

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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WTO delivers ground-breaking deal for development

WTO delivers ground-breaking deal for development

19 Dec 2015
The World Trade Organisation (WTO) today has delivered a landmark deal that is good for fairer global trade and good for development at its 10th Ministerial Conference in Nairobi, ...
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tralac’s Daily News selection: 18 December 2015

tralac’s Daily News selection: 18 December 2015

18 Dec 2015
The selection: Friday, 18 December The Intra-African Investment Report: consultancy services for conducting data collection (AfDB) The Intra-African Investment Project aims to (i...
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As clock runs down, WTO Nairobi talks kick into gear

As clock runs down, WTO Nairobi talks kick into gear

18 Dec 2015
Negotiations at the WTO’s ministerial meet have gained pace, sources say, with Thursday’s talks set to run through the night as members search for common ground that enables th...
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Business potential of smallholder farmers must be unleashed for sustainable development, report says

Business potential of smallholder farmers must be unleashed for sustainable development, report says

18 Dec 2015
The world’s smallholder farmers manage just 12 per cent of all agricultural land, yet they produce more than 80 per cent of the world’s food (in value terms). They deserve more...
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World Bank Group scales up support for Egypt

World Bank Group scales up support for Egypt

18 Dec 2015
The World Bank Group’s Board of Executive Directors on 17 December 2015 endorsed a new Country Partnership Framework (CPF) to support Egypt during a critical period of ...
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Roadmap to boost intra-COMESA trade in maize

Roadmap to boost intra-COMESA trade in maize

18 Dec 2015
Intra-COMESA trade in grains is set to rise following the launch of a roadmap that will address differences in standards and regulations that impede regional trade in maize. The C...
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Countries adopt new plan to utilize Internet and information technologies in implementation of new Sustainable Development Agenda

Countries adopt new plan to utilize Internet and information technologies in implementation of new Sustainable Development Agenda

18 Dec 2015
Information and Communication Technologies essential for achieving 2030 Sustainable Development through commitment to World Summit on the Information Society vision Countries reaf...
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Winner of Saana Institute Africa Trades Essay Competition 2015 announced

Winner of Saana Institute Africa Trades Essay Competition 2015 announced

18 Dec 2015
The Saana Institute, InterAnalysis Ltd. (TradeSift software), Centre for the Analysis of Regional Integration at Sussex (CARIS) at the University of Sussex and the Trade Law Centre...
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Azevêdo welcomes efforts to help implement Trade Facilitation Agreement

Azevêdo welcomes efforts to help implement Trade Facilitation Agreement

18 Dec 2015
Director-General Roberto Azevêdo welcomed on 17 December the pledges made by governments and private sector entities to help developing and least-developed countries implement the...
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tralac’s Daily News selection: 17 December 2015

tralac’s Daily News selection: 17 December 2015

17 Dec 2015
The selection: Thursday, 17 December Profiled new analysis: ‘Diversifying African trade: the road to progress’ (Atlantic Council) To fully harness the transformative potentia...
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Technology trade deal reached at Nairobi WTO Ministerial

Technology trade deal reached at Nairobi WTO Ministerial

17 Dec 2015
A group of 53 World Trade Organisation members negotiating a tariff-cutting agreement on information and communication technology goods reached a final deal in Nairobi, Kenya, on W...
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Diversifying African trade: The road to progress

Diversifying African trade: The road to progress

17 Dec 2015
As World Trade Organization members meet in Nairobi, Kenya, for their 2015 Ministerial, the potential economic impact of African trade – for Africa, but also the rest of the worl...
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WTO members conclude landmark $1.3 trillion IT trade deal

WTO members conclude landmark $1.3 trillion IT trade deal

17 Dec 2015
World Trade Organisation members representing major exporters of information technology products agreed on 16 December at the WTO’s Tenth Ministerial Conference, in Nairobi, on t...
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African countries export just 0.3 per cent of world’s high-tech products

African countries export just 0.3 per cent of world’s high-tech products

17 Dec 2015
UNCTAD’s Technology and Innovation Report 2015 says more can be done to make innovation policy in Africa work for development Although developing countries as a whole accounted ...
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New ILO figures show 150 million migrants in the global workforce

New ILO figures show 150 million migrants in the global workforce

17 Dec 2015
A new ILO statistical study provides estimates on labour migration, including regions and industries where international migrant workers are established and a special focus on migr...
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Operationalizing green growth in Mozambique: AfDB report highlights recommendations for action

Operationalizing green growth in Mozambique: AfDB report highlights recommendations for action

17 Dec 2015
The African Development Bank has launched the report, “Transition towards Green Growth in Mozambique: Policy review and recommendations for action,” which summarizes the develo...
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Ministerial Meeting of the Group of Landlocked Developing Countries: Nairobi, December 2015

Ministerial Meeting of the Group of Landlocked Developing Countries: Nairobi, December 2015

17 Dec 2015
Ministerial Communiqué We, the Ministers of Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs), having met on 16th December 2015 in Nairobi, Kenya, during the 10h Ministerial Conference of ...
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UN GA Second Committee unanimously approves 18 Resolutions: Sustainable development, poverty eradication at centre of agreed texts

UN GA Second Committee unanimously approves 18 Resolutions: Sustainable development, poverty eradication at centre of agreed texts

17 Dec 2015
Concluding its work for the main part of the General Assembly’s seventieth session on 14 December 2015, the Second Committee (Economic and Financial) unanimously approved 18 ...
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World Bank publishes 2016 edition of International Debt Statistics

World Bank publishes 2016 edition of International Debt Statistics

17 Dec 2015
The 2016 edition of International Debt Statistics was published on 16 December 2015, and provides comprehensive data on the debt of low- and middle-income countries, and quart...
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President Kenyatta hails approval by ministers of Liberia’s WTO membership

President Kenyatta hails approval by ministers of Liberia’s WTO membership

17 Dec 2015
President Kenyatta welcomed the formal approval by ministers of Liberia’s WTO membership terms at a special ceremony on 16 December held at the WTO’s Tenth Ministerial Conferen...
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