out in my professional engagement. The course has personally challenged me to have a relook at the effectiveness of even the most acclaimed trade policy orientations in Cameroon especially with regards to regional integration within the CEMAC. Above all, it has pushed me to read more, research more and to approach other actors in view to understand what drives our trade diplomacy. Thanks for the opportunity.”



“Just to get an update on global and Africa trade by John Stuart, which was focusing on global economic and trade developments around the world.

With an update on the Covid-19 economic developments across Europe, US and the entire world. Emphasis on US-China trade war and the effects with that.

Focus on commodities trade involving Africa, Trade in services, e-Commerce and digital trade, global Trade patterns within African nations and the GDP growth impact.

International Trade Theory, Trade Policy Instruments which play a key role in Africa relations. Public international law and international trade law introduction focus on trade in the 21st century, theories of International Trade explanation. Foundations of law with different agreements.

Trade Policy Instruments, International Trade Negotiations, Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between different countries with specific agreement. Various tariff books for each country and how they work. The meaning of local content requirements, standards, subsidies, non-tariff barriers among goods and services etc. International Trade Negotiations and how they're practiced regionally.

Multilateral Trade, and the World Trade Organisation. Regional Trade Agreements and Africa’s regional integration agenda prospects going forward. Africa’s trade relations with global partners.

Economic Partnership Agreements with the EU, Tripartite Free Trade Area and lastly the Introduction to the African Continental Free Trade Area – the countries which have signed and ratified already and the impact going forward post Covid-19 pandemic.

It gave me a good experience on how we should view trade on the International globe and the measures used to combat international trade policy and law.”



“Though a Marathon, Module one was a good refresher for some of us who have worked in Regional Integration before and more so during this COVID-19 time. It helped us revisit some strategies and principles to use to facilitate some initiative being put in place to beat the Pandemic and also keep our economies running.”



“Most if not all of us were elated and humbled when we were contacted by Tralac sometime in March for the unique opportunity of learning and exchanging with peers on trade related issues of our continent. This wonderful experience has been accompanied by a gloomy world order characterized by constant sad news due to the COVID 19 pandemic. This has led some of us to discover the benefits and virtues for our first time of the zoom app and other online learning platforms. With more than half the population of the world confined to their homes, a situation described as the great lockdown by the IMF, we have no choice but to harness the benefits of these online learning platforms for our course.

 So far, after the first week of discussion amongst ourselves as course mates and after receiving module 1 lectures from Prof Erasmus, Trudi Hartzenberg and John Stuart, we come to realize that even a gloomy health and economic situation cannot be an obstacle to receiving credible, reliable, astute and well disseminated knowledge. Instead the crises have taught us even more important aspects to take into consideration in preventing such a crisis from occurring and how to mitigate the effects of the present crises on our economies with the use of trade policies.

While wishing for a quick return to normal activities in all Africa countries and the world at large, we look forward to continue with module 2 and 3 with great enthusiasm while keeping safe and respecting all World Health Organization’s (WHO) and our various Country specific recommendations to end this global pandemic.”



“Thank you for accepting me in your first class of 2020. With the current developments in Africa, one cannot afford to ignore trade policy. This is the time for Africa to map the way forward in terms of trade by clearly articulating all issues affecting the continent and so far, the course has proven to be delivering just that. After the first module, I am convinced I am in the right place and looking forward to the second module. Thanks TRALAC.”



“I applied for the 2020 Class of International Trade Law and Policy for Africa’s Development with the objective to learn why Africa, despite being blessed with all the natural resources still lags behind in terms of development and how Africa’s story can change through development and enactment of appropriate trade policies. Africa should be able to provide solutions for her own challenges and this could be an opportunity to learn how to rewrite the African story. I also believe Kenya will have a significant role to play in rewriting this story.

At the end of Module 1, I am more encouraged that there is quite a lot of progress creating the ‘Africa we want’ and that every African country has a key role to play, especially with the dawn of the African Continental Free Trade Area.”

Kemoabetswe C. SeemuleKEMOABETSWE C. SEEMULE


“I really enjoyed the learning experience, I learnt a lot. Although I am an attorney under our International Trade Law Unit, I must admit that I do not have enough knowledge about trade and what I learnt in module 1 was really helpful, for example, trade policy instruments, trade governance, role of trade policy and governance, international trade negotiations etc. Yes we deal with these issues but I never understood them the way I do now. It’s like now I see them with different eyes. The module has ignited in me a deeper interest and passion for international trade and a hunger to learn even more.

It was truly enlightening and informative. I believe that had it not been for this Covid-19, it could have been even better. I wish all my colleagues could have this valuable learning experience. Lastly, I appreciate what TRALAC is doing. That despite the huge challenge and inconvenience of this global Pandemic, they gave their very best, as usual. Keep it up!”

Training feedback

Training feedback

e-Learning Course, April 2017

tralac recently organised a 6-week online course on Trade in the 21st Century: Legal and Policy Considerations for Africa.

Navigating the challenges of trade policy and regulation has never been more complicated or more important. Africa needs to pursue a 21st century trade and integration regime, prioritizing the movement of capital and people, trade facilitation, regulatory disciplines and dispute settlement that is accessible to all parties, including the private sector. This has the potential to increase trade, create jobs and grow industries.

We received the following feedback from students who successfully completed the course:

Martin Luther Munu e learning course Apr 2017Martin Luther Munu

‘I enrolled to have a deeper understanding of the CFTA and other trade policy issues. I have understood the pertinent issues with regard to CFTA negotiations and greatly improved my skills in the legal dimension of trade policy processes. In addition, my awareness on the Brexit and how it its likely to affect Africa and more specifically my country has been enhanced. My responsibilities involve research on trade and regional integration so the skills I have acquired from this course directly benefits me in the analysis of trade and regional integration policy issues, both at the EAC level and at the continental level. The gathering trade data sessions really supports this!

I am currently undertaking a Masters course in trade policy and trade law and this course gives me an additional information which is crucial for my course. The coverage was sufficient, it does not look at the CFTA in isolation but rather within the broader global context of multilateral trade negotiations. The trade data lectures were so useful because I learnt new things with regard to using the trade map database. The e-learning platform was fantastic! The lectures were brief and to the point. I also liked the materials provided, which made it easy for us.

This initiative is very good for building capacity in trade policy. Beyond this course, it would be great if tralac can continue to engage the participants in different ways to keep the discussions and learning.’

Kenneth Akampurira e learning course Apr 2017Kenneth Akampurira

‘I had the opportunity of traveling to Nairobi in February, 2017 and my roommate in the apartment was doing research on trade related issues. He engaged me in a mini questionnaire and found trade related matters quite interesting. He also forwarded to me the Tralac link to read and that is how I found the course.

Prior to the course I knew nothing about FTAs. My knowledge only limited to knowing that there are political Blocks i.e. EAC, SADAC championing the normal causes of democracy and Pan-African agendas, but not trade. I am now fully equipped with regional developments and more enthusiastic to take this to the next level of my practice and academic improvement in the form of post graduate Diploma or Master's Degree. I am already look at how I can get instructions to file court matters for Judicial Review where traders are being disturbed by NTBs created by the respective member states. I must thank the Institute for awarding me a scholarship for the course.’

Salom Katoole

Trade Promotion officer

Ministry of Industrialisation, Trade & SME development Namibia

‘The Trade in 21st Century Legal & Policy Considerations for Africa course has played a vital role in shaping my skills regarding various issues related to policies and legal aspects of trade specifically in Africa. It is indeed for this reason that I sought to acquire a deep understanding on topics offered on the course. I have really gained valuable skills and knowledge from this course and will surely apply what I have learned in my work especially during trade negotiations. I will also use these newly acquired skills in my further study and career in general.

The course have covered quite very important topics in the area of trade policies and legal aspects which are very relevant to this era especially now that the continent is pushing for the establishment of the CFTA. The topics covered were really relevant and mind opening.

The lectures and assessments played a very big role and of course the discussions among the participants and mentors were very mind blowing and educative. The platform was very user friendly and I am just full of praises to the team in charge of the platform. Congratulations and job well done to the entire Tralac team involved in this e-learning courses facilitations.


Kanenga Haggai


University of Zambia

‘This course is directly relevant to my current work as a lecturer at the university of Zambia where the institution is trying to develop capacity in Trade Policy issues because a new course (subject) was introduced "Trade Policy and Development". This course has enlightened me especially on integration issues. I have learnt a lot regarding International trade and Trade Policy, very useful to the Trade Policy and Development Course at the University of Zambia.

The knowledge/skills gained will directly be used in my teaching and research in the Trade Policy and Development Course in my department. The knowledge will also be useful in advising government in trade policy issues.’ The platform was ‘well designed, the interface was very interactive and easy to navigate.’

Leonard Ugbajah

Resident Representative

CUTS (consumer unity & trust society) International; Nigeria

I enrolled for this course ‘to deepen my understanding of contemporary issues in international trade and how they affect Africa. The presentations, discussions and assessment questions have made me to reflect more deeply about the challenges of rules-based trade integration agenda for Africa.

I intend to use the knowledge or skills gained in my present work in advocacy for trade policy reforms and regional integration. In the future, I aspire to occupy policy position relating to trade and regional integration. Then coverage of the course is very satisfactory and enriching.

Thank you TRALAC for this opportunity to gain understanding of the CFTA process’.

Leudjou Njiteu Rostant Roland

PHD student

African School of Economics; Cameroon

I enrolled to ‘learn more about the current challenges and at stake of CFTA and to take this advantage to get in touch with TRALAC experts. This course gave me the opportunities to develop a research proposal that I didn't have enough information to carry it on.

I did many online courses organized by International Organizations like UNITAR, UNCTAD, UNECA, etc. but this is the first one where I had to write short articles and do a PowerPoint presentation on a full paper examined by Trade Experts. I really appreciated that. This allows students to gauge their level.’

Going virtual – tralac internship programme

Going virtual – tralac internship programme

tralac offers an internship programme to young African graduates with a background in trade and related disciplines. The internship programme provides interns with an opportunity to gain a better understanding of international trade matters, and to contribute to the inter-disciplinary (trade law and economics) analysis of trade and regional integration matters pertaining to African countries.

Trade data analysis equips interns with the skillset to mine, sort, understand and interpret trade and related data from various databases including the International Trade Centre, World Bank, World Trade Organisation, Food and Agriculture Organisation and IndexMundi, among others. Such a skillset enables interns to use different sources of data to complete basic economic calculations to facilitate the interpretation of data to inform and understand trade and related policy decisions and formulation. Find more information on the tralac internship programme at https://www.tralac.org/training/internship-programme.html

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown regulations imposed across the continent, tralac’s internship programme for the current intake of interns has gone virtual. Working with the tralac team in residence provides very specific learning opportunities and experiences, and we will resume this programme as soon as it is possible to do so. A virtual programme, however, means that we can expand the programme and some recent graduates who may ordinarily not be able to come to spend time with tralac, can now also participate.

We recently welcomed three interns: Maleehah Khandwalla, Akinyi J. Eurallyah and Bakang Ntshingane. The interns will be working on various trade and related projects with tralac colleagues. They will also be participating in tralac meetings and training programmes, including the tralac Certificate Course on International Trade Law and Policy for Africa’s Development. Module 1 of this course starts 20 April.

Akinyi J. Eurallyah is a Kenyan Lawyer, who holds an LL.M in International Trade and Investment Law in Africa from the University of Pretoria, South Africa. Her interests include business and human rights, trade and project finance, dispute resolution, regional integration, economics and international business and politics. She has extensively researched and written on international financial stability in a globalised economy, human rights accountability in the context of global politics, Artificial Intelligence and advancing regional economic integration.

Bakang Ntshingane is a research and policy analysis professional from Botswana with a strong background in the Southern African and Asian economies. He holds a Bachelors degree in Political Science from the University of Botswana, and a Masters degree in Economics from Jeonbuk National University, South Korea. His interests include trade policy and regional integration as instruments of economic diplomacy.

Maleehah Khandwalla is a Final Year Law Student at Strathmore University, Kenya. Her interests are in international trade law and policy, regional economic integration, WTO law, dispute resolution and international investment law. Maleehah and her team won the 2019 John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition on WTO Law. She won the tralac prize for Best Female Oralist of the African Regional Round at the Moot Competition.

Akinyi J. Eurallyah (Intern).   Bakang Ntshingane (Intern).   Maleehah Khandwalla (Intern)



tralac’s training focuses on current and emerging applied trade law and policy matters, with emphasis on sound policy practice, embedding training in an institutional context and following up to ensure application and transfer of knowledge within institutions. All training programmes involve assessment and evaluation to ensure continued learning and further programme development.

View the Events calendar to find out more about upcoming events and training.

Short courses

Short training courses are usually designed and presented in response to requests that tralac receives from specific beneficiaries. Requests come from Trade Ministries and other government departments or agencies, Regional Secretariats as well as from parliaments in the region. Non-state organizations (such as Chambers of Commerce or business associations) also request training. tralac staff also regularly contribute to training programmes of other institutions such as the WTO, regional and international universities, and other capacity building organizations.

Some of the topics covered by tralac in tailored short courses include:

  • Trade Policy Analysis
  • Introduction to International Trade Law
  • WTO Agreements
  • Regional Trade Agreements
  • Trade Negotiations (including negotiations simulations)
  • Regional Integration in east and southern Africa (RECs, TFTA, CFTA)
  • Dispute Settlement; Trade Remedies and Safeguards; Rules of Origin
  • Competition Law and Policy
  • Investment

Geek Week

As part of tralac’s capacity building initiative, tralac hosts week-long workshops for researchers and trade policy analysts at the tralac offices. The aim of the Geek Week is to provide participants with the basic skills for trade data analysis for policy formulation and decision-making purposes.

Certificate course

tralac’s Certificate Course on International Trade Law and Policy for Africa’s Development, consisting of three modules, provides a comprehensive coverage of International Trade Law and Policy in the 21st Century, from an African development perspective. This course focuses specifically on issues relevant to the AfCFTA and Africa’s broader trade and integration agenda. Africa’s global trade relations will also be studied.

The course is targeted at mid-level and senior trade policy officials from Africa’s national governments, regional and continental organisations, and experienced trade policy and law practitioners from non-state organisations, including the private sector in Africa.

Please click here to find out more about the 2024 Certificate course

Interns and Volunteers

The objective of the tralac internship programme is to offer to young African graduates with a background in trade-related disciplines an opportunity to gain a better understanding of international trade matters, and to provide them with an opportunity to contribute to the inter-disciplinary (trade law and economics) analysis of trade and regional integration matters, specifically as they pertain to African countries.

The programme in turn provides tralac with the assistance of outstanding recent graduates specialising in trade law, economics, international relations or other trade-related disciplines. tralac has limited funds to support Interns.

The objective of the tralac Volunteer Programme is to offer graduates, in trade-related disciplines, from non-African countries, an opportunity to work with the tralac team to gain a better understanding of international trade matters, specifically relevant to African countries. tralac does not provide any funding support for Volunteers.

Please click here to find out more.


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