

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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Africa presents a mixed foreign direct investment (FDI) picture

Africa presents a mixed foreign direct investment (FDI) picture

03 May 2017
Connectivity redefined According to EY’s latest Africa Attractiveness report, heightened geopolitical uncertainty and “multispeed” growth across Africa present a mixed FDI p...
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World Economic Forum needs to move beyond spin if it’s going to help Africa

World Economic Forum needs to move beyond spin if it’s going to help Africa

03 May 2017
Africa needs to improve governance, build infrastructure, and reduce trade barriers to achieve inclusive growth. Set against the backdrop of low growth, dire unemployment figures,...
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28th African Union Summit: Decisions and Declarations

28th African Union Summit: Decisions and Declarations

03 May 2017
The 28th Ordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government of the African Union, held on the theme ‘Harnessing the Demographic Dividend through Investments in the Youth’, c...
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Challenges and opportunities experienced by small economies when linking into global value chains in trade in goods and services

Challenges and opportunities experienced by small economies when linking into global value chains in trade in goods and services

03 May 2017
Introduction At the Ninth Ministerial Conference in Bali, Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to the Work Programme on Small Economies and instructed the WTO Secretariat to pro...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

02 May 2017
Starting today, in Berlin: B20 Germany 2017 Summit. Featured preview Underway, in Addis: IPCC meeting to draft Sixth Assessment Report outline Featured tweets: (i) @AUTradeIndust...
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South Africa Merchandise Trade Statistics for March 2017

South Africa Merchandise Trade Statistics for March 2017

02 May 2017
Trade surplus widens in March South Africa’s trade surplus widened in March due to a surge in exports, while growth in private sector credit extension moderated on the back of w...
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EAC puts off ratification of tripartite trade deal

EAC puts off ratification of tripartite trade deal

02 May 2017
The East African Community (EAC) has postponed ratification of the Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA) from March to December this year, after failing to agree on the contentiou...
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President Trump signs two executive orders on trade

President Trump signs two executive orders on trade

02 May 2017
Extracts from the remarks by President Donald Trump at the signing of two Executive Orders on Trade in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 29 April 2017 “We believe in ‘Made in the USA,...
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Africa can drive investment to reduce poverty despite uncertain times

Africa can drive investment to reduce poverty despite uncertain times

02 May 2017
Africa can create the right fiscal environment through efficient spending and domestic revenue mobilization that will enable both domestic and private investment to flow. Despite ...
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Adesina addresses need to end rural poverty at One World conference in Berlin

Adesina addresses need to end rural poverty at One World conference in Berlin

02 May 2017
The President of the African Development Bank Group (AfDB), Akinwumi Adesina, has called for urgent action to end rural poverty in Africa at a conference on the future of the rural...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

28 Apr 2017
New tralac publications: The EAC Mode 4: trade data (by Viola Sawere), Africa’s trading relationship with Japan (by Ron Sandrey), WTO: Agricultural Issues for Africa (by Ron Sand...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

26 Apr 2017
World Economic Forum on Africa: Achieving inclusive growth (3-5 May, Durban). Profiled points for discussion (pdf): Connecting markets, Revitalizing manufacturing, Integrating inno...
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Reaffirming Development – MC11: Submission by the G-33 to the WTO Committee on Agriculture

Reaffirming Development – MC11: Submission by the G-33 to the WTO Committee on Agriculture

26 Apr 2017
The following submission, dated 25 April 2017, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of Indonesia on behalf of the G-33. We recall the G-33 submission entitled ...
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World Economic Forum on Africa 2017: Achieving Inclusive Growth

World Economic Forum on Africa 2017: Achieving Inclusive Growth

26 Apr 2017
Achieving Inclusive Growth Durban, South Africa, 3-5 May 2017 Africa is facing a mixed outlook for growth. The economic growth forecast for the continent over the coming yea...
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DG Azevêdo: E-commerce can help to improve livelihoods and boost development

DG Azevêdo: E-commerce can help to improve livelihoods and boost development

26 Apr 2017
Speaking at the first Ministerial Meeting of the “Friends of E-Commerce for Development” on 25 April, Director-General Roberto Azevêdo said that many members want to set a pat...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

25 Apr 2017
Today, in London: International Development Committee hearing on Forced displacement and food crises in Central and East Africa Next week, in Nairobi: the Asian African Legal Co...
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President Kagame speaks on African Union reforms

President Kagame speaks on African Union reforms

25 Apr 2017
Remarks by President Paul Kagame at the Meeting on Institutional Reform of the African Union in Conakry, 24 April 2017 Good morning. It is a pleasure to be back in Conakry. ...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

24 Apr 2017
African trade policy processes starting today: alerts from @AUTradeIndustry The AU Trade and Industry 6th Strategic Stakeholders Retreat kicked off today at Premier Hotel in M...
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UN body warns region against signing trade deal with EU

UN body warns region against signing trade deal with EU

24 Apr 2017
A United Nations think-tank has warned the East African Community against entering into an Economic Partnership Agreement with the European Union arguing that it will neither spur ...
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Africa security forum opens in Ethiopia, natural resources tops agenda

Africa security forum opens in Ethiopia, natural resources tops agenda

24 Apr 2017
The sixth Tana High-level Forum on Security in Africa opened on 22 April 2017 in the Bahir Dar city of Ethiopia, where the management of the continent’s natural resources tops th...
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