

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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World Export Development Forum (WEDF) 2014

World Export Development Forum (WEDF) 2014

20 Aug 2014
The Government of Rwanda, through the Rwanda Development Board, will host WEDF 2014 in Kigali. Rwanda, an excellent gateway for doing business in the East African region and b...
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Regional bodies move to curb cyber-crimes

Regional bodies move to curb cyber-crimes

20 Aug 2014
Three trade organisations, which Zimbabwe is member to, have conducted a study on key public infrastructure protection to curb Information Technology (IT) related crimes which are ...
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Rwanda set to ease customs procedures

Rwanda set to ease customs procedures

20 Aug 2014
The Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA) is ready to implement the Single Customs Territory system across the Northern Corridor, writes Agnes Bateta RRA officials believe this will...
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34th SADC Summit Communiqué

34th SADC Summit Communiqué

19 Aug 2014
Communiqué of the 34th Summit of SADC Heads of State and Government The 34th Ordinary meeting of the Summit of the Heads of State and Government of the Southern African Devel...
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SADC signs Protocol on Trade and Services

SADC signs Protocol on Trade and Services

19 Aug 2014
SADC Heads of State and Government attending the regional summit in Victoria Falls have signed the Protocol on Trade and Services. SADC Chairperson, President ...
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SADC pins growth on South Africa

SADC pins growth on South Africa

19 Aug 2014
South Africa should take advantage of its comparative industrial advantage to lead other regional countries in building their manufacturing base to ensure collective socio-economic...
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The New Frontier of Competitiveness in Developing Countries – Implementing Trade Facilitation

The New Frontier of Competitiveness in Developing Countries – Implementing Trade Facilitation

19 Aug 2014
Trade facilitation has a long history in UNCTAD, whose mandate in this area dates from the Final Act of its First Ministerial Conference in 1964. The Final Act of the Conference r...
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EAC states to formulate cooperatives law

EAC states to formulate cooperatives law

19 Aug 2014
The East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) will in two weeks time start collecting public views on the new East African Community (EAC) Cooperatives Bill 2014. The Bill’s obje...
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Botswana: Energy Policy to be in place by 2015

Botswana: Energy Policy to be in place by 2015

19 Aug 2014
The Minister of Minerals, Energy and Water Resources Kitso Mokaila has revealed that government is currently drafting an energy policy. The policy is expected to map out a successf...
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Mega roads project targets 137,000 jobs in three years

Mega roads project targets 137,000 jobs in three years

19 Aug 2014
Nearly 137,000 direct jobs are set to be created during the construction of a 10,000-kilometre road network over the next three years, government estimates show. The Transport a...
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Is Aid for Trade still viable?

Is Aid for Trade still viable?

19 Aug 2014
At a time of economic and financial stress, the aid budgets of the main donor countries are under pressure. Aid for Trade (AfT) will not be spared, as shown by the decline in AfT s...
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Structural transformation exacts smart industrialisation

Structural transformation exacts smart industrialisation

18 Aug 2014
Africa’s economic rise over the past two decades is no longer news. In the decade from 2003, the region’s output expanded by over five percent a year, in spite of a protracted ...
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Intra-Africa trade: Going beyond political commitments

Intra-Africa trade: Going beyond political commitments

18 Aug 2014
Progress will come when agreements are implemented Among Africa’s policy wonks, underperforming trade across the continent is a favoured subject. To unravel the puzzle, they ree...
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Calls for Africa to beneficiate its minerals

Calls for Africa to beneficiate its minerals

18 Aug 2014
Southern African leaders have made renewed calls for regional economic integration and cross-border infrastructure development as the Southern African Development Community (SADC) ...
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Outcome of the SADC Council of Ministers Meeting, 14-15 August 2014, Victoria Falls

Outcome of the SADC Council of Ministers Meeting, 14-15 August 2014, Victoria Falls

18 Aug 2014
The SADC Council of Ministers meeting held on August 14 and 15, 2014 at Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe was attended by Ministers from all SADC Member States. The meeting was chaired by H...
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Trade row pits Kenya against Egypt

Trade row pits Kenya against Egypt

18 Aug 2014
Kenya and Egypt are headed for a trade dispute that could affect the former’s tea exports following allegations that Cairo is importing sugar from Brazil and exporting it to Ke...
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US-Africa summit deals will benefit Kenya

US-Africa summit deals will benefit Kenya

18 Aug 2014
Macharia Gaitho, among other critics of the recent Africa-US Leaders Summit, was recently sceptical in the press of the benefits the summit could be said to have brought. Hi...
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AU adopts report on the implementation of the African Minerals Development Center

AU adopts report on the implementation of the African Minerals Development Center

15 Aug 2014
The first Bureau Meeting of the third African Union Conference of Ministers Responsible for Mineral Resources Development (CAMRMRD) was held on 13 August 2014 in Luanda, Angola. O...
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Food prices, road infrastructure, and market integration in Central and Eastern Africa

Food prices, road infrastructure, and market integration in Central and Eastern Africa

15 Aug 2014
Market integration is key to ensuring sufficient and stable food supplies. This paper assesses the impediments to market integration in Central and Eastern Africa for three food st...
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Climate change adaptation can help promote sub-Saharan African livelihoods – UN report

Climate change adaptation can help promote sub-Saharan African livelihoods – UN report

15 Aug 2014
Investing in ways to adapt to climate change will promote the livelihood of 65 per cent of Africans, the United Nations environmental agency reported, warning also that failing to ...
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