

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

Gender and Value Chain-Driven Industrialisation Under the AfCFTA: Synthesis Report

Trade Reports

Gender and Value Chain-Driven Industrialisation Under the AfCFTA: Synthesis Report

Gender and Value Chain-Driven Industrialisation Under the AfCFTA: Synthesis Report

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This synthesis report draws together themes that have been covered in prior tralac research within the gendered value chains project and attempts to create an overall synthesis of the various data-driven themes of this research.

Firstly, an overview of the gendered insights in industrial data produced by the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation is provided. This is followed by a review of the more microeconomic enterprise data contained in the World Bank Enterprise Surveys database. This is followed by the presentation of the most important findings of the tralac gendered value chains database, which provides an interesting counterpoint to the related enterprise surveys data. Finally, armed with insights as to which sectors are better represented by female entrepreneurs, we interrogate directed intra-African value chain data to understand the nature and the potential of these sector value chains under the AfCFTA.


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