

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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Africa must do more to unlock opportunities of rising intra-African trade

Africa must do more to unlock opportunities of rising intra-African trade

20 Mar 2014
Growth in intra-Africa trade is outpacing trade between Africa and rest of the world. However, more needs to be done to boost intra-African trade to take advantage of the increasin...
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Africa Clean Energy Corridor to boost renewable energy

Africa Clean Energy Corridor to boost renewable energy

20 Mar 2014
Energy ministers and delegates from 19 countries committed to the creation of an ambitious initiative, the Africa Clean Energy Corridor, at a meeting in Abu Dhabi, convened by the ...
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Effective regional integration demands ending protectionism

Effective regional integration demands ending protectionism

19 Mar 2014
Uhuru Kenyatta, the charismatic president of Kenya, is one of the most popular African figures on social media platforms. His 375,000 followers receive updates about his government...
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Africa CEO Forum 2014: African Business leaders gather in Geneva

Africa CEO Forum 2014: African Business leaders gather in Geneva

19 Mar 2014
The AFRICA CEO FORUM 2014, one of the most important gathering of African business leaders taking place in Geneva from 17 to 19 March, has been officially opened. Organised by Gro...
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Why should the SADC EPA allow export taxes?

Why should the SADC EPA allow export taxes?

19 Mar 2014
Negotiations on the SADC EPA are close to completion, but to finalize the deal limitations on export taxes should be abandoned. An acrimonious battle on the issue will impose more ...
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Time to modernise trade rules for digital era

Time to modernise trade rules for digital era

19 Mar 2014
In the past, nations with the best ships and ports were able to establish global trade leadership and the growth that came along with it. Today, global trade has gone digital. In ...
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Agriculture cornerstone of Southern Africa’s economy

Agriculture cornerstone of Southern Africa’s economy

18 Mar 2014
Although southern Africa’s growth has been driven by minerals and other natural resources, agriculture offers the greatest potential for transforming the Southern Africa’s econ...
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Nigeria giving SA a run for its money

Nigeria giving SA a run for its money

18 Mar 2014
On March 31 Nigeria is going to shoot past South Africa to become the largest economy in Africa, says Peter Fabricius. GDP – Gross Domestic Product – has always seemed to be o...
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African connections

African connections

18 Mar 2014
Twenty years after joining COMESA, Egypt is still not making the best use of the opportunities the bloc offers, reports Samia Fakhri With a market of nearly 400 million people, to...
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Chained value

Chained value

17 Mar 2014
The growth of multicountry manufacturing is changing how the world’s income and growth are generated The 787 Dreamliner, the latest aircraft produced by Boeing, is a well-known ...
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Azevêdo reports “excellent start” on efforts to put Doha Round back on track

Azevêdo reports “excellent start” on efforts to put Doha Round back on track

17 Mar 2014
Director-General Roberto Azevêdo reported to the General Council on 14 March 2014 that the chairs of the negotiating groups have completed the first round of consultations on...
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Boosting industrial devt through Free Trade Zones

Boosting industrial devt through Free Trade Zones

17 Mar 2014
Revamping ailing economies presents huge challenges of industrialisation. Development of Free Trade Zones remains an attractive option, writes George Okojie. Proliferation of Free...
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Science, ICT critical to Africa’s future – Kagame

Science, ICT critical to Africa’s future – Kagame

14 Mar 2014
The importance of science, technology, research and innovation in shaping the socio-economic transformation of nations cannot be overstated, President Paul Kagame has said. In sub...
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The impact of Infant Industry Protection on competition in Namibia

The impact of Infant Industry Protection on competition in Namibia

14 Mar 2014
Recent reports have pointed to concerns over increases on consumer prices of basic foodstuffs and commodities, such as poultry, meat and dairy. Some critics have blamed this on the...
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SA ‘non-tariff barriers’ stifling intra-SADC trade – Fundanga

SA ‘non-tariff barriers’ stifling intra-SADC trade – Fundanga

14 Mar 2014
South Africa’s unfair trading practices are frustrating a diversified intra-regional trade in SADC, says Dr Caleb Fundanga. Making a presentation at a Consumer Unit Trust Societ...
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The 20 Year Review: South Africa in the global arena

The 20 Year Review: South Africa in the global arena

13 Mar 2014
The Twenty Year Review was launched by President Jacob Zuma on 11 March 2014. The Review reflects on how the country has progressed since the dawn of democracy in 1994, the challen...
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Revised WTO Agreement on Government Procurement to come into force on 6 April 2014

Revised WTO Agreement on Government Procurement to come into force on 6 April 2014

13 Mar 2014
The revised WTO Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA) will come into force on 6 April 2014, effectively two years from the date on which the Protocol amending the Agreement was...
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Appeal for single African passport

Appeal for single African passport

13 Mar 2014
A Ghanian MP at the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) gathering in Midrand, South Africa yesterday mooted the idea of launching a common African passport to boost the integration of all...
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Focus on effectiveness and sustainability of development cooperation: WTO expert

Focus on effectiveness and sustainability of development cooperation: WTO expert

12 Mar 2014
World Trade Organization’s Development Division Director Shishir Priyadarshi on Monday stated that the two key dimensions to development cooperation is its effectiveness and sust...
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Latest UNCTAD Investment Policy Monitor released – Message from Mr. James Zhan

Latest UNCTAD Investment Policy Monitor released – Message from Mr. James Zhan

12 Mar 2014
It is my pleasure to share with you UNCTAD’s twelfth Investment Policy Monitor. The Monitor finds that twenty five countries took thirty six investment policy measures in the re...
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