

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

Tag: Trade negotiations

African countries feel cornered in EU trade negotiations

African countries feel cornered in EU trade negotiations

06 Jun 14  News
The EU is anxious to finalise talks with Africa over a planned Economic Partnership Agreement. If negotiators do not seal the deal by 1 October, preferential access to the EU’s i...
The endgame of the EU-SADC EPA negotiations

The endgame of the EU-SADC EPA negotiations

09 Apr 14  Discussion
Sean Woolfrey, tralac Researcher, comments on the current state of the EPA negotiations between the European Union (EU) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC)  ...
Negotiations on the Tripartite Free Trade Agreement are moving forward

Negotiations on the Tripartite Free Trade Agreement are moving forward

04 Apr 14  News
African high-level officials indicated recently that negotiations for the establishment of a free-trade area spanning three major regional economic communities in Africa have ...

Kenya should push for concessions in EPA negotiations

28 Mar 14  News
Kenya should use its geopolitical standing in the East Africa region to get concessions from fellow EAC states and the European Union in negotiating the new trade agreement. ...

Ministers of Finance and Trade endorse compromises for concluding EPA negotiations

26 Feb 14  News
West Africa’s ministers of finance and trade have adopted the compromise proposals for concluding the decade long negotiations of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with th...
SADC Trade in Services Negotiations

SADC Trade in Services Negotiations

26 Feb 14  Discussion
JB Cronjé, tralac Researcher, discusses the Southern African Development Community’s trade in services negotiations In August 2012, the Members of the Southern A...

Negotiations on movement of business persons in the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite region

20 Feb 14  Publications
The Communiqué of the first COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite Summit of Heads of State and Government held in October 2008 provides, in the area of trade, customs and economic integratio...

West Africa, EU to resume EPA negotiations

27 Jan 14  News
West Africa and the European Union will resume their suspended Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) negotiations for the creation of a free trade before the end of January. This i...
Is 2014 the Transatlantic trade deal’s ‘make-or-break’ year?

Is 2014 the Transatlantic trade deal’s ‘make-or-break’ year?

13 Jan 14  News
Arguably the most important economic development last year was the announcement of a new push toward a trade deal between the United States and the EU. Almost a year after Presiden...
Where self and common interests meet: A note on the Tripartite Free Trade Area tariff liberalisation negotiations

Where self and common interests meet: A note on the Tripartite Free Trade Area tariff liberalisation negotiations

23 Oct 13  Discussion
William Mwanza, tralac Researcher, comments on the market integration pillar of the Tripartite Free Trade Area negotiations The eighth Tripartite Trade Negotiations Forum meeting ...
Redirecting the Tripartite Free Trade Agreement negotiations?

Redirecting the Tripartite Free Trade Agreement negotiations?

26 Jun 13  Discussion
Gerhard Erasmus, tralac Associate, comments on developments in the Tripartite FTA negotiations What is presently being discussed, in the Tripartite Free Trade Area (T-FTA) negotia...
Trade negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement: a guide to general principles and requirements

Trade negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement: a guide to general principles and requirements

05 Jun 13  Discussion
Ron Sandrey, tralac Associate, discusses the trade negotiation process towards a Free Trade Agreement, with reference to the Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA) The objective of a n...
The need to factor informal cross border trade into the COMESA-EAC-SADC tripartite negotiations

The need to factor informal cross border trade into the COMESA-EAC-SADC tripartite negotiations

20 Mar 13  Discussion
Taku Fundira, tralac Researcher, discusses the need to factor informal cross border trade into the COMESA-EAC-SADC tripartite negotiations. Regional integration is regarded as bei...
Update on Preparations for Tripartite FTA Negotiations

Update on Preparations for Tripartite FTA Negotiations

12 Sep 12  Discussion
  JB Cronjé, tralac Researcher, gives an update on preparations for the Tripartite FTA negotiations In June 2011 the Heads of State and Government of the Common Market for ...
The Indian request list in the SACU-India Trade Negotiations

The Indian request list in the SACU-India Trade Negotiations

30 May 12  Discussion
Willemien Viljoen, tralac Researcher, discusses the Indian request list in the SACU-India Trade Negotiations Formal trade negotiations to establish a Preferential Trade Agreement ...
The outcome of the climate change negotiations in Durban 28 Nov – 9 Dec 2011

The outcome of the climate change negotiations in Durban 28 Nov – 9 Dec 2011

15 Dec 11  Discussion
Willemien Viljoen, tralac Researcher, discusses the outcomes of the Durban Climate Change Conference The 17th Conference of the Parties (COP 17) to the United Nations Framework Co...
An update on climate change negotiations under the BASIC group and the African position for COP 17

An update on climate change negotiations under the BASIC group and the African position for COP 17

31 Aug 11  Discussion
Willemien Viljoen, tralac Researcher, provides an update on the preparations for the Durban Climate Change Conference On 6-10 August 2010 the African Group Negotiators on Climate ...

A SADC-EU Economic Partnership Agreement – current status and benchmarking of negotiations

22 Aug 08  Publications
At the end of 2007 the WTO waiver with respect to the Lomé/Cotonou-based non-reciprocal trade preferences for African Caribbean and Pacific Group (ACP) countries in the EU market ...

Benchmarking EPA negotiations between EU and SADC

01 Oct 07  Publications
This Working Paper starts by summarising the status of SADC-EU EPA negotiations and sketches the legal and institutional outline underlying these negotiations. Subsequent to this, ...
Fostering Trade through Private-Public Dialogue: Business Implications of EPA Negotiations for SADC

Fostering Trade through Private-Public Dialogue: Business Implications of EPA Negotiations for SADC

13 Jun 07  Event
The International Trade Centre (ITC), in collaboration with the Trade Law Centre (tralac), organized a “Regional Experts Meeting” for the Southern African Development Community...


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