

Building capacity to help Africa trade better

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China-aided trans-Africa railway line likely to transform regional trade

China-aided trans-Africa railway line likely to transform regional trade

23 Sep 2014
A century old British dream of building a transcontinental railway connecting the Atlantic and Indian oceans is becoming a reality with Chinese financing. Cutting through...
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Resources should be our competitive advantage – Schlettwein

Resources should be our competitive advantage – Schlettwein

23 Sep 2014
Namibia’s natural endowment of raw materials like minerals, precious and semi-precious stones, agricultural produce, fish and other marine resources, and potentially oil and ga...
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G20 vows to boost global economic growth by 1.8 pct

G20 vows to boost global economic growth by 1.8 pct

22 Sep 2014
The G20 finance summit ended Sunday in Cairns, Australia with a commitment to a 1.8 percent growth target designed to boost the world economy by 2 trillion U. S. dollars. The worl...
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Bloc strikes deal with EU on fresh produce

Bloc strikes deal with EU on fresh produce

22 Sep 2014
The East African Community has accepted a draft agreement for fresh produce exports to the European Union market. On Saturday evening, the EAC Council of Ministers accepted a pr...
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It takes all of us: Stretching the space for political agreement on climate action

It takes all of us: Stretching the space for political agreement on climate action

22 Sep 2014
The rising level of anticipation around the UN Secretary-General’s call for climate leadership has been palpable over the past few weeks, and especially so here in New York at th...
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AfDB continues to show strong leadership in financing low carbon development in Africa

AfDB continues to show strong leadership in financing low carbon development in Africa

22 Sep 2014
Six leading Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) provided in 2013 about USD 24 billion worldwide in financing for projects in developing and emerging economies that address the ch...
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African nations urged to strengthen food quality so as to access more foreign markets

African nations urged to strengthen food quality so as to access more foreign markets

22 Sep 2014
African countries have been advised to hold common position of issues of interest regarding food security, quality and safety when they are presented at the global level. The advi...
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UN and AU commit to advance business and human rights agenda in Africa

UN and AU commit to advance business and human rights agenda in Africa

22 Sep 2014
The first African Forum on Business and Human Rights concluded today [18 September 2014] with a strong call for action to make business a force for improving human rights in Africa...
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Africa Global Business Forum 2014

Africa Global Business Forum 2014

22 Sep 2014
The Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry has announced that five African presidents, three prime ministers and more than seven ministers have confirmed their presence at the&nb...
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Border post construction brings hope to traders

Border post construction brings hope to traders

22 Sep 2014
Traders crossing the Uganda-Rwanda border for business will soon have their work movement made easier following the rehabilitation of the customs office for smooth movement of good...
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Africa is moving against the tide to ensure water, food and energy security in a changing climate

Africa is moving against the tide to ensure water, food and energy security in a changing climate

19 Sep 2014
Africa plans to lay out a strong case for increased investments in the water, food and energy sectors at the UN Climate Summit in New York to be held on 23 September, according to ...
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Crop exporters launch app to monitor work on farms

Crop exporters launch app to monitor work on farms

19 Sep 2014
Every year, thousands of small-scale farmers in Kenya generate income by growing crops for the export market. But they are scattered all over the country and it is often an uphill ...
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World Export Development Forum: Africa is open for business

World Export Development Forum: Africa is open for business

19 Sep 2014
Africa is open for business. This was the unanimous message from business and government leaders attending the World Export Development Forum (WEDF), in Kigali,...
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Members fail to agree on post-Bali work on agriculture

Members fail to agree on post-Bali work on agriculture

19 Sep 2014
WTO members remained divided on how to proceed with work on agriculture under the 2013 Bali Ministerial Conference’s decisions, when they met informally as the regular Agricultur...
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Gaps in commitments by developed countries hamper progress on MDGs – UN

Gaps in commitments by developed countries hamper progress on MDGs – UN

19 Sep 2014
Despite improvements in the lives of millions of people around the world, the United Nations today reported that persistent gaps between promises made and those delivered by develo...
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Africa urged to push for joint tourism agenda

Africa urged to push for joint tourism agenda

19 Sep 2014
Tourism in Africa will tremendously improve if the continent’s image is promoted by regional blocs rather than individual countries, experts have said. The idea was mooted yeste...
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MPs seek new funding model to ease debt burden on Kenya

MPs seek new funding model to ease debt burden on Kenya

19 Sep 2014
Members of Parliament want the government to explore new funding models for development projects to avoid overburdening the country with debts. In a report released this week, t...
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Egypt’s private sector: A driving force for job creation

Egypt’s private sector: A driving force for job creation

19 Sep 2014
Egypt needs better jobs. It also needs more jobs. The small-sized firms Egypt needed to employ Egypt’s young working population aren’t growing fast enough to meet the demands. ...
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On the Budget Trail: The MP’s Budget Watch 2014/15

On the Budget Trail: The MP’s Budget Watch 2014/15

19 Sep 2014
The Key Message At the moment, given the current economic environment, the 10% economic growth target envisaged in Vision 2030 appears to be unachievable in the medium term. Not...
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Ebola: Long-term economic impact could be devastating

Ebola: Long-term economic impact could be devastating

18 Sep 2014
The Ebola epidemic in West Africa has stolen the lives of more than 5,000 people since January 2014. In addition to lost lives, the disease is dealing a severe economic blow to fam...
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