

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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Benchmarking productive capacities in least developed countries

Benchmarking productive capacities in least developed countries

10 Jun 2016
At the 13th session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD XIII), which took place in Doha, Qatar, in April 2012, member States requested UNCTAD to devel...
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Thirty African nations cut ‘multidimensional’ poverty in ‘runaway success’

Thirty African nations cut ‘multidimensional’ poverty in ‘runaway success’

10 Jun 2016
According to a new analysis from the Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative at the University of Oxford, 30 of 35 sub-Saharan African countries analysed for changes to p...
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The Africa Infrastructure Development Index 2016: Update

The Africa Infrastructure Development Index 2016: Update

10 Jun 2016
The Africa Infrastructure Development Index (AIDI) is produced by the African Development Bank and serves a number of key objectives, principally: (i) to monitor and evaluate the s...
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WTO members conduct first review of agricultural export subsidies since Nairobi decision

WTO members conduct first review of agricultural export subsidies since Nairobi decision

10 Jun 2016
WTO members undertook at the Agriculture Committee meeting on 7 and 8 June their first review of agricultural export policies since the Nairobi ministerial decision to scrap farm e...
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African trade and market growth in textiles and apparel

African trade and market growth in textiles and apparel

10 Jun 2016
Source Africa, now running for its fourth consecutive year, is currently underway at the Cape Town International Convention Centre. The opening seminar, ‘AGOA – The African Ad...
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Annual Review of Investor-State Arbitrations launched

Annual Review of Investor-State Arbitrations launched

10 Jun 2016
UNCTAD has launched its annual review of investor-State arbitrations. The IIA Issues Note reviews developments in treaty-based investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS) in...
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Rule-takers or rule-makers? A new look at African bilateral investment treaty practice

Rule-takers or rule-makers? A new look at African bilateral investment treaty practice

10 Jun 2016
Who are the rule-takers and rule-makers in the African BIT universe? Using computational measures of textual similarity this paper provides a nuanced empirical answer to this quest...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

09 Jun 2016
The selection: Thursday, 9 June 2016 Zambia: Harnessing the potential for trade and sustainable growth (UNCTAD) This paper sets out Zambia’s existing trade policy framework and...
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Launch of the SADC-PIDA Acceleration for the Beira and North-South Corridors

Launch of the SADC-PIDA Acceleration for the Beira and North-South Corridors

09 Jun 2016
Outcome statement Meeting of the Ministers responsible for Beira and North South Corridors The meeting of SADC Ministers responsible for Infrastructure met to launch the SADC-PID...
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Kenya Budget Statement 2016/17: “Consolidating Gains for a Prosperous Kenya”

Kenya Budget Statement 2016/17: “Consolidating Gains for a Prosperous Kenya”

09 Jun 2016
Extracts from the statement delivered to the National Assembly on 8 June, 2016 by Mr. Henry K. Rotich, Cabinet Secretary for the National Treasury, Republic of Kenya, when highligh...
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Tanzania Budget Speech 2016/17: “Industrial Growth for Job Creation”

Tanzania Budget Speech 2016/17: “Industrial Growth for Job Creation”

09 Jun 2016
Extracts from the speech by the Minister for Finance and Planning, Hon. Dr. Philip I. Mpango, introducing to the National Assembly, the Estimates of Government Revenue and Expendit...
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Uganda Budget Speech 2016/17: “Enhanced Productivity for Job Creation”

Uganda Budget Speech 2016/17: “Enhanced Productivity for Job Creation”

09 Jun 2016
Extracts from the Budget Speech for Financial Year 2016/2017 delivered at the Meeting of The Third Session of the 10th Parliament on 8 June 2016 by Honourable Matia Kasaija, M...
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Trade Policy Framework: Harnessing the potential for trade and sustainable growth in Zambia

Trade Policy Framework: Harnessing the potential for trade and sustainable growth in Zambia

09 Jun 2016
Since its independence in 1964, Zambia has been overly dependent on the production and export of copper and, initially, a few agricultural exports such as tobacco, maize and timber...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

08 Jun 2016
The selection: Wednesday, 8 June 2016 A reminder that today is Budget Day in East Africa: selected trade and integration highlights will feature in tomorrow’s selection. Today ...
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The race to become East Africa’s biggest port

The race to become East Africa’s biggest port

08 Jun 2016
Kenya and Tanzania have long competed to have the most important port in East Africa and their rivalry is about to become more intense as they compete for the region’s business. ...
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World about to enter new trade era, report concludes

World about to enter new trade era, report concludes

08 Jun 2016
The world is about to undergo a “transition to a new order” in global trade with the Asian and African regions accruing increasing power while Europe declines, a joint-report b...
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EU Parliament: stop ‘aid’ funding billions to agribusiness in Africa

EU Parliament: stop ‘aid’ funding billions to agribusiness in Africa

08 Jun 2016
The European Parliament today called on the Commission and member states like the UK to stop funding the ‘New Alliance’ plan to force export-oriented agribusiness onto Africa. ...
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Third Trade Policy Review of Malawi: Minutes of the Meeting

Third Trade Policy Review of Malawi: Minutes of the Meeting

08 Jun 2016
The third Trade Policy Review of Malawi was held on 27 and 29 April 2016, providing a good opportunity for Members to discuss in greater detail issues of interest to them and ...
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World Bank cuts 2016 global growth forecast to 2.4 percent

World Bank cuts 2016 global growth forecast to 2.4 percent

08 Jun 2016
Markedly different prospects for commodity exporters and importers, mounting downside risks The World Bank is downgrading its 2016 global growth forecast to 2.4% from the 2.9% pac...
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Windmills and world trade

Windmills and world trade

08 Jun 2016
When the winds of change blow, a Chinese proverb says, some people build walls and others build windmills. Given the tremendous environmental challenges the world faces, it’s not...
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