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Azevêdo voices concern with slow progress in key negotiating areas


Azevêdo voices concern with slow progress in key negotiating areas

Azevêdo voices concern with slow progress in key negotiating areas
Photo credit: WTO

Director-General Roberto Azevêdo convened a meeting of all WTO members in Geneva today (1 June) to discuss the current state of play in negotiations on the work programme to advance the remaining issues of the Doha Development Agenda.

Members agreed in November 2014 to agree a work programme by July this year as a springboard towards the WTO’s 10th Ministerial Conference in Nairobi in December. The Director-General gave a detailed briefing to members on recent consultations, covering a range of Doha issues, but with an important focus on the three key areas of agriculture, industrial products and services.

DG Azevêdo said:

“We are still seeing good engagement – and this is positive. We have been having detailed conversations across a range of issues, and in some areas we are seeing progress. However, on the basis of the discussions I have had over recent weeks, I am becoming increasingly concerned that we are not making the progress that is needed in the key areas of agriculture, industrial products and services.

“Agreeing on a work programme was never going to be an easy task. But as of today we are still waiting for the necessary convergence on key issues in order to deliver the outcome we need by July and to help us build towards a successful ministerial meeting in Nairobi in December.”

The Director-General outlined, as he had on previous occasions, that this work will continue over the coming weeks in the WTO’s various Negotiating Groups, through the Director-General’s own consultations, and through meetings convened by members or groups of members. He reiterated his commitment to the transparency and inclusiveness of the negotiating process, which was a crucial element of the success in Bali in 2013. Today’s meeting was the seventh meeting of the full membership convened so far this year.

Commenting on the forward process, the Director-General said:

“I will ensure that meetings of the full membership are held even more frequently from now on to ensure that members are fully briefed on all aspects of the negotiations. This will be essential to ensure that the necessary political calls can be taken in due course.”


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