

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

Tag: Global economy

African Globalizers Report 2017: African firms taking the world stage

African Globalizers Report 2017: African firms taking the world stage

30 Jan 18  News
Over the past two decades, an impressive group of homegrown African companies have been expanding beyond the shores of Africa, and taking on global markets. This report – by Konf...
OECD Development Centre and ILO call for tapping immigrants’ contribution to foster economic transformation

OECD Development Centre and ILO call for tapping immigrants’ contribution to foster economic transformation

29 Jan 18  News
Developing countries, which host more than one-third of international migrants, need to do more to maximise the economic impact of immigration, the Development Centre of Organisati...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

26 Jan 18  News
tralac weekly e-Newsletter: Competition policy as an instrument for economic transformation India invites 50 nations for trade talks: seeks roadmap for WTO dialogue tralac’s Ge...
New Global Commission to examine how emerging technologies can benefit the poorest

New Global Commission to examine how emerging technologies can benefit the poorest

26 Jan 18  News
Oxford University’s Blavatnik School of Government and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation launch “Pathways for Prosperity” to explore the impact of rapid technological c...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

25 Jan 18  News
The Executive Council of the African Union officially opened today: download the speeches by H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat (Chairperson of the AUC) and Ms Vera Songwe (Executive Secreta...
Eco-industrial parks emerge as an effective approach to sustainable growth

Eco-industrial parks emerge as an effective approach to sustainable growth

25 Jan 18  News
Three development organizations have joined forces to create a new framework defining the key elements of eco-industrial parks, setting up a common understanding of how to promote ...
World’s most vulnerable countries on track to achieve universal Internet access by 2020 – UN report

World’s most vulnerable countries on track to achieve universal Internet access by 2020 – UN report

25 Jan 18  News
The world’s least developed countries are narrowing ‘digital divide’, and with millions of people now taking advantage of smart phones and other digital devices, keeping up t...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

24 Jan 18  News
Underway in Nairobi: Review and Validation Meeting for the EAC Draft Regional Framework US Trade and Investment with Sub-Saharan Africa: download evidence at yesterday’s hearing...
WEF: Tech revolution will see ‘serious winners and losers’ – Davies

WEF: Tech revolution will see ‘serious winners and losers’ – Davies

24 Jan 18  News
There will be “serious winners and losers” as a result of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and South Africa needs to be properly prepared and positioned to reap the benefits, o...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

23 Jan 18  News
Reminder: The USITC hearing, US trade and investment with Sub-Saharan Africa: recent developments, is scheduled to take place today in Washington. The Gambia’s Trade Policy...
The current economic sweet spot is not the “new normal”

The current economic sweet spot is not the “new normal”

23 Jan 18  News
As the year 2018 begins, the world economy is gathering speed. The new World Economic Outlook Update revises our forecast for the world economy’s growth in both 2018 an...
Global foreign direct investment slipped in 2017

Global foreign direct investment slipped in 2017

23 Jan 18  News
Promoting foreign direct investment (FDI) for development remains challenging as global flows in 2017 fall in contrast to other macroeconomic variables. Global flows of FDI fell b...
Africa’s greatest economic opportunity: trading with itself

Africa’s greatest economic opportunity: trading with itself

22 Jan 18  News
Changes in today’s global landscape mean emerging markets must consider how they shape their own futures. Many countries in the developed world have focused their efforts and re...
tralac’s Daily News Selection

tralac’s Daily News Selection

17 Jan 18  News
Welcome to the first edition of tralac’s Daily News selection for 2018! Your feedback and suggestions are welcome. Send your comments to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We thank you for your ...
More mega-ships are a big problem for cargo carriers

More mega-ships are a big problem for cargo carriers

10 Jan 18  News
Container shipping companies are bracing for a challenging year – they will have more space available for carrying goods than the amount of cargo that’s out there. Corrine Png...
Global economy to edge up to 3.1 percent in 2018 but future potential growth a concern

Global economy to edge up to 3.1 percent in 2018 but future potential growth a concern

10 Jan 18  News
Current slack in global economy expected to fade The World Bank forecasts global economic growth to edge up to 3.1 percent in 2018 after a much stronger-than-expected 2017, as the...
China’s impacts on SSA through the lens of growth and exports

China’s impacts on SSA through the lens of growth and exports

09 Jan 18  News
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) points out three identified spillover channels through which China may influence the world economy: trade, external financing and commodity pr...
Sound domestic policies are key to unlocking the benefits of international banking

Sound domestic policies are key to unlocking the benefits of international banking

08 Jan 18  News
Ten years ago, the worst financial crisis in decades roiled developing economies across the globe, temporarily halting their progress in the fight against extreme poverty. As the w...
A nervous WTO Ministerial in Buenos Aires

A nervous WTO Ministerial in Buenos Aires

15 Dec 17  Publications
The word indaba has found widespread use throughout Southern Africa. It refers to an important meeting, usually of like-minded people, to decide matters of mutual concern...
The First Phase of Brexit has been agreed: What is it about?

The First Phase of Brexit has been agreed: What is it about?

15 Dec 17  Publications
On Friday 8 December 2017, high-level negotiators from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) and the European Union (EU) reached a last-minute agreement to ...


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