

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

Record number of Investor-State Arbitrations filed in 2015


Record number of Investor-State Arbitrations filed in 2015

Record number of Investor-State Arbitrations filed in 2015
Photo credit: Acquisition International

UNCTAD has updated its recently launched Investment Dispute Settlement Navigator. The ISDS Navigator is now up to date as of 1 January 2016.

The update reveals that the number of investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS) cases filed in 2015 reached a record high of 70. Spain was by far the most frequent respondent in 2015, with 15 claims brought against it. The Russian Federation is second on this list with 7 cases.

As of 1 January 2016, the total number of publicly known arbitrations against host countries pursuant to international investment agreements (IIAs) has reached nearly 700.

In the coming weeks, UNCTAD will publish its annual IIA Issues Note on “Recent Developments in ISDS”, providing a more detailed analysis of the newly filed cases as well as an overview of the key decisions issued by arbitral tribunals over the course of 2015.

The Investment Dispute Settlement Navigator is the world’s most comprehensive ISDS database. Each of the 696 case entries contains information on: legal basis (applicable treaty); countries involved; short summary of the dispute; economic sector and subsector; amounts claimed and awarded; breaches of IIA provisions alleged and found; arbitrators serving on the tribunal; status/outcome of the arbitral proceedings; decisions issued by tribunals and other items (to the extent the information is publicly available).

Any additional information or clarifications on specific cases as well as suggestions for improving the ISDS Navigator would be welcome (to submit information, use the “Report new developments” button).

UNCTAD ISDS January 2016


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