

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

GEPA launches 2017 Non-Traditional Export Performance statistics and Buyer Portal


GEPA launches 2017 Non-Traditional Export Performance statistics and Buyer Portal

GEPA launches 2017 Non-Traditional Export Performance statistics and Buyer Portal
Photo credit: Dominic Chavez | World Bank

Under the auspices of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Ghana Export Promotion Authority (GEPA) hosted the 78th National Exporters’ Forum, an interactive platform for discourse on issues affecting companies in the non-traditional export sector.

The forum a vital part of the many activities organized by GEPA witnessed the launch of the Non-Traditional Export performance statistics for 2017 and the Buyer Portal of the GEPA Market Hub.

Having held the forum since 1987, amidst discussions and the need to find solutions to challenges has led to a myriad of achievements notable among which are the establishment of the GEPA Export School, introduction of the National Awards for Export Achievement Scheme; creation of the Export Development and Investment Fund now EXIM Bank; expansion of ECOWAS Market and the establishment of refrigerated fruit terminal at our ports.

The Chief Executive Officer of GEPA, Madam Afua Asabea Asare, welcomed stakeholders in the export fraternity to the Forum recounting strategic interventions undertaken over the past year to improve and eventually eliminate supply side constraints and increase contribution of Non-Traditional Exports (NTEs) from the current US$2.55 billion to US$5.3 billion by the end of 2021.

Ms. Asare expressed GEPAs readiness to work with various stakeholders of the export sector and expressed her gratitude to all partners and stakeholders for the diverse and immeasurable roles they have played towards the strengthening of the export sector and the consequent improvement in the foreign exchange position of the country. She further intimated that without exports, the economy would be thrown out of gear.

Hon. Carlos Kinsgley Ahenkorah, Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry and Member of Parliament for Tema West Constituency, who represented the Minister Hon. Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen, reemphasized the need for the realignment of EXIM Bank’s activities towards export promotion.

“I said it here last year and I repeat it again this year... until the activities of the EXIM Bank are realigned to export promotion, little achievement would be made in the export sector of this country,” the Minister said.

He opined that the Exim Bank, formerly EDAIF, was instituted fundamentally to finance and develop the export sector. But over the years, this has seen a deviation. This prevarication he believes vitiates the very essence of export development and promotion, and should be rectified as soon as practicable.

The Director for Research and International Cooperation at the GEPA, Mr Maxwell Osei-Kusi, presented highlights of the 2017 Non-Traditional Export Performance statistics. His presentation was preceded by a presentation by Mrs. Agnes Adjei-Sam, Director of Marketing and Promotion on the practicable solutions obtained in respect of last year’s challenges presented by exporters. The Manager of the GEPA Market Hub, Mr Abdallah Banda gave a snapshot presentation on the Market Hub and how it serves the needs of the various publics, as the information and resource platform for export trade information.

Other speakers of the day included Hon. Nana Asiamah Dokua, Deputy Minister for Information and MP for Akwapim South, Hon. Collins Ntim, Deputy Minister for Local Government and Rural Development and MP for Offinso North, Mrs. Grace Akrofi, Board Member of GEPA and Special Advisor to the Governor of the Bank of Ghana, Mrs. Kate Abbeo, Deputy Executive Secretary of the Ghana Free Zones Authority among other distinguished guests, partners and stakeholders.


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