

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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Africa: World Bank Group sets historic new development financing record for region

Africa: World Bank Group sets historic new development financing record for region

09 Jul 2014
The World Bank Group committed a record-breaking *$15.3 billion to Sub Saharan Africa’s development in fiscal year 2014 (July 2013 to June 2014) supporting shared prosperity in t...
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Azevêdo welcomes launch of plurilateral environmental goods negotiations

Azevêdo welcomes launch of plurilateral environmental goods negotiations

09 Jul 2014
Fourteen WTO members launched plurilateral negotia-tions for an Environmental Goods Agreement on 8 July 2014 at the WTO. These members said the talks will promote green growth and ...
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Africa must broaden sources of growth and investment to create jobs and reduce poverty, UNCTAD report argues

Africa must broaden sources of growth and investment to create jobs and reduce poverty, UNCTAD report argues

09 Jul 2014
​UNCTAD’s Economic Development in Africa Report 2014, launched on 3 July, shows that there are structural problems in the pattern of growth in Africa and that these require a m...
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Capital to move freely in the EAC

Capital to move freely in the EAC

09 Jul 2014
The move will also allow Tanzanians to invest in the EAC region without requiring prior permission from the BoT Tanzanians who wish to move their capital and invest in any o...
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Another setback for livestock sector

Another setback for livestock sector

08 Jul 2014
Negotiations between Namibia and South Africa on the livestock export crisis suffered a major setback when the South African Feedlot Association halted the process by demanding mor...
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AU gives nod to creation of African Monetary Fund

AU gives nod to creation of African Monetary Fund

08 Jul 2014
African Union countries last week approved a proposal to create an African Monetary Fund in line with plans for greater economic integration on the continent. Broadly, the A...
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Trade Policy Review: China

Trade Policy Review: China

08 Jul 2014
The fifth review of the trade policies and practices of China took place on 1 and 3 July 2014. The basis for the review is a report by the WTO Secretariat and a report by the Gover...
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It’s official: Tanzania Customs Integrated System has started

It’s official: Tanzania Customs Integrated System has started

07 Jul 2014
The Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) has said that its new system known as Tanzania Customs Integrated System (Tancis) aimed at bringing greater transparency in customs clearance h...
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Single Customs Territory still a document on the shelf as July 1 deadline lapses

Single Customs Territory still a document on the shelf as July 1 deadline lapses

07 Jul 2014
The Single Customs Territory, whose major objective is to overcome the hurdle of slow and costly movement of goods and services and also improve the business environment in the r...
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Close ties with Brazil and China position Angola for future funding from BRICS bank

Close ties with Brazil and China position Angola for future funding from BRICS bank

07 Jul 2014
Angola is well positioned to receive funding from the future BRICS bank due to its close ties with Brazil and China, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). The recent...
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Africa under “unprecedented” pressure from rich countries over trade

Africa under “unprecedented” pressure from rich countries over trade

04 Jul 2014
African countries are coming under strong pressure from the United States and the European Union to reverse the decision adopted by their trade ministers to implement the World Tra...
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Private sector seeks to have bigger say in policies affecting business environment

Private sector seeks to have bigger say in policies affecting business environment

04 Jul 2014
The private sector in Tanzania is increasingly impacting policy, especially at the national and sectoral levels – a momentum that needs to be driven up. That is the view of...
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SADC Member States to strengthen efforts to address mixed and irregular migration flows in the region

SADC Member States to strengthen efforts to address mixed and irregular migration flows in the region

04 Jul 2014
Senior Government officials from SADC member states have concluded a three-day regional technical Migration Dialogue for Southern Africa (MIDSA) Conference at the Bingu Internation...
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Boosting productivity key for developing economies to close income gap with advanced countries, says OECD Development Centre

Boosting productivity key for developing economies to close income gap with advanced countries, says OECD Development Centre

03 Jul 2014
Income levels in most developing and emerging countries will not catch up with advanced economies for many decades without efforts to boost productivity, according to a new report ...
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Trade Facilitation Agreement will support regional integration – Azevêdo

Trade Facilitation Agreement will support regional integration – Azevêdo

03 Jul 2014
Director-General Roberto Azevêdo told the African Union Forum on Industrialization and Inclusive Development in Africa on 1 July 2014 that the Trade Facilitation Agreement “will...
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EAC states should harmonise work permits

EAC states should harmonise work permits

03 Jul 2014
The East African Community (EAC) partner states established the EAC Common Market on July 1, 2010 which was a significant step in the EAC integration process. In establishing the ...
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E.A partner state laws derail Common Market Protocol

E.A partner state laws derail Common Market Protocol

02 Jul 2014
Four years into the establishment of the East African Common Market Protocol, its implementation is expected to be close to the final stages, according to experts. However, the pr...
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FG to generate jobs through services industry – Jonathan

FG to generate jobs through services industry – Jonathan

02 Jul 2014
President Goodluck Jonathan hinted yesterday that the federal government was shoring up investments in the service industry to generate more job opportunities for Nigerians. Jonat...
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Swaziland loses AGOA benefits from January 1, 2015

Swaziland loses AGOA benefits from January 1, 2015

02 Jul 2014
Swaziland, located in southern part of Africa, has been excluded from the list of countries eligible to get benefit under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) of the US Go...
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Chicken producers want anti-dumping tariffs

Chicken producers want anti-dumping tariffs

01 Jul 2014
The possible imposition of anti-dumping tariffs on certain chicken cuts is unnecessary, the Association of Meat Importers and Exporters (Amie) said on Monday. Local producers had ...
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