

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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Averting economic cold war

Averting economic cold war

21 Jan 2014
When the first G20 summit was held at the end of 2008 in Washington DC, many believed that the time had finally come for developed and developing countries to work together to reco...
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2500 leaders to participate in WEF Davos meet

2500 leaders to participate in WEF Davos meet

21 Jan 2014
A group of more than 2500 politicians, business leaders and academics are gathering to discuss the state of global economy for five days, beginning tomorrow at the World Economic F...
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Customs Union promises boost to regional trade

Customs Union promises boost to regional trade

20 Jan 2014
The customs union, which is the first pillar of East African economic integration, is set to become operational this year in Rwanda, Uganda and Kenya, a landmark in achieving full ...
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Azevêdo hails Basel Committee’s decision on trade finance as “good news” for developing countries

Azevêdo hails Basel Committee’s decision on trade finance as “good news” for developing countries

20 Jan 2014
Director-General Roberto Azevêdo, on 17 January 2014, welcomed a recent decision by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision as “of particular significance for the availabilit...
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Massive SADC Gateway port

Massive SADC Gateway port

17 Jan 2014
NamPort has recently begun with a massive N$3 billion construction project to build a new container terminal, but plans even more extravagant expansion in the years to come, accord...
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TTIP puts the EU’s environmental and social policies on the line

TTIP puts the EU’s environmental and social policies on the line

17 Jan 2014
The European Commission has repeatedly promised civil society that the TTIP negotiations with the US will not lead to a race to the bottom on environmental protection, health and s...
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Informal sector key to growth

Informal sector key to growth

17 Jan 2014
Zimbabwe has to face the reality that the informal sector is now the dominant force of the economy, Finance and Economic Development Minister Patrick Chinamasa has said. Giving the...
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Ethiopia stumbles on WTO accession

Ethiopia stumbles on WTO accession

16 Jan 2014
Ethiopia will not be ready to open up financial and other essential sectors to gain World Trade Organization (WTO) accession until 2015, according to the Ministry of Trade. This i...
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The MINTs are very different and might not all see stellar growth

The MINTs are very different and might not all see stellar growth

16 Jan 2014
In rapidly developing countries, often the proceeds of economic growth fail to flow adequately to shareholders – particularly foreign ones. Another acronym has recently sprung u...
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Diluting foreign investors’ protection makes no sense

Diluting foreign investors’ protection makes no sense

16 Jan 2014
The Department of Trade and Industry has had a veritable bee in its bonnet about the 46 bilateral investment treaties (BITs) that the Nelson Mandela and Thabo Mbeki administrations...
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EAC issues SQMT regulations to facilitate regional trade

EAC issues SQMT regulations to facilitate regional trade

15 Jan 2014
The East African Community has issued regulations to enhance the operationalization of the EAC Standardization, Quality Assurance, Metrology and Testing Act (SQMT) of 2006. The SQM...
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BRICS pack a good initiative by emerging nations: Joseph Stiglitz

BRICS pack a good initiative by emerging nations: Joseph Stiglitz

15 Jan 2014
Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz today said the creation of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) was a good initiative by emerging market economies as they have reso...
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Angola’s national director for trade calls for quotas on imports of food and drink

Angola’s national director for trade calls for quotas on imports of food and drink

15 Jan 2014
The national director for Foreign Trade of the Angolan Trade Ministry, Adriano Martins, in an interview with Angolan National Radio called for the introduction of quotas on the imp...
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Zimbabwe’s massive diamond fields discovery to bring billions

Zimbabwe’s massive diamond fields discovery to bring billions

14 Jan 2014
Zimbabwe says it has discovered new diamond fields ‘almost the size of Swaziland’ and expects to realise billions of dollars from mining activities. The announcement at the we...
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Mint condition: countries tipped as the next economic powerhouses

Mint condition: countries tipped as the next economic powerhouses

14 Jan 2014
Forget the Brics and the Civets, Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey are the new kids on the bloc according to economists Meet the Mints: Mexico | Indonesia | Nigeria | Turkey ...
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India-Africa to work towards securing bilateral ties

India-Africa to work towards securing bilateral ties

14 Jan 2014
Entering 2014, the year that will see the hosting here of the Third India-Africa Forum Summit, the focus will be on the key element of maritime security cooperation between the nei...
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Is 2014 the Transatlantic trade deal’s ‘make-or-break’ year?

Is 2014 the Transatlantic trade deal’s ‘make-or-break’ year?

13 Jan 2014
Arguably the most important economic development last year was the announcement of a new push toward a trade deal between the United States and the EU. Almost a year after Presiden...
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COMESA: Regional market under siege

COMESA: Regional market under siege

13 Jan 2014
It is generally agreed amongst the international community, at least in principle, that liberalisation of trade and allowing the free movement of goods, services and people, among ...
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New partners in Africa: How can African countries even the playing field?

New partners in Africa: How can African countries even the playing field?

13 Jan 2014
Africa has seen a dramatic rise in engagement with emerging market economies. In 2012, China’s value of African trade topped $220 billion. African exports to and from India grew ...
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The next challenge: Implementing a new U.S.-Africa policy

The next challenge: Implementing a new U.S.-Africa policy

10 Jan 2014
2013 ushered in the most significant change in the United States’ Africa policy since the passing of PEPFAR 10 years ago. The unveiling of investment-focused initiatives – Powe...
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