

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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Maritime transport and climate policy at a critical juncture, UNCTAD Report says

Maritime transport and climate policy at a critical juncture, UNCTAD Report says

15 Oct 2015
As the global community commits to the new Sustainable Development Goals and gears up for a new international climate policy agreement, the UNCTAD Review of Maritime Transport 2015...
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At 11.4 percent of the value of imports, African countries paid more for international transport than any other region in 2005-2014

At 11.4 percent of the value of imports, African countries paid more for international transport than any other region in 2005-2014

15 Oct 2015
International transport costs amounted to a country average of 9 per cent of the value of imports during the decade 2005-2014, according to the UNCTAD Review of Maritime Transport ...
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Kenya Economic Update: Laying the foundation for strong growth in a challenging environment

Kenya Economic Update: Laying the foundation for strong growth in a challenging environment

15 Oct 2015
Kenya’s economic performance remains solid, with the growth rate expected to improve from 5.3% in 2014 to 5.4% in 2015, according to a new World Bank Group economic report releas...
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Creating the necessary framework to mobilize sustainable energy investment in Africa: SE4All Africa Hub Annual Report

Creating the necessary framework to mobilize sustainable energy investment in Africa: SE4All Africa Hub Annual Report

15 Oct 2015
The Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) Africa Hub launched on Tuesday, October 13 in Abidjan its Annual Report for 2014-2015, which outlines the progress made to date in helping t...
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Bank Financing of SMEs in Kenya

Bank Financing of SMEs in Kenya

15 Oct 2015
The involvement of Kenyan banks in the SME segment has grown remarkably over the last few years and most banks intend to continue expanding their SME portfolio in the near future. ...
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Trade for All: European Commission presents new trade and investment strategy

Trade for All: European Commission presents new trade and investment strategy

15 Oct 2015
The Commission is proposing a new trade and investment strategy for the European Union, entitled ‘Trade for All: Towards a more responsible trade and investment policy’. The n...
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tralac’s Daily News selection: 14 October 2015

tralac’s Daily News selection: 14 October 2015

14 Oct 2015
The selection: Wednesday, 14 October Starting today, in Maputo: 2nd Nordic-Mozambican Conference on Inclusive Growth Now available: 'Shaping economic transformation in Tanzania'...
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When global goals meet African realities: new report sets out an agenda for change

When global goals meet African realities: new report sets out an agenda for change

14 Oct 2015
The new Sustainable Development Goals will only succeed if they can succeed in Africa. How can we make that happen? A new report from the Africa Progress Panel, Global Goals, Afric...
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Fifth Global Review of Aid for Trade Summary Report: Reducing trade costs for inclusive, sustainable growth

Fifth Global Review of Aid for Trade Summary Report: Reducing trade costs for inclusive, sustainable growth

14 Oct 2015
The theme of the Fifth Global Review of Aid for Trade, held from 30 June to 2 July 2015, was “Reducing Trade Costs for Inclusive, Sustainable Growth”. Discussions focused on t...
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Africa’s Regional Economic Communities and Member States re-iterate the importance of “Silencing the Guns” in the continent by 2020

Africa’s Regional Economic Communities and Member States re-iterate the importance of “Silencing the Guns” in the continent by 2020

14 Oct 2015
Following the successful launch of Africa Week 2015, Member States gathered in the afternoon to hear from African Regional Economic Communities about their efforts to silence the g...
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Expanding social protection offers a faster track to ending hunger

Expanding social protection offers a faster track to ending hunger

14 Oct 2015
Programmes proliferate but vast majority of rural poor remain uncovered by social protection Social protection is emerging as a critical tool in the drive to eradicate hunger, yet...
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Could Europe’s historical trade links offset China slump?

Could Europe’s historical trade links offset China slump?

14 Oct 2015
Fears that a slowing China will cause world trade to stagnate could be overstated, given European nations’ long-standing trade links with emerging markets (EMs) across Latin Amer...
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Call for fast tracking integration of sub-regional Free Trade Areas

Call for fast tracking integration of sub-regional Free Trade Areas

14 Oct 2015
COMESA, EAC and ECOWAS sub-regions should work out ways of integrating their respective Free Trade Areas to fast track the realization of the Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) in ...
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The centrality of the Continental Free Trade Area for the achievement of Africa’s transformation and development vision re-iterated as Africa Week 2015 kicks-off

The centrality of the Continental Free Trade Area for the achievement of Africa’s transformation and development vision re-iterated as Africa Week 2015 kicks-off

14 Oct 2015
Africa Week 2015 was launched at a high-level event which featured the participation of His Excellency Mr. Mogens Lykketoft, President of the 70th session of the General Assembly (...
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Opportunities and challenges for expanding financial inclusion in Tunisia

Opportunities and challenges for expanding financial inclusion in Tunisia

14 Oct 2015
Tunisia grabbed the world’s attention when it sparked the first revolution at the start of the Arab Spring in 2011. It has since made important transitions, adopting a new c...
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tralac’s Daily News selection: 13 October 2015

tralac’s Daily News selection: 13 October 2015

13 Oct 2015
The selection: Tuesday, 13 October Later today in Geneva: launch of the Review of Maritime Transport 2015 (UNCTAD) Today in Luanda: Angola/Botswana Business Forum (Angola Press)...
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Background note on Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want

Background note on Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want

13 Oct 2015
The Foundation of Africa Union Agenda 2063 Fifty years after the first thirty-three (33) independent African states gathered in Addis Ababa to form the Organization of African Uni...
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After Trans-Pacific Partnership deal reached in Atlanta, focus shifts to ratification

After Trans-Pacific Partnership deal reached in Atlanta, focus shifts to ratification

13 Oct 2015
Ministers from 12 Pacific Rim countries concluded a sweeping trade pact this past Monday, following several days of frenzied negotiations in the US city of Atlanta to bring the agr...
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Kicking off ‘Africa Week’ at UN, Ban lauds steps taken for continent’s long-term development agenda

Kicking off ‘Africa Week’ at UN, Ban lauds steps taken for continent’s long-term development agenda

13 Oct 2015
Africa Week 2015 kicked off at Headquarters on Monday with Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon commending African Member States of the United Nations for taking an “important step” t...
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First African Maritime Conference resolves to request the AU to consider “A Single African Maritime Transport Market” among the Agenda 2063 flagship projects

First African Maritime Conference resolves to request the AU to consider “A Single African Maritime Transport Market” among the Agenda 2063 flagship projects

13 Oct 2015
Understanding the opportunities and challenges and making the African Maritime a reality is a must, if Africa aspires to a better and secured future in the context of Agenda 2063. ...
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