

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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The dark side of globalization: Fighting illicit trade to safeguard integrity across economies, markets, and supply chains

The dark side of globalization: Fighting illicit trade to safeguard integrity across economies, markets, and supply chains

02 Oct 2015
Illicit Trade: fighting money laundering in international trade Remarks by David M. Luna, Senior Director for National Security and Diplomacy Anti-Crime Progra...
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Reforms of International Investment Agreements should promote sustainable development goals

Reforms of International Investment Agreements should promote sustainable development goals

02 Oct 2015
Speakers at the UNCTAD 62nd Trade and Development Board said that international investment agreements must preserve States’ abilities to adopt policies that support the SDGs. A b...
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20 years on, negotiators reflect on breakthrough talks on intellectual property and trade

20 years on, negotiators reflect on breakthrough talks on intellectual property and trade

02 Oct 2015
WTO Director-General Roberto Azevêdo launched a new publication entitled “The Making of the TRIPS Agreement: Personal Insights from the Uruguay Round Negotiations” on Day 2 of...
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TTIP and beyond: EU trade policy in the 21st century

TTIP and beyond: EU trade policy in the 21st century

02 Oct 2015
Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström spoke on the future of Trade policy at New York’s Columbia University on 25 September. She called for a trade policy based on economic ...
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tralac’s Daily News selection: 1 October 2015

tralac’s Daily News selection: 1 October 2015

01 Oct 2015
The selection: Thursday, 1 October Entering uncharted waters: El Niño and the threat to food security (Oxfam) Millions of poor people in Southern Africa, Asia and Central Americ...
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South Africa Merchandise Trade Statistics for August 2015

South Africa Merchandise Trade Statistics for August 2015

01 Oct 2015
The South African Revenue Service (SARS) has released trade statistics for August 2015 that recorded a trade deficit of R9.95 billion. This figure includes trade data with Botswana...
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WTO Public Forum: Plenary debates on Day 1 highlight need for collaboration to make trade more inclusive

WTO Public Forum: Plenary debates on Day 1 highlight need for collaboration to make trade more inclusive

01 Oct 2015
More collaboration is needed to ensure the benefits of trade are enjoyed by all, panellists agreed at the plenary debates of the WTO’s 2015 Public Forum on 30 September. The need...
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Falling import demand, lower commodity prices push down trade growth prospects

Falling import demand, lower commodity prices push down trade growth prospects

01 Oct 2015
WTO economists have lowered their forecast for world trade growth in 2015 to 2.8%, from the 3.3% forecast made in April, and reduced their estimate for 2016 to 3.9% from 4.0%. The...
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Exchange rates still matter for trade

Exchange rates still matter for trade

01 Oct 2015
Exchange rate movements still have sizable effects on exports and imports, according to new research from the International Monetary Fund. Recent currency movements have been unus...
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Entering uncharted waters: El Niño and the threat to food security

Entering uncharted waters: El Niño and the threat to food security

01 Oct 2015
Millions of poor people in Southern Africa, Asia and Central America face hunger and poverty this year and next because of droughts and erratic rains as global temperatures reach n...
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Commodity exporters facing the difficult aftermath of the boom

Commodity exporters facing the difficult aftermath of the boom

01 Oct 2015
With a weak outlook for commodity prices, particularly for energy and metals, growth in commodity-exporting emerging and developing economies could slow further over the next few y...
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Azevêdo: “WTO accession is a success story of the organization”

Azevêdo: “WTO accession is a success story of the organization”

01 Oct 2015
Director-General Roberto Azevêdo launched a new publication entitled on Day 1 of the Public Forum on 30 September 2015, entitled “WTO Accessions and Trade Multilateralism: ...
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tralac’s Daily News selection: 30 September 2015

tralac’s Daily News selection: 30 September 2015

30 Sep 2015
The selection: Wednesday, 30 September Underway, in Lusaka: the African Green Revolution Forum Launched, in Lusaka: AECF Impact Report 2014 Starting Thursday, in Kigali: 6th Afr...
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‘New normal’ productivity spells uncertainty for global economy

‘New normal’ productivity spells uncertainty for global economy

30 Sep 2015
A failure to embrace long-term structural reforms that boost productivity and free up entrepreneurial talent is harming the global economy’s ability to improve living standards, ...
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Preparing Africa for the next Trade negotiations

Preparing Africa for the next Trade negotiations

30 Sep 2015
The deadlock in the World Trade Organisation (WTO) so called Doha Development Round negotiations remains firmly in place. Negotiators seem unable to meet deadline after deadline fo...
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African Green Revolution Forum to elevate role of youth and women in agriculture

African Green Revolution Forum to elevate role of youth and women in agriculture

30 Sep 2015
Leaders target investments and polices for African farmers and enterprises to meet rising food demand in an urbanizing Africa The rapid rise of urban food markets across sub-Sahar...
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Nigeria: Regional policy for accelerated infrastructure development

Nigeria: Regional policy for accelerated infrastructure development

30 Sep 2015
In recent articles we have been talking about many issues ranging from the need to create enabling environments for investment, the infrastructure challenge for Africa, the financi...
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Experts discuss new ways to use trade policy to protect the world’s fish and oceans

Experts discuss new ways to use trade policy to protect the world’s fish and oceans

30 Sep 2015
UNCTAD and the Commonwealth Secretariat gather leading experts to discuss options to further advance trade in sustainable fisheries. A gathering of leading experts in sustainable ...
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Carbon pricing, divestment, and fossil fuel subsidy reform options for climate deal

Carbon pricing, divestment, and fossil fuel subsidy reform options for climate deal

30 Sep 2015
A series of reports regarding the use of carbon markets as a central means for achieving international climate goals were released as the seventh annual multi-stakeholder New York ...
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China’s economic slowdown: An opportunity to boost Indo-Africa ties

China’s economic slowdown: An opportunity to boost Indo-Africa ties

30 Sep 2015
Compared to China, the Indian economy is expected to grow faster, at 7.5%, and offers a large consumer market As China is confronting property market challenges, overcapacity in i...
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