

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

Monitoring Regional Integration in Southern Africa Yearbook 2013/2014


Monitoring Regional Integration in Southern Africa Yearbook 2013/2014

Monitoring Regional Integration in Southern Africa Yearbook 2013/2014

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Regional and especially economic integration holds potential and strong benefits for Africa. But this is true only if Africa could succeed in identifying a successful formula to counter challenges confronting the project of regional integration. I call it a project because it is, and, according to existing and new evidence available, will remain work in progress for the foreseeable future. Such challenges include capacity issues, financial and resources concerns, expertise, overlapping membership of Regional Economic Communities and, most importantly, the political will to succeed with the project.

The subject of regional integration and the topics it comprises are complex issues that need time to study and research. A platform to discuss and present findings of such work is necessary and always crucial, now more than ever. The Monitoring Regional Integration Yearbook, now in its 13th edition, is therefore necessary. It is for this reason that the Konrad Adenauer Foundation is pleased to be associated with the yearly publication.

This 13th edition of the publication critically examines strengths and weaknesses in the development of southern Africa as a region. It also reveals interesting findings and data about issues confronting the region as it struggles to find its feet in the challenging process of regional integration.

This annual publication has now become a household name in the region as it has made a mark as one of the best publications to consult on issues related to regional integration. It therefore serves as a reliable source of reference for students, academics, researchers, analysts, policy-and-decisionmakers, as well as other interested people, across the region and beyond.

The Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation is proud to be part of this successful undertaking that also marks the length and strength of our relationship with a partner in this project, namely the Trade Law Centre (tralac) over the years.

We trust that our relationship and this project in particular, will both continue to blossom unabated.

I therefore wish everyone happy reading.

Dr Bernd Althusmann
Resident Representative
Konrad Adenauer Foundation

© 2014 Trade Law Centre and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Publication of this book was made possible by the support of the Trade Law Centre (tralac) and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. The views expressed by the authors are not necessarily the view of any of these institutions.

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