

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

19 Oct 2017
From the UN’s Africa Week 2017: remarks by Amina J. Mohammed, United Nations Deputy Secretary-General Today, regional blocks in South and Central America, Southeast Asia and Chi...
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With fast-growing youth population, Africa boasts enormous market potential – UN deputy chief

With fast-growing youth population, Africa boasts enormous market potential – UN deputy chief

19 Oct 2017
African countries individually represent relatively small markets, but collectively, they represent enormous market potential, the United Nations deputy chief told an Africa Week e...
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An initial appraisal of Africa’s path towards sustainable development

An initial appraisal of Africa’s path towards sustainable development

19 Oct 2017
Joint AfDB-AU-ECA-UNDP baseline report urges sustained commitment to reducing poverty and calls for upgrading the continent’s statistical capabilities to ensure and track future ...
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10th Session of the Committee on Regional Cooperation and Integration: Implementation of the CFTA and shared gains

10th Session of the Committee on Regional Cooperation and Integration: Implementation of the CFTA and shared gains

19 Oct 2017
The Committee on Regional Cooperation and Integration of the ECA (Economic Commission for Africa) Conference of Ministers meets on a biennial basis to review the work undertaken in...
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Better roads and automation cut East Africa freight costs

Better roads and automation cut East Africa freight costs

19 Oct 2017
The cost of transporting a 40 foot (ft) container between Mombasa and Kampala, Kenya’s biggest transit trade market, has gone down 34.2 per cent in the last four years on the bac...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

18 Oct 2017
Tomorrow, in Cape Town, a CCR Public Dialogue: Civil society’s region-building role in Southern Africa’s agro-processing sector Tomorrow, in Accra, the launch of Imani Africa...
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Global trade: Path to shared prosperity

Global trade: Path to shared prosperity

18 Oct 2017
Speech by EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström at Wits University – Johannesburg, South Africa, 17 October 2017 I am thrilled to be here at these historic grounds and i...
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New report identifies impact of funding on Africa’s infrastructure development

New report identifies impact of funding on Africa’s infrastructure development

18 Oct 2017
The Infrastructure Consortium for Africa’s (ICA) latest annual report, Infrastructure Financing Trends in Africa 2016, shows that commitments to Africa’s infrastructure develop...
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Africa’s economic performance improves in 2017

Africa’s economic performance improves in 2017

18 Oct 2017
Africa’s economic outlook improved in 2017 compared with 2016 and is expected to gain momentum in 2018. GDP growth in 2017 is expected at 3.0% up from 2.2 in 2016 and projected t...
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Fifth Trade Policy Review of Nigeria: Minutes of the Meeting

Fifth Trade Policy Review of Nigeria: Minutes of the Meeting

18 Oct 2017
The fifth Trade Policy Review of Nigeria was held on 13 and 15 June 2017. The Review offered a very useful opportunity for WTO Members to deepen their understanding of the trade po...
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Time to reset African Union-European Union relations

Time to reset African Union-European Union relations

18 Oct 2017
Relations between the African Union (AU) and European Union (EU) reached a nadir in 2016 following serious disagreements over European payments to AU peacekeepers in Somalia. The f...
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tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

17 Oct 2017
Africa Week 2017 is underway at the UN: update, downloads SADC-EU Economic Partnership Agreement: updates from yesterday’s regional conference in Johannesburg. (i) Minister Davi...
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Africa Week 2017: Integrated, prosperous, people-centred and peaceful Africa

Africa Week 2017: Integrated, prosperous, people-centred and peaceful Africa

17 Oct 2017
“The international world must change the way it looks at Africa. Africa is a place of opportunity,” said Mr António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations during th...
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ACP countries target economic transformation in new relationship with Europe

ACP countries target economic transformation in new relationship with Europe

17 Oct 2017
Members of Parliaments from Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific gathered in Brussels this week for the 47th session of the ACP Parliamentary Assembly, as well as joint intersessi...
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ICA Annual Meeting 2017: Toward smart and integrated infrastructure for Africa

ICA Annual Meeting 2017: Toward smart and integrated infrastructure for Africa

17 Oct 2017
The focus of the 13th Annual Meeting of the Infrastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA), which will take place in Rome, Italy on 19 and 20 October 2017, will be “Toward Smart...
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Even Africa’s poorest countries are too expensive to be the world’s next manufacturing hub

Even Africa’s poorest countries are too expensive to be the world’s next manufacturing hub

17 Oct 2017
Even though the global economy has evolved significantly in the last few decades away from the industrial revolution – which transformed many of the world’s advanced countries ...
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Economic overview: Recent developments in the global and South African economies – August 2017

Economic overview: Recent developments in the global and South African economies – August 2017

17 Oct 2017
With the domestic drivers of growth currently under strain, the South African economy will most likely have to rely on exports for a positive performance. Consumer and business co...
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Minister Davies and EU Trade Commissioner Malmström mark first anniversary of Economic Partnership Agreement

Minister Davies and EU Trade Commissioner Malmström mark first anniversary of Economic Partnership Agreement

16 Oct 2017
South Africa’s Minister for Trade and Industry Robert Davies and EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström met in Johannesburg today to review their respective trade and investmen...
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Commissioner Malmström in South Africa to celebrate first anniversary of regional trade agreement

Commissioner Malmström in South Africa to celebrate first anniversary of regional trade agreement

16 Oct 2017
EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström was in South Africa on 16 and 17 October. The Commissioner attended a civil society forum in Johannesburg marking one year since the Econom...
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Stiglitz delivers inaugural Ndiaye Lecture, urges coordinated strategy for Africa’s economic success

Stiglitz delivers inaugural Ndiaye Lecture, urges coordinated strategy for Africa’s economic success

16 Oct 2017
The Babacar Ndiaye Lecture Series, an international series introduced by the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank), debuted in Washington D.C. on Sunday, 15 October 2017 with No...
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