

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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After Nairobi, what lies ahead for world trade?

After Nairobi, what lies ahead for world trade?

11 Jan 2016
After four days of intense talks plus 24 hours of overtime, 162 ministers walked out of the trade talks in Nairobi having agreed on six things. All of them aim to improve the terms...
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CEMAC: A stronger community for stronger and more inclusive growth

CEMAC: A stronger community for stronger and more inclusive growth

11 Jan 2016
Speaking to a gathering of CEMAC Ministers in Yaoundé, Cameroon on 8 January 2016, IMF chief Christine Lagarde focused her remarks on how to sustain infrastructure investment in c...
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AIDF Africa Summit 2016: Improving aid delivery and development strategy in East Africa

AIDF Africa Summit 2016: Improving aid delivery and development strategy in East Africa

11 Jan 2016
Over 250 representatives from governments, UN agencies, NGOs, donors and private sector companies are gathering in February 2016 at the United Nations Conference Centre in Addis Ab...
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Post-2015 international development agenda in the context of interlocking trade and financing in the LDCs

Post-2015 international development agenda in the context of interlocking trade and financing in the LDCs

11 Jan 2016
The adoption of the ambitious post-2015 agenda centring on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in September marks an opportune moment to suggest development policy solutions f...
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Persecuted informal sector keeping millions afloat

Persecuted informal sector keeping millions afloat

11 Jan 2016
Backyard motor mechanics, vegetable sellers, cigarette hawkers, hairdressers. They are the lifeline of South Africa, employing and keeping millions out of poverty. In Cape Town, t...
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Burundi crisis slows trade with Rwanda

Burundi crisis slows trade with Rwanda

11 Jan 2016
Rwanda’s nascent manufacturing sector has been hit hard by the nine-month crisis in Burundi that has narrowed the export market. The government has said that the crisis could fu...
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The true cost of mineral smuggling in the DRC

The true cost of mineral smuggling in the DRC

11 Jan 2016
There has been a soaring demand for commodities from Africa in recent years, which created a unique opportunity for the continent to plough this windfall into socio-economic develo...
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tralac’s Daily News selection

tralac’s Daily News selection

08 Jan 2016
The selection: Friday, 8 January 2016 SACU: minutes of the Fourth Trade Policy Review (WTO) The fourth joint Trade Policy Review of the Southern African Customs Union countries (...
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Davies: Deal cracked to keep SA in Agoa

Davies: Deal cracked to keep SA in Agoa

08 Jan 2016
Negotiations between South Africa and the United States over health issues related to meat imports were concluded on Wednesday, which should ensure the country remains a part of th...
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SA faces one more Agoa hurdle: Ambassador Froman

SA faces one more Agoa hurdle: Ambassador Froman

08 Jan 2016
South Africa faces one more hurdle over US meat imports before it can make a toast to remaining a part of the US African Growth Opportunity Act (Agoa). That is according to US Amb...
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Fourth Trade Policy Review of SACU: Minutes of the meeting

Fourth Trade Policy Review of SACU: Minutes of the meeting

08 Jan 2016
The fourth joint Trade Policy Review of the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) countries, i.e. Botswana, the Kingdom of Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, and the Kingdom of Swazil...
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Of maize and money: How to bring farmers into the financial system

Of maize and money: How to bring farmers into the financial system

08 Jan 2016
Nearly half of the world’s farmers are unbanked. This statistic is worrying given the evidence linking financial inclusion to poverty alleviation and since over 70 percent of the...
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Galvanising action for the Global Goals: Challenges for EU-Africa relations in 2016

Galvanising action for the Global Goals: Challenges for EU-Africa relations in 2016

08 Jan 2016
The start of 2016 leads us into a new era in international cooperation, but time is not on our side. The migration and refugee crisis, global and local terrorism, violence and frag...
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Food price index drops in December due to abundant supplies, slow economic growth – UN agency

Food price index drops in December due to abundant supplies, slow economic growth – UN agency

08 Jan 2016
Prices of major food commodities declined for the fourth year in a row in 2015 according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), averaging 19.1 per cent below their prev...
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El Niño has put world in ‘uncharted territory,’ UN relief chief says, urging action now to mitigate impacts

El Niño has put world in ‘uncharted territory,’ UN relief chief says, urging action now to mitigate impacts

08 Jan 2016
Briefing United Nations Member States on Thursday, 7 January on the widely varied and devastating impacts of the current El Niño weather phenomenon – which for months has sparke...
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The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank gets off the ground

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank gets off the ground

08 Jan 2016
With $100 billion in capital and a staff of 500, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank was formally launched on Dec. 25 and seeks to make its first loan as early as spring 2016....
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European Parliament Committee on Development issues draft opinion on the conclusion of the West Africa-EU Economic Partnership Agreement

European Parliament Committee on Development issues draft opinion on the conclusion of the West Africa-EU Economic Partnership Agreement

08 Jan 2016
Draft Opinion of the Committee on Development on the proposal for a Council decision on the conclusion of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between the West African States, ...
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tralac’s Daily News selection

tralac’s Daily News selection

07 Jan 2016
The selection: Thursday, 7 January 2016 Featured tweet, Ambassador Gaspard: AGOA Tremendous progress in negotiations today. Thanks to leadership of SA DTI & DAFF. Looking forw...
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Anemic recovery in emerging markets to weigh heavily on global growth in 2016

Anemic recovery in emerging markets to weigh heavily on global growth in 2016

07 Jan 2016
Global economy to accelerate modestly to 2.9% Weak growth among major emerging markets will weigh on global growth in 2016, but economic activity should still pick up modestly to ...
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Nigeria: Act with resolve, build resilience, and exercise restraint – Lagarde

Nigeria: Act with resolve, build resilience, and exercise restraint – Lagarde

07 Jan 2016
Speech by Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, to the Nigerian National Assembly in Abuja, 6 January 2016 Honorable Speaker of the House, ...
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