

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

Tag: Global economy

2017 in trade – green shoots in Africa?

2017 in trade – green shoots in Africa?

15 Dec 17  Blog
While globally protectionist sentiment and economic nationalism continue to rattle the multilateral trading system, here on the continent, even amongst serious political upheavals,...
Global e-commerce policy work to continue despite no deal at WTO’s MC11 meeting

Global e-commerce policy work to continue despite no deal at WTO’s MC11 meeting

15 Dec 17  News
UNCTAD Secretary-General Mukhisa Kituyi says talk of inclusive e-commerce and development must go beyond words if developing countries are to reap the benefits. Hopes that Wo...
Economic overview: Recent developments in the global and South African economies – November 2017

Economic overview: Recent developments in the global and South African economies – November 2017

15 Dec 17  News
Although conditions have recently improved to varying degrees in a number of sectors of the South African economy, such as agriculture, mining, manufacturing and retail trade, the ...
Buenos Aires Declaration on Women and Trade outlines actions to empower women

Buenos Aires Declaration on Women and Trade outlines actions to empower women

13 Dec 17  News
For the first time in the history of the World Trade Organization, WTO members and observers have endorsed a collective initiative to increase the participation of women in trade. ...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

12 Dec 17  News
Featured tweets: @AUC_MoussaFaki: #SDGsAfricaRoundtable: Leadership in Africa must speak, act local to galvanise intra-African trade, stronger political commitment to address the ...
Lift in global economy prompts opportunities to tackle deep-rooted development issues – UN

Lift in global economy prompts opportunities to tackle deep-rooted development issues – UN

12 Dec 17  News
A 3% upturn in the global economy has paved the way to readjust policy towards longer-term issues, such as addressing climate change, tackling existing inequalities and removing in...
More than 40 ministers issue joint statement affirming support for the WTO

More than 40 ministers issue joint statement affirming support for the WTO

12 Dec 17  News
Ministers from 44 World Trade Organisation (WTO) members issued a joint statement on 11 December underlining their support for the WTO and reaffirming the “centrality” of the r...
Commodity-dependent developing countries need to boost efforts to diversify their economies

Commodity-dependent developing countries need to boost efforts to diversify their economies

12 Dec 17  News
Without policy change, commodity-dependent developing countries risk falling short of achieving sustainable development by 2030, UN report warns. Without a renewed commitment to p...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

08 Dec 17  News
China’s double-digit trade jump pairs global and domestic demand (Bloomberg) China’s trade engine remained in high gear with a surprise export surge accompanied by further acc...
Global Future Council on International Trade and Investment: Strategic brief for trade ministers on creating an inclusive trade agenda

Global Future Council on International Trade and Investment: Strategic brief for trade ministers on creating an inclusive trade agenda

08 Dec 17  News
In July 2017, acknowledging the ongoing backlash surrounding the legitimacy of globalization, the Global Future Council on International Trade and Investment outlined for G20 leade...
May has got her Brexit breakthrough, now for the hard part

May has got her Brexit breakthrough, now for the hard part

08 Dec 17  News
The U.K. and the European Union struck a deal to unlock divorce negotiations, opening the way for talks on what businesses are keenest to nail down – the nature of the post-...
Trade and Development in Numbers: Handbook offers crucial economic data for global decision-makers

Trade and Development in Numbers: Handbook offers crucial economic data for global decision-makers

07 Dec 17  News
UNCTAD has launched its annual Handbook of Statistics in a new, user-friendly format to celebrate its fiftieth year of publication. The 2017 edition has been overhauled e...
Group of WTO Members: Time to focus on gender as critical inclusion issue

Group of WTO Members: Time to focus on gender as critical inclusion issue

06 Dec 17  News
A coalition of developed and developing economies is expected to unveil a declaration in Buenos Aires outlining several steps they plan to take over the coming two years towards in...
American Society of International Law: Symposium on Africa and the Future of International Trade Regimes

American Society of International Law: Symposium on Africa and the Future of International Trade Regimes

04 Dec 17  News
On September 30, 2025, the World Trade Organization (WTO) waiver that allows the United States to extend trade preferences to African countries under the African Growth and Opportu...
Preparing for Buenos Aires, can the WTO Deliver on Nairobi Promises?

Preparing for Buenos Aires, can the WTO Deliver on Nairobi Promises?

30 Nov 17  Blog
In December 2017, the 164 member states of the World Trade Organization (WTO) will convene the 11th Ministerial Conference (MC11) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This is the first time...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

29 Nov 17  News
Updates from the 5th AU-EU Summit in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire: UN Secretary-General António Guterres‏: remarks at the Opening of the 5th African Union-European Union...
1 in 10 medical products in developing countries is substandard or falsified

1 in 10 medical products in developing countries is substandard or falsified

29 Nov 17  News
WHO urges governments to take action An estimated 1 in 10 medical products circulating in low- and middle-income countries is either substandard or falsified, according to new res...
Trade: A catalyst for accomplishing the 2030 Agenda

Trade: A catalyst for accomplishing the 2030 Agenda

28 Nov 17  News
Trade should support economic growth and be made socially and environmentally sustainable, with benefits spread across all segments of society. The ninth session of the Trade and ...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

17 Nov 17  News
Updates on African trade policy processes from Amb. Albert Muchanga (AU Commissioner for Trade and Industry): The 8th CFTA Negotiating Forum to be held in Abuja next week will be f...
Azevêdo signals ‘cautious optimism’ over trade prospects in annual trade monitoring report

Azevêdo signals ‘cautious optimism’ over trade prospects in annual trade monitoring report

17 Nov 17  News
WTO members show restraint in trade restrictions despite ongoing economic uncertainties WTO members introduced fewer trade-restrictive measures from mid-October 2016 to mid-Octobe...


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