

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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Nigeria’s new economic recovery plans: The road ahead

Nigeria’s new economic recovery plans: The road ahead

10 Apr 2017
The federal government finally launched the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan 2017-2020 in Abuja last Wednesday (5 April), raising expectations of economic recovery, if fully imple...
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Brief on Regional Integration and the Continental Free Trade Area

Brief on Regional Integration and the Continental Free Trade Area

09 Apr 2017
This policy brief was prepared to highlight the fact that the CFTA that is currently under negotiations will be more than a traditional free trade area and will contain several ele...
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Lesotho’s textiles, apparel and footwear manufacturing industry

Lesotho’s textiles, apparel and footwear manufacturing industry

09 Apr 2017
Africa’s inspired apparel sourcing hotspot Employment, wages & working conditions The combined, textile, apparel and footwear manufacturing industry remains Lesotho’s lar...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

05 Apr 2017
Starting tomorrow, in Cape Town: tralac’s Annual Conference, International Trade Governance – quo vadis? It is clear there are significant shifts in global political economy a...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

03 Apr 2017
Underway, in Nairobi: IDEV AfDB‏ event on private sector-led growth, sharing evaluative knowledge to enhance the relevance, effectiveness, and impact of future private sector dev...
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African Trade and Integration in a Post-Brexit World

African Trade and Integration in a Post-Brexit World

03 Apr 2017
After more than four decades of trade being governed by EU policies, Brexit means UK-Africa trading relations are now at a crossroads. Most Sub-Saharan African (SSA) exports enjoy...
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South Africa Merchandise Trade Statistics for February 2017

South Africa Merchandise Trade Statistics for February 2017

03 Apr 2017
South Africa trade balance swings to surplus in February South Africa posted a trade surplus of ZAR 5.22 billion in February of 2017 compared to an upwardly revised ZAR 11.22 bill...
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African Corridor Management Alliance: Strategy document

African Corridor Management Alliance: Strategy document

03 Apr 2017
The African Corridor Management Alliance (ACMA) has been established to provide support in boosting intra-Africa trade, transformation and accelerated integration for sustainable d...
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Africa’s future depends on its ability to meet the expectations of its young people

Africa’s future depends on its ability to meet the expectations of its young people

03 Apr 2017
The Mo Ibrahim Foundation’s 2017 Forum report, Africa at a Tipping Point, finds the continent still making progress, but faced with a real risk of falling back. The fut...
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The Made in Africa Initiative: Bringing together a strategic network of top development leaders

The Made in Africa Initiative: Bringing together a strategic network of top development leaders

03 Apr 2017
Support for industrialization in Africa received a boost last week with the launch of the Made in Africa Initiative (MIAI) Senior Advisory Board, an initiative that will create a s...
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Non-tariff barriers and ‘complaints’ in the East African Community’s reporting process

Non-tariff barriers and ‘complaints’ in the East African Community’s reporting process

03 Apr 2017
Since the establishment of the East African Community (EAC), comprising Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, the region has seen a steady strengthening of economic and poli...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

31 Mar 2017
Today, in Lusaka: Tanzania-Zambia Trade Forum Kenya’s 2017 Budget Policy statement (pdf), documentation Launched: Online Africa knowledge repository platform (with 4000 World B...
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108 million people in food crisis countries face severe acute food insecurity – situation worsening

108 million people in food crisis countries face severe acute food insecurity – situation worsening

31 Mar 2017
New global report on food crises offers benchmark for action needed to avoid catastrophe Despite international efforts to address food insecurity, around 108 million people living...
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Science, Technology and Innovation would catapult Africa to new heights of development, says ACBF report

Science, Technology and Innovation would catapult Africa to new heights of development, says ACBF report

31 Mar 2017
“Africa’s remarkable economic growth over the past two decades is a source of hope but the continent cannot sustain and improve upon this trend without reinforcing the key cata...
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Can the relationship between Europe and Africa stand the test of time?

Can the relationship between Europe and Africa stand the test of time?

31 Mar 2017
The European Union’s relationship with Africa is as old as the independence story. The signing of the Treaty of Rome, which established the European Economic Community (EEC) 60 ...
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Worst humanitarian crisis in 70 years hits as Trump slashes foreign aid

Worst humanitarian crisis in 70 years hits as Trump slashes foreign aid

31 Mar 2017
The world’s largest humanitarian crisis in 70 years has been declared in three African countries on the brink of famine, just as President Donald Trump’s proposed foreign aid c...
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Governments must take bold steps to promote trade – Kofi Mbiah

Governments must take bold steps to promote trade – Kofi Mbiah

31 Mar 2017
The Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Shippers’ Authority (GSA), Dr Kofi Mbiah, has asked governments of the West African sub-region to take bold steps to promote economic int...
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IMF urges Nigeria to remove currency curbs to boost economy

IMF urges Nigeria to remove currency curbs to boost economy

31 Mar 2017
Nigeria should remove currency-trading restrictions and reduce its budget deficit and debt levels to help the economy recover this year, the International Monetary Fund s...
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World trade in services: evidence from a new dataset

World trade in services: evidence from a new dataset

31 Mar 2017
Using a newly constructed dataset on trade in services for 192 countries from 1970 to 2014, this IMF Working Paper shows that services currently constitute one-fourth of world trad...
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Plan for the UK leaving the EU: Prime Minister’s letter to Donald Tusk triggering Article 50

Plan for the UK leaving the EU: Prime Minister’s letter to Donald Tusk triggering Article 50

30 Mar 2017
Prime Minister Theresa May has written to European Council President Donald Tusk to notify him of the UK’s intention to leave the EU. Extracts from her statement delivered in Par...
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