

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

US firms set aside $4 billion for business in Kenya in lead up to high profile investment conference


US firms set aside $4 billion for business in Kenya in lead up to high profile investment conference

US firms set aside $4 billion for business in Kenya in lead up to high profile investment conference
Photo credit: Make it Kenya

A number of high level US investors are expected to attend the upcoming Kenya International Investment Conference (KIICO) on 23rd-25th November, 2015 in Nairobi, following September’s US Business Council for International Understanding meeting in New York, which resulted in $4 billion being set aside by US firms for business in Kenya.

The move comes following President Obama’s homecoming visit to Kenya in July 2015 and as over 90 US companies currently explore business opportunities in the East African country; which boasts strong economic fundamentals, and the region’s largest GDP.

Arranged in collaboration with the East Africa Trade and Investment Hub – a flagship project under the presidential Trade Africa initiative – KIICO will highlight current investment opportunities across focus sectors of US interest, including agribusiness, ICT, apparels & textiles, leather and renewable energy sectors.

Speaking at the KIICO 2015 launch, Phyllis Kandie, Cabinet Secretary of the Ministry of East African Affairs, Commerce and Tourism, said:

“Kenya is a model investment destination for global firms, and we are committed to working with US companies eager to grow and expand their business in East Africa. In recent years, we have facilitated significant growth in US interest in doing business in Kenya, with senior government level commitments to further developing bi-lateral trade and investment ties between our two nations. This year’s KIICO is set to showcase the scale of opportunity on offer to Americans in one of Africa’s fastest growing economies.”

A global event now in its second year, KIICO has solidified Kenya’s reputation as the region’s top meeting place for companies and investors eager to grow their business and make proven returns on investment in East Africa. Connecting business leaders from international and local markets, KIICO 2015 is expected to draw in 1,500 local and international delegates.

Dr. Moses Ikiara, Managing Director of the Kenya Investment Authority said, “Kenya is attracting a multitude of global investors and over the past 12 months, we have seen a marked rise in interest in the agribusiness, ICT, apparels & textiles, leather and renewable energy sectors. To facilitate this interest, KIICO 2015 is highlighting these key growth sectors, as we aim to encourage businesses to ‘Think Investment – Make It Kenya’ – the central theme of this year’s conference.”

“With a streamlined focus for this year’s KIICO, we foresee a high uptake of investment opportunities in 2015 and beyond,” concluded Ikiara.

Alongside KIICO and as part of the country’s Make It Kenya campaign, Kenya continues to roll out a series of measures to enhance the ease and cost of doing business, with the Kenya Investment Authority (KenInvest) taking major steps to build positive investor sentiment in the US.


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