

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

2014 SADC Summit – tralac submissions

Trade Briefs

2014 SADC Summit – tralac submissions

2014 SADC Summit – tralac submissions

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As the region prepares for the 2014 SADC Summit to be held in August, tralac takes note of two articles from the SADC Treaty:

  • Article 23 of the Treaty states that SADC “shall seek to involve fully the people of the Region and key stakeholders in the process of regional integration”.
  • Article 5(2)(b) states that SADC shall, in order to achieve its objectives, “encourage the people of the Region and their institutions to take initiatives to develop economic, social and cultural ties across the Region, and to participate fully in the implementation of the programmes and projects of SADC”.

Supporting the full participation of the ‘people of the region and their institutions’ in the process of regional integration; tralac is pleased to submit two contributions to the preparatory process and to the deliberations at the SADC Summit.

The first submission deals with trade aspects of the review of the Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP); and the second focuses on dispute settlement matters.

You are welcome to disseminate these contributions and to use them to support informed debate on SADC’s regional integration process, provided the source is acknowledged.


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