

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

The Digital Economy Opportunity for the AfCFTA

Trade Briefs

The Digital Economy Opportunity for the AfCFTA

The Digital Economy Opportunity for the AfCFTA

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The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is in the process of taking shape. This momentous initiative for Africa holds much promise, not just for the promotion of intra-African trade but more broadly for the integration of financial, labour, and digital markets. Extant online business technologies present opportunities that could accelerate integration in Africa.

This Trade Brief examines how the ever-expanding digital economy offers unique opportunities for African integration. It covers digital marketplaces for e-commerce and digitally-delivered services, which both disrupt existing markets and create entirely new ones, offering opportunities for digital entrepreneurs in Africa. Online business technology such as software as a service (SAAS), cloud services, and multi-sided digital platforms are also covered.

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