

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

Regional Parliamentary Seminar: SADC Domestic Resource Mobilization through Taxation and Oversight


Regional Parliamentary Seminar: SADC Domestic Resource Mobilization through Taxation and Oversight

Regional Parliamentary Seminar: SADC Domestic Resource Mobilization through Taxation and Oversight
Photo credit: SADC Parliamentary Forum

Final Statement


1. Whereas the European Parliamentarians for Africa (AWEPA), the SADC Parliamentary Forum (SADC PF) and the African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF) convened a Regional Parliamentary Seminar on SADC Domestic Resource Mobilization through Taxation and Oversight, on Tuesday, 10th of November 2015, at Sandton Sun Hotel, Johannesburg, South Africa.

2. In attendance were representatives of the Parliaments of Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

3. The aim of the Seminar was to raise parliamentary awareness and commitment to advancing domestic resource mobilization (DRM) through taxation and greater oversight.

Tax and Development

4. Recognizing the importance of domestic resources mobilization in financing social and economic development.

5. Acknowledging the centrality of taxation in advancing Africa and SADC's countries sovereignty and statehood.

6. Taking note of the need to maximize and leverage natural resources revenue as a means to promote SADC's industrial and economic transformation.

Regional and International Taxation

7. Acknowledging the undesirable effects of tax competition amongst African countries.

8. Further recognizing the abusive tax avoidance and or evasion practices of multinational companies.

9. Recognizing the marginalization emanating from Africa's capacity constraints as well as inadequate voice in global decision making processes.

African Tax Administration

10. Recognizing the importance of revenue administrations in spearheading domestic revenue mobilization efforts.

11. Aware of the capacity constraints in revenue administration to deal with specialized tax administration matters such as cross-border taxation, transfer pricing and tax treaty negotiations.

12. Noting the importance of regional coordination, harmonization and exchange of tax information amongst revenue administration.

The Role of Parliament in Domestic Resource Mobilization (Taxation)

13. Recognize the need for the strengthening of the oversight role of Parliament through access to information, capacity building and research support.

14. Commit to advocating for effectiveness and independence of Revenue administration through legislation and funding.

15. Urge the continuation of the debate on the importance of DRM within the relevant portfolio committee as well as Parliament.

16. Recommend greater parliamentary involvement in the ratification and domestication of the relevant treaties and international instruments (related to investments).


17. Commend AWEPA, SADC PF and ATAF and urging the tripartite cooperation to continue in order to enhance parliamentary capacity development in the area of DRM (including taxation).

18. Encourage greater cooperation with Civil Society and other actors in advancing the role of Parliament in DRM.

19. Express our profound appreciation to the cooperating partners for convening the Seminar and recommend that this initiative be continued at the national and regional level. The purposeful inclusion of parliamentary staff is recommended.

20. Finally, recommend that this Final Statement be presented to the Trade, Investment, Finance, Infrastructure and Integration (TIFI) Committee for further processing within the structures of the SADC Parliamentary Forum and beyond.


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