

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement discussed by experts

African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement discussed by experts

26 May 2016
Experts from UNCTAD, African Union Commission, Economic Commission for Africa, regional economic communities and partners gathered in Nairobi to examine key issues in drafting the ...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

25 May 2016
Wednesday, 25 May: Enjoy tralac’s Africa Day 2016 bumper edition! Building Bridges Programme: ‘African Economic Integration’ report launch, later today in Cape Tow...
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President Adesina shares AfDB’s new transformation agenda as Annual Meetings open in Lusaka

President Adesina shares AfDB’s new transformation agenda as Annual Meetings open in Lusaka

25 May 2016
“Africa must think big, act big and deliver big. We must never show low ambitions for Africa,” African Development Bank Group President Akinwumi Adesina said on Tuesday, May 24...
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World Humanitarian Summit: A once in a generation opportunity to transform the humanitarian system

World Humanitarian Summit: A once in a generation opportunity to transform the humanitarian system

25 May 2016
The first World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) ended in Istanbul, Turkey on 24 May 2016. Even before the summit had opened, UN Humanitarian Chief Stephen O’Brien predicted t...
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Outcomes of the SADC Workshop on Food Security and Poverty Eradication

Outcomes of the SADC Workshop on Food Security and Poverty Eradication

25 May 2016
His Excellency Lt. General Dr. Seretse Khama Ian Khama, President of the Republic of Botswana and the Chairperson of Southern Development Community (SADC), convened a special works...
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We cannot afford to fail on the Continental Free Trade Area: Carlos Lopes

We cannot afford to fail on the Continental Free Trade Area: Carlos Lopes

25 May 2016
The launch of the Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) negotiations by the AU leaders in June 2015 in Johannesburg was a milestone. Once in place, the free trade area will cover more...
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Top 12 ways world can end hunger, stem environmental damage from food systems

Top 12 ways world can end hunger, stem environmental damage from food systems

25 May 2016
Latest IRP report lists 12 ways to use natural resources more efficiently, improve human health and reduce the environmental damage caused by food systems A major overhaul of the ...
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Africa sees reasons for UK to ditch the European Union

Africa sees reasons for UK to ditch the European Union

25 May 2016
It is a curious coincidence that, with the UK vote on membership of the European Union next month, the future of the bloc is uncertain when some in Africa lament the implementation...
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Commissioner Acyl stresses the need for Member States and Stakeholders to come together in order to achieve the structural transformation of Africa

Commissioner Acyl stresses the need for Member States and Stakeholders to come together in order to achieve the structural transformation of Africa

25 May 2016
The Ministerial Session of the First AU Specialized Technical Committee on Trade, Industry and Minerals (STC-TIM), commenced on 23 May at the African Union Commission (AUC) Headqua...
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With many plant and animal species ‘hanging on by a thread,’ UN urges action to tackle wildlife crime

With many plant and animal species ‘hanging on by a thread,’ UN urges action to tackle wildlife crime

25 May 2016
The poaching and illegal trade of thousands of species across the globe present real environmental dangers and undermine the rule of law, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Cri...
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China and India’s GDP will be hit hardest by global food price shock

China and India’s GDP will be hit hardest by global food price shock

25 May 2016
Report published by UNEP and Global Footprint Network ranks countries on the economic risks they face from a hike in food prices If global food prices double, then China could los...
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Intra-regional trade is the key to boosting economic growth in Africa, says Maersk executive

Intra-regional trade is the key to boosting economic growth in Africa, says Maersk executive

25 May 2016
Despite the untapped opportunities that exist on the continent, trade between various African countries is still largely restricted as a result of various regulation barriers and a...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

24 May 2016
The selection: Tuesday, 24 May 2016 Featured tweet, by @rodrikdani: New paper by @tylercowen on the future of growth in developing economies is very good and I agree with much of ...
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African leaders make economic case for increased nutrition investments

African leaders make economic case for increased nutrition investments

24 May 2016
AfDB President hosts high-level event with new economic data showing increased nutrition investment can result in $83 billion in GDP growth Key African leaders at the African Deve...
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Continental Business Network: Managing investment risks in public infrastructure

Continental Business Network: Managing investment risks in public infrastructure

24 May 2016
Defining and managing investment risk in African domestic and regional infrastructure projects is critical to development and growth of the continent. About US $92 billion is requ...
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World Bank Botswana Country Partnership Framework 2016-20

World Bank Botswana Country Partnership Framework 2016-20

24 May 2016
This document details the scope and the main elements of the Country Partnership Framework (CPF) with the Republic of Botswana for FY16-20. The previous Country Partnership Strate...
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Ethiopia Public Expenditure Review

Ethiopia Public Expenditure Review

24 May 2016
Ethiopia’s remarkable socio-economic transformation over the last decade has been marked by: a reorientation of expenditure from recurrent to capital; a significant devolution of...
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Malawi Urbanization Review: Leveraging urbanization for national growth and development

Malawi Urbanization Review: Leveraging urbanization for national growth and development

24 May 2016
The policy discussion in Malawi has been cautionary against rapid urbanization and its adverse effects such as the urbanization of poverty. Malawi being predominantly rural, nation...
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Stronger bilateral ties critical for Rwanda-Tanzania trade growth – PSF chief

Stronger bilateral ties critical for Rwanda-Tanzania trade growth – PSF chief

24 May 2016
The local private sector has for the past many years complained about the numerous non-tariff barriers (NTB) along the Central Corridor, saying this was affecting their businesses ...
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Why neighbours’ cold shoulder may wreck Kenya’s grand infrastructure dream

Why neighbours’ cold shoulder may wreck Kenya’s grand infrastructure dream

24 May 2016
President Paul Kagame paused and then rested his chin on his left hand when asked what appeared to be a simple question. “Resources are scarce,” he said to the question on whi...
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