

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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Leapfrogging: The key to Africa’s development?

Leapfrogging: The key to Africa’s development?

21 Sep 2017
Despite sustained economic growth over the past two decades, Sub-Saharan Africa faces massive challenges and significant gaps in many development outcomes. Although poverty has bee...
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Changes in technology and trade disrupting manufacturing-led development

Changes in technology and trade disrupting manufacturing-led development

21 Sep 2017
New policies needed to ensure developing countries can ompete Advances in technology and changing trade patterns are affecting opportunities for export-led manufacturing. Smart au...
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Southern African leaders, at General Assembly, call for levelling the economic playing field

Southern African leaders, at General Assembly, call for levelling the economic playing field

21 Sep 2017
Warning that Africa is beset by the double scourge of the disparity of the global economy and illicit financial outflows, South African President Jacob Zuma yesterday called on the...
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WTO upgrades forecast for 2017 as trade rebounds strongly

WTO upgrades forecast for 2017 as trade rebounds strongly

21 Sep 2017
WTO economists have issued a strong upward revision to their forecast for 2017 trade expansion following a sharp acceleration in global trade growth in the first half of the year. ...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

20 Sep 2017
African statements to UNGA’s debate: updated resource page Starting today, in Mauritius: 3rd AU Customs Expert Trade Facilitation Forum. The Forum will develop a set of recommen...
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Boosting private sector’s investment in innovation could help South Africa create jobs and reduce poverty

Boosting private sector’s investment in innovation could help South Africa create jobs and reduce poverty

20 Sep 2017
Harnessing South Africa’s largely untapped potential for innovation could increase the economy’s productivity, propel job creation, and be of benefit to the country’s growing...
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African Union Ministers of Trade meet to come up with a common position prior to the 11th WTO Ministerial Conference

African Union Ministers of Trade meet to come up with a common position prior to the 11th WTO Ministerial Conference

20 Sep 2017
The African Union Commission in collaboration with the Government of South Africa organized a Special Meeting of African Union Ministers of Trade, on 18 September 2017 in Addis Aba...
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Can the Commonwealth help developing countries trade out of poverty?

Can the Commonwealth help developing countries trade out of poverty?

20 Sep 2017
About the Inquiry The All-Party Parliamentary Group for Trade Out of Poverty (APPG-TOP) is undertaking an Inquiry into whether the Commonwealth can help developing countries trade...
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Summary comments on the World Bank Group’s 2017 Guidance on PPP Contractual Provisions

Summary comments on the World Bank Group’s 2017 Guidance on PPP Contractual Provisions

20 Sep 2017
In an effort to promote standardization and expedited negotiation of contracts for Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), the World Bank Group introduced the 2017 Edition of the Guida...
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African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States’ agricultural trade and the World Trade Organization negotiations

African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States’ agricultural trade and the World Trade Organization negotiations

20 Sep 2017
The long-running World Trade Organization (WTO) Doha negotiations remain unresolved. The stumbling block in 2008 was the intransigence of the United States of America over domestic...
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Kenya forms team to negotiate international trade deals

Kenya forms team to negotiate international trade deals

20 Sep 2017
The Government has formed a multi-agency council to coordinate bilateral, regional, inter-regional and multilateral trade. In a gazette notice on 15 September 2017, Industry, Trad...
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WTO Ministerial Conference in Buenos Aires: What’s at stake for small, least developed and sub-Saharan African countries?

WTO Ministerial Conference in Buenos Aires: What’s at stake for small, least developed and sub-Saharan African countries?

20 Sep 2017
The World Trade Organization (WTO) Geneva preparatory process is sine qua non for all WTO Ministerial Conferences. It has nevertheless proven challenging for small delegations, giv...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

19 Sep 2017
Events, Thursday, in New York: (i) Flagship reforms for a more effective African Union: a conversation with Rwandan President Paul Kagame (Brookings Institution); (ii) Income inequ...
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Trade ministers talk global developments at AU meeting

Trade ministers talk global developments at AU meeting

19 Sep 2017
African Ministers of Trade on Monday met in Ethiopia on priority issues for the continent in the current Doha Development Round. The Ministers used their gathering to also discuss...
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Africa needs to increase production and have a skilled manpower to develop productive capacities: UNCTAD panelists

Africa needs to increase production and have a skilled manpower to develop productive capacities: UNCTAD panelists

19 Sep 2017
To achieve structural transformation and sustainable development, Africa needs to pay more focus on the need to build its productive capacities. African Union Commission Deputy Ch...
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World hunger again on the rise, driven by conflict and climate change, new UN report says

World hunger again on the rise, driven by conflict and climate change, new UN report says

19 Sep 2017
815 million people now hungry – Millions of children at risk from malnutrition After steadily declining for over a decade, global hunger is on the rise again, affecting 815 mill...
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10th Session of the Committee on Regional Cooperation and Integration to focus on CFTA shared gains

10th Session of the Committee on Regional Cooperation and Integration to focus on CFTA shared gains

19 Sep 2017
The 10th Session of the Committee on Regional Cooperation and Integration (CRCI10) will be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from October 31 to November 2, 2017, under the theme ‘Imp...
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Ghana commits to ECOWAS Free Movement Protocol

Ghana commits to ECOWAS Free Movement Protocol

19 Sep 2017
The Government of Ghana is firmly committed to the implementation of the ECOWAS Protocol on Free Movement of Persons, the Right of Residence and the Right of Establishment as well ...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

18 Sep 2017
Today, in Addis: Informal meeting of AU Ministers of Trade The main objectives of the meeting are to: (i) take stock of recent developments in the negotiations at the WTO since th...
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African business leaders established the African Technical Business Advisory Committee (ATBAC)

African business leaders established the African Technical Business Advisory Committee (ATBAC)

18 Sep 2017
The African business community has continued to present the unified voice of business by putting in place the framework establishing the African Technical Business Advisory Committ...
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