

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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The 23rd Ordinary Session of the African Union ends in Malabo

The 23rd Ordinary Session of the African Union ends in Malabo

15 Jul 2014
The 23rd Ordinary Session of the Summit of the African Union concluded in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea on 27 June 2014. The summit’s Assembly, comprising Heads of State and Governme...
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BRICS fight waning clout with $150 billion deal in Brazil Summit

BRICS fight waning clout with $150 billion deal in Brazil Summit

15 Jul 2014
The leaders of five of the world’s largest emerging markets will showcase a new currency reserve fund and development bank this week. Critics say neither is enough to revive the ...
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BRICS must score a goal in Fortaleza

BRICS must score a goal in Fortaleza

14 Jul 2014
Brazil may quite appropriately be the place for BRICS to score a much-needed winning goal. That could be in the form of an announcement of the launch of the BRICS Development Bank ...
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UN official urges ‘bold, challenging’ talks during forum on development cooperation

UN official urges ‘bold, challenging’ talks during forum on development cooperation

14 Jul 2014
Development cooperation will “undoubtedly” play an important role in supporting the implementation of the post-2015 development agenda, but to do so, it must adapt in real time...
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Promoting regional integration through trade

Promoting regional integration through trade

14 Jul 2014
To complement the role of Nigeria Export Import Bank as a member of the Trade Facilitation Task Force, whose mandate is to improve Nigeria’s ranking on “Trading Across Boarders...
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West African leaders back Economic Partnership Agreement with EU

West African leaders back Economic Partnership Agreement with EU

14 Jul 2014
In a move welcomed by European Commissioner for trade Karel De Gucht, the heads of 16 West African states yesterday decided to sign the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with th...
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Seychelles’ WTO accession by end of 2014 is a ‘target we can meet’, says Finance Ministry

Seychelles’ WTO accession by end of 2014 is a ‘target we can meet’, says Finance Ministry

14 Jul 2014
The Seychelles’ Ministry of Finance, Trade and Investment says that the Indian Ocean archipelago has made significant progress in its efforts to join the World Trade Or...
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OECD and FAO see lower farm prices; livestock and biofuels outpacing crop production

OECD and FAO see lower farm prices; livestock and biofuels outpacing crop production

14 Jul 2014
The recent fall in prices of major crops is expected to continue over the next two years before stabilising at levels above the pre-2008 period, but markedly below recent peaks, ac...
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23rd AU Summit: Decision on the report of the High Level African Trade Committee on Trade Issues

23rd AU Summit: Decision on the report of the High Level African Trade Committee on Trade Issues

11 Jul 2014
The Assembly, 1. RECALLS the Decision on Boosting Intra-African Trade / Continental Free Trade Area taken on 30 January 2012 at its Eighteenth Ordinary Session; 2. TAKES NOTE of ...
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Malabo Declaration on Accelerated Agricultural Growth and Transformation for Shared Prosperity and Improved Livelihoods

Malabo Declaration on Accelerated Agricultural Growth and Transformation for Shared Prosperity and Improved Livelihoods

11 Jul 2014
We, the Heads of State and Government of the African Union, having met at our Twenty Third Ordinary Session of the AU Assembly in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, from 26-27 June 2014, ...
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23rd AU Assembly: Decision on Post-2015 Development Agenda

23rd AU Assembly: Decision on Post-2015 Development Agenda

11 Jul 2014
The Assembly, 1. TAKES NOTE of the Report of Seventh Joint Annual Meeting of the African Union Conference of Ministers of Economy and Finance and Economic Commission for Africa Co...
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China issues white paper on foreign aid

China issues white paper on foreign aid

11 Jul 2014
China on Thursday issued its second white paper on foreign aid, elaborating how the nation helps other developing countries reduce poverty and improve livelihood without imposing p...
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Russia says BRICS Development Bank ready to launch

Russia says BRICS Development Bank ready to launch

11 Jul 2014
Leaders of the BRICS nations will launch their long-awaited development bank at a summit next week and decide whether the headquarters should be in Shangha...
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Promote economic diplomacy

Promote economic diplomacy

11 Jul 2014
The successful implementation of the policy on economic diplomacy demands a critical analysis and deep understanding of the dynamics of international trade and commerce, says Presi...
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Trade facilitation crucial for Africa

Trade facilitation crucial for Africa

11 Jul 2014
In the 1960s, there were high hopes for the development of the newly independent Sub-Saharan African countries. However, these hopes were quickly dashed following a series o...
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Value-addition can make Namibia richer – Schlettwein

Value-addition can make Namibia richer – Schlettwein

10 Jul 2014
Namibia’s economic growth is largely dependent on investments in the primary sector (raw materials), specifically in mining; a trend that must change to focus on the secondary se...
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One thing leads to another

One thing leads to another

10 Jul 2014
How can Sub-Saharan African countries make the most of the commodity price boom to promote sustainable development? In the context of the opportunities opened up by the boom in co...
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‘Time is not on our side’, says Ban, hailing new report on curbing carbon emissions

‘Time is not on our side’, says Ban, hailing new report on curbing carbon emissions

10 Jul 2014
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, introducing a new United Nations-backed report outlining pathways major industrial economies can use to cut their carbon emissions by mid-centur...
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Diamond manufacturing reaches saturation

Diamond manufacturing reaches saturation

09 Jul 2014
High labour costs in Botswana’s fledging diamond cutting and polishing companies is threatening the expansion of the industry, with government unlikely to issue more licences due...
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Statement by International Relations and Cooperation Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane on international developments, 08 July 2014

Statement by International Relations and Cooperation Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane on international developments, 08 July 2014

09 Jul 2014
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen of the media. In this briefing today, we would like to share information with you regarding our work, including our preparations for the S...
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