

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

UNCTAD 14 ends with adoption of two crucial documents


UNCTAD 14 ends with adoption of two crucial documents

UNCTAD 14 ends with adoption of two crucial documents
Photo credit: Joseph Kiptarus | UNCTAD

The 14th United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has finally come to a close with the adoption of two crucial documents that will guide the mandate of the agency for the next four years.

“I would like to invite the conference to adopt the text… are there any objections? I don’t think there can be any. And because there are none the Nairobi Maafikiano is hereby adopted,” President of the UNCTAD 14 Ambassador Amina Mohamed said during the conference.

The two documents – Nairobi Maafikio and Nairobi Azimio – are aimed at ensuring fair trade between developing countries and developed nations as well as ensure action is taken on previous agreements.

The Nairobi Maafikiano, which has focussed on four main areas and how UNCTAD is supposed to help its members in moving towards an inclusive and equitable global economic environment for trade and development.

The first area will include the role of UNCTAD in dealing with challenges and opportunities in multilateralism for trade and development.

For example, in the next four years, UNCTAD is supposed to continue its work on the impact of non-tariff measures on trade and development prospect of developing countries.

“UNCTAD should continue to help developing countries to participate effectively in international discussion on technology and knowledge sharing,” part of the document states.

The Maafikiano document has also stated several roles UNCTAD is supposed to play in promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth through trade, investment, finance and technology to achieve prosperity for all.

This will be mainly aimed at eradicating poverty, job creation, technological upgrading, economic diversification and reduction of income inequality.

The third area of focus for UNCTAD in the next four years will be advancing economic structural transformation and cooperation to build economic resilience.

The fourth area of focus will be contributing to the effective implementation of, and follow-up to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and relevant outcomes from global conferences and summits as related to trade and development.

“I’m delighted that our 194 member states have been able to reach this consensus, giving a central role to UNCTAD in delivering the sustainable development goals,” UNCTAD Secretary-General Mukhisa Kituyi said.

On the other hand the ‘Nairobi Azimio’ document is a political declaration representing a broad expression of the social and economic state of the world.

“We the member states of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development agree on the following declaration herein referred to as the ‘Nairobi Azimio’ that is firmly anchored in the heritage of achievements of UNCTAD since its creation in 1964,” the document reads.

Among others, the members commit to uphold the decisions taken at UNCTAD 14 as well as urge members states to fully implements the Nairobi Maafikiano, achieve gender equality and promotion of the youth.

The declaration has reiterated that each member country has a primary responsibility for its own economic and social development.

The conference was opened on Sunday by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in the presence of President Uhuru Kenyatta and the vice-President of Uganda, Edward Kiwanuka Ssekandi, before running for five days in Nairobi from July 17 to 22.

More than 5,000 delegates from 149 countries attended.

President Kenyatta closes UNCTAD 14, hails increased mandate for the organisation

President Uhuru Kenyatta on Friday evening closed the 14th session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD 14).

The conference came to a close with a global statement of unity on issues of trade and development following the adoption of the Nairobi consensus documents – Nairobi Azimio and Nairobi Maafikiano.

The Nairobi Azimio outlines the important role of UNCTAD as the focal point within the United Nations system for the integrated treatment of trade and development in the areas of finance, technology, investment and sustainable development.

Nairobi Maafikiano brings together new consensus in the work programme, which UNCTAD will undertake in the next four years.

“I note that the Nairobi Azimio upholds the decisions taken at previous UNCTAD Conferences. I urge all member States to implement the Nairobi Maafikiano. I am confident that the implementation of the Azimio and Maafikiano declarations will enable us to accelerate progress towards shared prosperity,” said President Kenyatta when he addressed the closing ceremony.

President Kenyatta used the opportunity to underscore the growing importance of UNCTAD in promoting balanced trade to spur development and reduce inequalities.

“The convergence of the world in Nairobi is a clear sign of our shared commitment to the mandate of UNCTAD and the significance of the role that it plays in trade and development,” said President Kenyatta.

When he opened the conference on Monday, President Kenyatta had urged the participants and member countries of the UN to expand the mandate of UNCTAD so that it plays a bigger role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

The President thanked Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohamed, who is the President of UNCTAD 14 for the role she played in overseeing the successful negotiations that led to the agreements. He also expressed his gratitude to the Secretary General of UNCTAD Dr Mukhisa Kituyi and other officials of the organisation for the resounding success of the conference.

The Head of State, who was attending the UNCTAD 14 for the third day since it kicked off on Sunday, also thanked the President of the Republic of Namibia, Hage Geingob, the Vice President of Uganda, Edward Kiwanuka and the Vice President of Comoros, Djaffar Ahmed Said Hassan, for attending the conference.

President Kenyatta also thanked the more than 7,000 delegates who attended the conference.

“CEOs, investment advisers and entrepreneurs have all been involved in vibrant discussions during the Global Investment, Commodities, Youth and Women forums that have combined to make UNCTAD 2016 a really truly memorable, inspirational, innovative and fruitful experience,” said the President.

The involvement of women and youth is particularly important in realizing SDGs, and particularly in deepening trade that ensures growth that leaves no one behind, added the President.

Ambassador Amina and Dr Kituyi thanked President Kenyatta for his support in ensuring a successful conference.

Dr Kituyi said the successful manner in which the conference was organised shows that Nairobi’s conferencing facilities are world class.

In his closing remarks, President Kenyatta also announced that Kenya will host the second High Level Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation (GPEDC) from November 28 to December 1. The meeting is an inclusive multi-stakeholder partnership. It sustains Global political momentum for more effective development cooperation based on shared principles of country ownership, focus on results, inclusive partnership and transparency and accountability in support of SDGS.

“Given that this is the first time the high level meeting on GPEDC is going to happen in Africa under the leadership of Kenya we request for your kind support to make it a success,” the President said at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre.

Meanwhile, on the sidelines of the UNCTAD 14 closing ceremony, Ambassador Amina and the Executive Director of Oxfam International, Winnie Byanyima, signed an agreement that will see Oxfam relocate its global headquarters from Oxford, UK, to Nairobi.

Source: The Presidency, Republic of Kenya


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