

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

Joint Communiqué of the 17th Ordinary Summit of the East African Community Heads of State


Joint Communiqué of the 17th Ordinary Summit of the East African Community Heads of State

Joint Communiqué of the 17th Ordinary Summit of the East African Community Heads of State
Photo credit: PSCU

Communiqué of the 17th Ordinary Summit of Heads of State of the East African Community

EAC: Advancing Market-Driven Integration

The East African Community Heads of State, their Excellencies president Dr. John Pombe Joseph Magufuli of the United Republic of Tanzania, President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni of the Republic of Uganda, President Paul Kagame of the Republic of Rwanda, President Uhuru Kenyatta of the Republic of Kenya, and H.E. Dr. Joseph Butore, 2nd Vice President of the Republic of Burundi, held the 17th Ordinary Summit of the East African Community Heads of State at the Ngurdoto Mountain Lodge in Arusha, Tanzania on 2nd March, 2016. H.E. Dr. Ali Mohamed Shein, President of Zanzibar, and H.E. James Wani Igga, Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan were in attendance. The Heads of State and Government met in a warm and cordial atmosphere.

The Summit received the annual report of the Council of Ministers covering the period November 2014 – November 2015 and noted the steady progress made in the implementation of the programmes of the community.

The Summit considered progress in the implementation of key outstanding decisions and other policy issues of strategic importance to the East African Community and noted that there are: – Council decisions/directives that have remained outstanding for many years; delays in ratification of protocols; and noted that there are bills enacted by the East African Legislative Assembly that have remained unassented to.

The Summit directed the secretariat to avail the partner states with a list of all protocols that have not yet been ratified to enable the partner states expeditiously ratify them and deposit the instruments of ratification with the secretary general by 30th July, 2016.

The Summit decided to assent to bills which have been submitted to partner states at least three (3) months prior to the Summit and to which Heads of State have given no objection during their ordinary Summit.

The Summit directed the partner states to implement all the outstanding decisions and report the status to the next Summit of the Heads of State.

The Summit delegated its powers of approval of reviews of the East African Community Common External Tariff and the East African Community rules of origin to the Council of Ministers in accordance with sections 3, 5 and 6 of the Summit (Delegation of Powers and Functions) Act 2007 for a further three years with effect from 2nd March 2016.

The Summit noted the proposed implementation framework for the EAC institutional review and directed the Council to proceed with the implementation of the proposed framework and give a progress report at the next Summit of the Heads of State.

The Summit directed the council to review the East African Development Bank (EADB) charter to streamline it into the EAC main structure. The Summit further directed the secretariat to develop guidelines for the creation, governance and reporting structures for all the institutions of the community.

The Summit directed the council to finalize the work on the modalities required to establish a sustainable financing mechanism for the East African Community based on various options, including a hybrid of a levy and equal contribution with a commitment to increase the budget, that encompasses the principles of equity, solidarity and equality, and submit a report to the next Summit for consideration.

The Summit received a report of the council on the negotiations for the admission of the Republic of South Sudan into the East African Community and decided to admit the Republic of South Sudan as a member of the EAC. The Summit designated the chairperson of the Summit to sign the treaty of accession with the Republic of South Sudan.

The Summit noted that the verification exercise for the admission of the Republic of Somalia into the EAC was not undertaken, as preparations with the government of the Republic of Somalia have not yet been finalized. The Summit directed the council to undertake the verification exercise and report to the 18th Summit.

The Summit received a report of the council of ministers on progress on the EAC political federation. The Summit commended the progress thus far and decided to finalise the matter at the next Summit.

The Summit took note of the progress and road map towards finalization of the comprehensive study on automative industry in the EAC region; and directed the Council to expedite the process and report to the 18th Summit.

The Summit took note of the progress made in promoting the cotton, textile, apparel and leather industries in the region and directed the partner states to ensure that all imported second hand shoes and clothes comply with sanitary requirements, in the partner states. The Summit further directed the partner states to consider banning the export of raw hides and skins outside the EAC region.

The Summit, being desirious of promoting vertically integrated industries in the textile and leather sector, directed the partner states to procure their textile and footwear requirements from within the region where quality and supply capacities are available competitively, with a view to phasing out importation of used textile and foot wear within three years. The Summit directed the partner states to sensitize all stakeholders and directed the council to provide the Summit with an annual review with a view to fast tracking the process.

The Summit endorsed and launched the EAC vision 2050. The EAC Heads of State committed themselves to implement the EAC Vision and ensure that by 2050, the EAC will have been transformed into an upper-middle income region within a secure and politically united East Africa based on the principles of inclusiveness and accountability.

Their Excellencies the EAC Heads of State launched the new international East African e-passport and directed that commencement of issuance of the EA e-passport takes effect from 1st January, 2017; and implement the phase out programme for the current East African and national passports from 1st January, 2017 to 31st December, 2018. The Heads of State further directed partner states to undertake awareness creation programmes and other continuous outreach programmes on the new international EA e- passport.

The Summit, pursuant to Article 42 (2) of the Treaty for the Establishment of the EAC, witnessed the swearing into office of Mr. Yufnalis Ndege Okubo from the Republic of Kenya as the new registrar of the East African Court of Justice.

Their Excellencies the EAC Heads of State launched the Code of Conduct to Fight Corruption in the Private Sector. The Summit commended the commitment and aspirations of the private sector to play a leading role in the integration process.

Their Excellencies the EAC Heads of State awarded certificates to the winners of the EAC Secondary Schools Essay Competition 2015.

The Summit appointed Mr. Liberat Mfumukeko from the Republic of Burundi as the new Secretary General. The appointment will take effect from 26th April, 2016. The Summit thanked the outgoing Secretary General, Amb. Dr. Richard Sezibera, for his dedicated service to the community and wished him success in his future endeavours.

The Summit renewed the contract of Mr. Charles Jackson Kinyanjui Njoroge as the deputy secretary general of the East African Community for a further three (3) years with effect from 29th June 2016.

The Summit clarified that H.E. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni is the EAC appointed mediator for the inter-Burundi dialogue. The Summit also appointed a team under H.E. Benjamin William Mkapa former president of the United Republic of Tanzania to facilitate the mediation.

The Summit decided that H.E. Dr. John Pombe Magufuli continues as the chairperson of the Summit for a period of one year.

The Summit expressed its solidarity with the people and the government of the Republic of Kenya following the attack by al-Shabaab terrorists on the Kenya defence forces’ Amisom base at el Adde in Somalia which resulted in the death of kdf soldiers. The Summit condemned the attack and reaffirmed the community’s resolve to counter terrorism and insecurity in the region.

Their Excellencies, President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni of the Republic of Uganda; President Uhuru Kenyatta of the Republic of Kenya; President Paul Kagame of the Republic of Rwanda, and; Joseph Butore, 2nd Vice President of the Republic of Burundi thanked their host, his Excellency President Dr. John Pombe Magufuli of the United Republic of Tanzania for the warm and cordial hospitality extended to them and their respective delegations during their stay in Tanzania.

Done at Arusha, this 2nd day of March, 2016.


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