

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

12th CAADP Partnership Platform Meeting


12th CAADP Partnership Platform Meeting

12th CAADP Partnership Platform Meeting
Photo credit: CAADP

The 12th CAADP PP is being organised on 11-15 April 2016 in Accra, Ghana, under the theme “Innovative Financing and Renewed Partnerships to accelerate CAADP Implementation”.

Its objective is to discuss on the ways of accelerating the CAADP implementation to transform African agriculture in the face of emerging trends that have a direct bearing on our abilities to deliver results and impact. The 12th CAADP PP comes 20 months after the Malabo declaration and the overriding assumption for this year’s event is that the issues that are really key in transforming agriculture are better known and understood today because they have been extensively reviewed by the previous CAADP PPs.

The theme reflects the urgency being placed on implementation by the African Union and its members. The PP meeting will serve as an important platform to take stock of success, how best this can be replicated and how existing gaps in the continent’s capabilities to attain the goals and targets as set in the Malabo Declaration can be filled. The PP meeting will generate a number of key actionable activities that will have to be addressed by AUC and NEPAD Agency.


The 11th CAADP PP meeting focused on practical implementation, the connections between CAADP and the results framework, the Malabo Declaration and the Africa Union (AU), and “Agenda 2063”. This was done taking into account that it was the first CAADP PP after the Malabo Declaration and designed to help shape, resolve and translate into action, results and impact.

CAADP aims to address the remaining challenges in order to consolidate and accelerate progress towards agricultural transformation in Africa. It is in light of these challenges that the AU Heads of State and Government, in their Malabo Declaration on Accelerated Agricultural Growth and Transformation, committed to:

  1. Upholding the Principles and Values of the CAADP Process;

  2. Enhancing investment finance in agriculture;

  3. Ending Hunger in Africa by 2025;

  4. Halving poverty, by 2025, through inclusive agricultural growth and transformation;

  5. Boosting intra-African trade in agricultural commodities and services;

  6. Enhancing resilience of livelihoods and production systems to climate variability and other related risks; and

  7. Adhering to mutual accountability to actions and results.

The CAADP Results Framework was adopted and recognized as the reference yardstick to track progress and report performance towards achieving the set targets.

CAADP remains an important component of Africa’s development, its core principles and values remain a relevant. It was for this reason that African leaders recommitted to the CAADP Agenda through the Malabo Declaration which is now guiding and framing all continental undertakings in agriculture transformation for the next decade.

The 2025 vision and goals of Africa Accelerated Agricultural Growth and Transformation into concrete results and impacts is the 10-year Agriculture Implementation Plan within the broader continental vision. Agenda 2063 which was launched within the 23rd Summit in Malabo constitutes Africa’s common position towards attaining the recently adopted Sustainable Development Goals. It is in this regard that it is expected that all key actors and partners are advanced in aligning own strategies and efforts to the Result framework and broader transformation agenda.

The 12th CAADP PP will help build a shared understanding of country and regional needs and expectations to roll out the Implementation Strategy and Road Map including launching efforts to form technical partnerships to align with and support implementation. CAADP faces new implementation challenges that will require evolving partnerships, including partnerships to integrate major initiatives and flagship efforts that are now in place making contributions to the areas and targets of the Malabo Declaration.

Tapping these efforts will be critical for success in achieving results and impact. The Public Private (PP) partnership will play a key role in understanding what are the systemic, institutional and policy changes that are required to increase the efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of development efforts. The PP will be an important milestone in helping to shape actions to advance important commitments around cross cutting issues such as gender, inclusiveness, access to finance, regional trade, entrepreneurship development and youth employment.

The 12th CAADP PP Meeting theme and sub-themes

The 12th CAADP PP meeting will focus on innovative finance and renewed partnership but also recognizes 2016 as the “Year of Human Rights with special focus on Rights for Women”. The meeting will seek to highlight how best to speed up implementation through financial innovation and partnerships to deliver the Malabo Declaration and the Africa Union (AU) “Agenda 2063”.

The 12th CAADP PP is organised around the theme “Accelerating Implementation of CAADP through Innovative Financing and Renewed Partnership”. The theme reflects the urgency being placed on implementation by the African Union and its members. The PP meeting will serve as an important platform to take stock of success, how best this can be replicated and how existing gaps in the continent’s capabilities to attain the goals and targets as set in the Malabo Declaration can be filled. The PP meeting will generate a number of key actionable activities that will have to be addressed by AUC and NEPAD Agency.

The meeting has been structured to address seven (7) specific areas relevant for the acceleration of CAADP implementation through innovative finance. The sub-themes include the following:

Sub-theme 1: Funding the African Agricultural Investment to attain Malabo commitments

Sub-theme 2: Agricultural Finance Landscape and Policy Environment

Sub-theme 3: Inclusive Access to Finance to empower women and Youth

Sub-theme 4: Innovative Delivery of Financial Services

Sub-theme 5: Value Chain Finance

Sub-theme 6: Agriculture and Food Insecurity Risk Management

Sub-theme 7: Renewing Partnership for Accelerated Development


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